The multiplayer shooter from Respawn, Titanfall 2 is enjoying something of a resurgence at the moment. A recent free weekend on Steam saw the game-breaking an all-time concurrent player record, which has generated renewed interest in the title. Respawn has also announced a focus on Titanfall-related content that will be making an appearance in their battle royale, Apex Legends, going forward.

Naturally, with Titanfall‘s popularity swelling, Apex players are interested in trying out the series that established the lore and setting that both games share. While some concepts, such as weapons and abilities, are shared between both games, Titanfall 2 has many unique mechanics, weapons, and giant robots that might require a little time to become familiar with. Try keeping these tips in mind to keep culture shock to a minimum when trying out Titanfall 2.

10 Play The Campaign First

One of the biggest differences between the original Titanfall and its sequel is the introduction of a single-player campaign. Not only was it because it’s an excellent campaign, but it is also because it does a great job of familiarizing beginners with the basics of the game’s movement through its level design.

It might not force players to learn the high-level movement techniques that can be found in multiplayer, but it does do a good job of introducing a player to the world of wall running and sliding; the two cornerstones of Titanfall‘s movement system.

9 Different Weapons Require Different Tactics

Many of Titanfall‘s different weapons are designed for exceptionally different playstyles. It’s largely impossible to be as successful, for example, using a grenadier weapon in the same way one might use a hitscan assault rifle. It’s important to learn how each different type of weapon interacts with the game’s movement systems and what weapons demand what type of engagement.

One of the most notable differences between Titanfall and Apex is the former’s emphasis on verticality; many Titanfall weapons, such as the Cold War are designed to be used, ideally, with a height advantage. New players will want to try and design a loadout that compliments their main weapon, and the playstyle it encourages.


8 Aiming Down Sights Isn’t Always A Good Plan

Aiming down sights might be standard practice in many other shooters, but depending on the weapon, it’s not always the right course of action in Titanfall 2. Certain weapons like the CAR, in fact, have such impeccable hipfire accuracy that they very rarely need to be scoped, whereas assault rifles engaging at longer ranges will benefit from the practice.

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Generally speaking, ADS is only necessary when a player is engaging a target at mid-to-long range. During the 1-on-1 fights that make up a large part of Titanfall‘s multiplayer experience, it’s much smarter to rely on hipfire to maximize mobility, rather than to slow down and take the time to line up a perfect shot.

7 Don’t Be Afraid To Use Different Weapons

Titanfall 2‘s wide array of weapons allow for an extremely diverse range of playstyles (some of which will be more or less familiar to an avid Apex player or to shooter fans in general). Weapon classes, like assault rifles or SMGs behave, generally speaking, like how they would in other military FPS games.

Grenadier weapons, on the other hand, seem like they were cut and pasted directly from classic arena shooters (like Tribes or Quake). Weapons, like the Cold War, Softball, and EPG (none of which are in Apex) rely much more heavily on the game’s movement mechanics to be effective, which can make them intimidating to new players. Don’t be discouraged, though, playing grenadier weapons is an excellent way to improve.

6 Call A Titan When Teammates Have Them Ready

Among the largest differences between Titanfall 2 and Apex is, quite unsurprisingly, the inclusion of the titular titans available to players. Titans are powerful tools that can turn the tide of a battle and can only be called once a player has racked up enough points through getting kills, completing objectives, etc.

Titans aren’t invincible, however, and one that finds itself isolated or outnumbered will quickly be picked apart, which is why it’s important to back up allies once they get their titans onto the field. An indicator at the top of the HUD conveys which teammates have titans deployed and what ones have them available (which is critical to keep in mind when deciding where and when to drop a titan).

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5 Cancel Certain Titan Abilities With Melee

Similar to Apex‘s characters, every titan in Titanfall 2 has access to a specific and unique toolkit of abilities, making them suited to different roles. Learning how to successfully deploy a titan’s abilities both defensively and offensively is a critical part of learning Titanfall, as a successful titan player can sometimes singlehandedly turn a game around.

Certain titans have abilities that require a charge to be held (e.g. Northstar’s cluster missile, or Ion’s shoulder laser) before they can be fired at an enemy, meaning that a charge will have to be canceled if the titan’s desired target moves out of range. Doing so is simple — simply execute a melee attack to cancel the ability and preserve the cooldown.

4 Experiment With Movement-Focused Tacticals

Players in Titanfall 2 have a choice between a number of different tactical abilities to suit their loadout, and each confers a special ability to give them an edge in combat. While abilities, like cloak and A-Wall, have their uses, the game really shines with tacticals intended to enhance movement, like grapple or stim.

Grapple in particular, when mastered, can unlock insane traversal options for a player by way of its superior verticality. Many of the really impressive Titanfall clips out there of players soaring through the air feature grapple, so it’s definitely an ability players should check out.

3 Don’t Spend Too Much Time On The Ground

Most fights in Apex are decided by positioning, aim, and coordination, whereas in Titanfall 2, speed and movement receive more of an emphasis. Skilled players can zip around a map at extreme speeds, which makes slow-moving enemies on the ground easy targets.

To avoid being blown apart by players attacking from high speeds and unfamiliar angles, it’s very important to stay on the move in Titanfall (just don’t do it in a predictable manner). Leveraging the game’s verticality through wallrunning and grapples is a good way to avoid falling victim to someone dropping in from above with deadly intent.

2 Learn To Bunny Hop

Bunny hopping is an advanced movement technique that’s absent from Apex but forms the groundwork of high-level play in Titanfall 2. Bunny hopping is essentially a modified version of a slide that allows a player to preserve a larger amount of their momentum after touching down from a jump. Doing so greatly improves a player’s mobility, in turn making them harder to hit, and harder to see coming.

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Bunny hopping can be performed by crouching while midair, and, while still in a crouching state, inputting a jump command as soon as contact is made with the ground. It’s also important not to press a forward directional input while bunny hopping, as that will sap a player’s momentum. With practice, this technique will have a player skipping across the map at great speeds in no time.

1 Learn To Air Strafe

Air strafing is the second most important technique a new player will need to learn to get the most out of Titanfall‘s movement system, and it needs to be used in conjunction with bunny hopping to maximize battlefield mobility. Because bunny hopping is a technique intended to maximize a player’s forward velocity, it can be difficult to change directions during a successful b-hop. Luckily, air strafing accounts for this downside, and can actually increase acceleration if used properly.

To execute a proper air strafe, tilt the control stick left or right while in the air to begin a strafe. While inputting a left or right movement command, a player also needs to use the right stick to turn their character towards the desired direction. It’s important to remember not to press forward on the stick during this maneuver; only left or right.

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