Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is Gearbox Software’s newest loot-based shooter, taking players on a wild adventure through Tiny Tina‘s imagination. A spin-off of the Borderlands franchise, this latest game is a full-fledged release in the spirit of the beloved DLC Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. While the game has many similarities to previous Borderlands games developed by Gearbox Software, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands takes steps that carry it out of the shadow of the Borderlands Franchise, with one of the most significant differences being the player’s avatar. No longer will players be choosing to pilot a premade character, as Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands introduces character creation for the first time in a Borderlands game.


With the introduction of a customizable character, players can personalize their Fateweaver, the poor individual that must suffer the wild antics and hijinks of Tiny Tina. Of the customization options available to players, the most impactful and permanent is that character’s starting class. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands features a multiclass system that allows players to mix any two of the current six classes available in the game. While the player will be able to change their secondary class with ease after completing the main story, that character’s primary class cannot be changed. The permanence of this first choice lends much more weight for players to choose the right class during character creation.

Each class in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands can drastically alter the projected progression of their character. While the player can choose to invest solely into their secondary class’s skill tree, they will always have the class feature of their starter class. Of all the classes released at launch, the Stabbomancer has the most versatile class feature: a simple multiplicative increase to critical hit chance. This makes the Stabbomancer a clear pick for any player that is unsure of what playstyle they would want to utilize in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. However, the class feature lacks any meaningful early-game utility. In addition, the skill tree lacks the early defensive boosts to complement the class’s reliance on melee attacks. The Stabbomancer is a strong class in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands with powerful and versatile utility, but there are other classes with powerful early game advantages that make them better for new players.

The Best Melee Class for Beginners in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Players looking to get up close and personal with their enemies will find comfort in the cold embrace of the Brr-Zerker. Early game Brr-Zerker provides players everything they could want from a bruiser class. Brr-Zerker’s get access to the active skill ‘Feral Surge,’ a gap-closing leap to begin their onslaught. To add survivability, players can add skill points into the Tier 1 passive ‘Unyielding,’ which gives the player health regen that scales with missing health, while working towards the Tier 3 passive ‘Blood Frenzy,’ which will heal the player for a percentage of their maximum health whenever they kill an enemy. Combine this mobility and tankiness with the ‘Rage of the Ancients’ class feature, which allows the player to become enraged upon using their active skill. The player will soar easily through all the wonderful environments Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has in store.

The Best Ranged Class for Beginners in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Combat is not only about melee in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Players will have access to various spells and guns to decimate their fantastical foes. While many of the ranged-focus classes are powerful enough to warrant consideration, the Spore Warden offers the most utility for enabling the player’s success early in the game. As one of the three classes to get a companion in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, the Spore Warden gets access to the adorable Mushroom Companion. If its cuteness is not enough to get players to play the Spore Warden, its abilities will. With the Tier 2 passive ‘Spore Cloud,’ the Mushroom Companion will gain a taunt, allowing the player to stay safer during hectic battles. Combined with the Tier 3 passive ‘Medicinal Mushroom,’ which lets the companion recover the player from the Save Your Soul state, the Spore Warden’s Mushroom Companion is the best assistant for the grand adventure that awaits players.

If the ‘Mushroom Companion’ feature wasn’t enough to make the Spore Warden the best-ranged class for new players, the other abilities of the class do. Players can choose between two damage-based active skills: ‘Barrage’ and ‘Blizzard.’ ‘Barrage’ is a powerful 7-shot bow that ricochets into other enemies and scales off increases to gun damage. Meanwhile, players that struggle with aiming have access to homing Frost Cyclones created by the ‘Blizzard’ active skill. The Tier 1 passive ‘Eagle Eye’ increases gun damage and gun handling, making guns easier to aim and deal more damage. In addition, the Tier 3 passive ‘Quiver of Holding’ increases ammo capacity and grants passive ammo regeneration. With this passive, players will spend less time reloading and more time shooting. There is no better-ranged class than the Spore Warden for players looking to enjoy the outrageous fun of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands releases on March 25th, 2022, for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC via the Epic Games Store.

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