Nightwing is one of the most popular characters in DC Comics, and fans have liked seeing him in the show Titans. But fans also know the differences between the comics’ version and the show’s version. While a lot of things are adapted perfectly from the comics, some things take a different form for the show.

Some of these differences are rather small, such as who made the Nightwing costume or how long it took Dick to become Nightwing. But there are also larger differences, like Dick’s personality and his relationships. Spoilers for all 3 seasons of Titans follow.


There Wasn’t Such A Large Gap Before He Became Nightwing

In the comics, Dick stepped down from being Robin in Tales of the Teen Titans #44 (1984). He debuted his new identity as Nightwing in the very same issue. In Titans, Dick stops being Robin after burning his suit in “Asylum,” the 7th episode of season one. He debuts as Nightwing in the episode “Nightwing,” which was the 13th episode of season 2. That made for a gap of 17 episodes.

The show took time to explore Dick Grayson’s time between his personas, and it let him figure out who he wanted to be. However, the gap was significantly larger in the show.

He Became A Cop While Being Nightwing

In the comics, Dick trains to be a police officer, and he graduates from the academy in Nightwing, vol. 2 #41 (2000). This was 16 years after he became Nightwing in the real world, though that only translates to a few years in the comics. Titans began with Dick already being an officer but still being Robin.

Dick being a cop was clearly adapted from the comics, but it comes at a very different time in his life. Dick becomes a cop in Bludhaven while protecting it as Nighting, as he’s trying to do more. But in the show, he’s a cop who still goes out as Robin, and he brutally attacks criminals while doing so. As Nightwing, he’s not one of the most powerful characters in the DC show, but he’s gathered many skills from being a cop and a superhero.

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He Had Two Other Costumes After Robin

Titans makes Dick’s Robin costume more modern, much like previous adaptations Batman: The Animated Series and Batman Forever. Dick’s most well-known Nightwing costume is his black and blue costume that he wore in the comics from 1995-2011 and now 2016-present. The show goes with that famous look right away. In the comics, Dick had two Nightwing costumes before then, both featuring more gold. The first of those two also had a v-neck and a high collar.

It’s understandable that the show would skip the first two Nightwing costumes. Besides the fact they have a more 80s style to them, it’s simpler to just skip straight to the most iconic Nightwing costume.

He Wasn’t In Such A Rivalry With Jason Todd

In the comics, Dick stopped being Robin in 1984, and Jason became Robin in 1983. So there was some overlap of two Robins, like there is in the show. But Titans has Dick being so angry, a lot of that anger is taken out on Jason.

Of course, there is a brotherly rivalry between the Robins at times, even in the modern comics. And to be fair to Dick in the show, Jason was pretty abrasive to Dick and the other Titans most of the time.

His Costume Had A Different Designer

In the comics, Dick surrenders his Nightwing costume (the second gold and blue one) to Batman in Nightwing, vol. 1 #1. In the next issue, he’s presented with his modern Nightwing costume by Alfred, with the costume having been designed by Harold. Harold was a mute mechanic who worked in the Batcave in the 90s and early 00s. In the show, a man named Stu designs all the Batsuits, and he made Dick’s Nightwing costume after a call from Bruce.

Stu doesn’t seem to be based on Harold at all, although he deserves the same purpose of getting a new costume to Dick. Harold is not adapted to Titans, and while Alfred is mentioned, he isn’t adapted for the show either. Stu’s design is one of the best superhero costumes in the DC show.

He Had A Real Relationship With Starfire

Nightwing and Starfire have had an on-again-off-again relationship in the comics for decades, even being engaged at one point. It seemed like the show might go that direction, but there hasn’t really been anything other than a one-night stand.

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Much like the comics, the show does adapt Dick’s other major relationship from the comics, that being with Barbara Gordon. Barbara was introduced in season 3. Comic fans also know a lot about Nightwing and Batgirl’s relationship.

His Name Came From A Different Place

In the comics, Dick learns of a Kandorian superhero named Nightwing from Superman. Nightwing was partnered with a hero named Flamebird. In the show, Dick briefly ends up in prison and hears of a legend that inspires his new superhero identity.

There isn’t much of a difference between the comics’ origin of Nightwing’s name and the show’s origin. Fans seemed to accept this minor change, however.

He’s Not That Brutal

Dick is a very skilled fighter in the comics, much like Bruce. But he also is more light-hearted in the comics, and he doesn’t let them darkness win out the way that Batman does. In the show, particularly earlier in season one, Dick is relentlessly brutal, causing criminals some very serious injuries.

The show was clearly trying to portray how far Dick had fallen from being the famous Boy Wonder. In doing so, however, it made him seem more like Jason Todd or Damian Wayne.

He Cracks More Jokes

Along with being less brutal and more light-hearted in the comics, Dick is also more likely to crack jokes in the comics. It’s not something fans would really see Batman do, but that’s part of what sets Nightwing apart. He’s just as skilled as Batman, but he has fun with his superhero work.

Dick in the show cracked a couple more jokes after season one than he did during season one. However, it’s not something that has been consistent, making Nightwing in the show feel more serious overall. Still, he’s one of the best characters in season 3.

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He Doesn’t Actually Die

After the event “Forever Evil” in the comics in 2014, Nightwing seemed to die after his identity was revealed to the world. But in reality, he was still alive, and Batman arranged for him to become an agent of an organization called Spectre. Dick infiltrated the organization as Agent 37. In the show, Dick is actually killed in season 3, but he’s revived using the Lazarus Pit (much like Jason was).

Dick dying and coming back isn’t far-fetched for a comic book character, but he actually holds a distinction of Robin who hasn’t died. Jason and Damian both notably died in the comics and came back. Tim Drake seemed to die, but it turned out he was just transported elsewhere. Unlike the comics’ version of a Lazarus Pit, Dick’s submergence in the pit didn’t make him go mad.

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