Tiny Pretty Things shows the dark underbelly of the competitive ballet world. Viewers enter this mysterious world with Neveah as she becomes the newest ballet student at the Archer School of Ballet. Neveah initially marvels at the story and the opportunity it will give her. However, the reason why she was able to enter this world was to replace Cassie, a talented ballet student who had been pushed off the roof of the school.

Luckily, Cassie is still alive, but it’s a rude awakening for Neveah to learn about this horrific event that gave her the big break/opportunity. Once in this world, she (and the audience) meet many characters. Some are instantly likable, others become likable, and others are never truly so.

10 Ramon

Although Ramon is a brilliant choreographer and does push students to expand their abilities, he remains mainly a shady character. He treats his girlfriend, Delia, with minimal respect. He’s jealous of her talent even after she tells him that she was able to stand out as a dancer due to his choreography.

He also has a habit of falling for young dancers, high-schoolers. Not only does he begin an affair with one, but he also threatens her after she wakes up from a coma. In the end, he becomes the one harmed.

9 Monique

While Monique is highly intelligent and does everything that she can for the school, she is just as shady as Ramon. It’s just that the audience has slightly more sympathy for her because of her tragic backstory. No doubt, fans will learn even more about her backstory next season.

But for now, fans may know that she’s brilliant, but they also know that she has a majorly flawed moral compass. She knew that the board members were choosing and using female ballet students for their own pleasure, and that is partly how she received support from board members.


8 Caleb

The audience is introduced to Caleb through his prejudice against his roommate, Nabil, a prejudice that has to do with Nabil’s religion. This isn’t the best introduction for a character.

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Caleb also is incredibly envious of Nabil’s raw talent. While Caleb does get better in the later episodes, he still isn’t as likable or interesting as other characters on this list.

7 Tie: Delia & Cassie

Although Delia and Cassie seem to be each other’s nemesis, they have a surprising amount in common. Both of the characters seem really likable at first. Delia presents herself as the more down-to-earth sister. She’s kind to Neveah, and it seems like she’s been bewitched by Ramon – used by him just like other women. She comes across as humble, helpful, and loving. Cassie also comes across well in the beginning. She’s in a coma, so she’s an enigma, but all of her friends visit her in the hospital. Neveah even reads her stories so that she’s not alone. Nabil is loyal in his love for her.

Then Cassie wakes up, and Delia reveals her truer self. The audience learns that Bette is really the kinder sister, the one who doesn’t want to be like the rest of her family. Additionally, the audience learns that Cassie is really a villain. Both are villains masked as heroines.

6 Isabel

Isabel cares about her job, almost to the point of obsession. This care she has for her work does make her likable. The fact that she’s the one who actually saved Cassie does as well. Fans know that her boss also really likes and respects her. Yet, she hasn’t yet earned that same admiration and respect from fans.

In Season 1, Isabel comes across as obsessed in this case to the point that she’s becoming a shady detective. She is willing to put anyone away for the crime, regardless of lack of evidence or guilt.

5 Nabil

At first, Nabil comes across as likable. He’s being picked on by his peers, and Isabel assumes that he’s the culprit. In a sense, she bullies him – that’s how sure she is that he’s guilty. Through it all, Nabil stays with Cassie while she’s in a coma. When her parents want to take her off life support, he protests. And it is Nabil that recognizes that Cassie is still awake.

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But he blames Neveah for the kiss he initiated by Cassie hospital bed when she’s in a coma. When there’s suspicion that June could have been involved in Cassie’s accident, he jumps to conclusions. He doesn’t give June the benefit of the doubt like June once gave him. Then he threatens Jun – -all of which make him less likable. He starts strong and ends weak.

4 Oren

Oren may not seem as on top of things as his peers do, but there’s no doubt that he cares about his friends. Although he and Bette are no longer together, he worries about her physical health and strength when she is pushed hard by Ramon. He knows about her injury because he is one of the few people she genuinely trusts.

While he and Shane aren’t together, he still wants the best for his friend and shows up for him when Shane’s having a hard time. Added to this, Oren welcomes Neveah into the school and his heart. Oren is very likable.

3 Bette

Initially, Bette isn’t likable. She comes across as the mean girl, the girl that the audience would love to hate. She’s presented as the opposite of Neveah: privileged, manipulative, and harsh. However, the more that Neveah and the audience get to know Bette, the more this initial mean-girl persona is challenged. True, she’s ambitious, but she feels neglected by her family. She wants to both be loved, admired, and respected by them, and she wants to be nothing like them. Bette tries to be better than them.

When she goes to stay with her boyfriend’s more humble family, she’s happy. She’s accepted by them and able to express herself. In the end, she tries to be there for her friends, and she makes a big sacrifice for her family. Easily, she becomes one of the most interesting characters of the series.

2 Neveah

Neveah serves as the viewers’ entryway into this peculiar world of ballet. Bette admits that Neveah is the best dancer in the school – both inside and outside. While she’s had a tragic past with her mother in prison, she remains opportunistic and hopeful. She believes that change will come, and she’s willing to be part of that. However, Neveah doesn’t just think about herself. She helps others even when her neck is on the line. Neveah is a fighter.

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She’s extremely likable. The only negative is that sometimes she can be self-righteous or jump to conclusions. She wants to help people, but she doesn’t always consult them. However, in the school, Neveah is one of the most likable characters.

1 Tie: June and Shane

Both of these characters are the sweethearts of the series. June and Shane are quick to welcome Neveah into this world. Shane also has a rougher upbringing than most of the students, leading him to be considerate, kind, and humble. On top of this, Shane is trying to find love and come into his own. While his dancing is often overlooked, he’s still one of the most talented.

June may have had a more posh upbringing, but she has to strike out on her own since her mother will no longer pay for the school. She scrapes by, but June (despite many hurdles) isn’t willing to give up her dream. She’s a sweetheart to others and a determined dreamer.

NextThe 10 Best TV Horror Miniseries, Ranked By IMDb

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