The Titans season 2 finale confirmed what fans had long feared: DC Universe’s take on Bruce Wayne is the worst Batman in the multiverse. Ironically, this is not due to any fault of actor Iain Glen, but entirely the fault of Titans‘ writing.

Fans were skeptical when it was first announced that Iain Glen had been cast in the role of Titans‘ Bruce Wayne. Best known for his role as Ser Jorah Mormont on Game of Thrones, many Batman fans doubted that a Scottish actor could convincing play an American billionaire. Others felt Glen was too old for the part and lacked the physicality necessary to be a convincing Batman. Despite this, some fans did enjoy Glen’s take on the character, even if his role as Bruce Wayne was largely limited to playing Dick Grayson’s hallucinations of his adoptive father.


Sadly, any goodwill that might have been given to this incarnation of Batman died with Titans season 2, finale, “Nightwing.” The episode saw the Superman clone self-named Conner put up for sale to the highest bidder by Cadmus Laboratories. The corrupt company, which was secretly owned and operated by Lex Luthor, arranged a horrific test of their Super Soldier, pitting him against a mind-controlled Garfield Logan after turning the so-called Beast Boy loose on a carnival full of innocent people. By showing Conner in action fighting a dangerous metahuman, Cadmus hoped to drive up the bidding on him.

Bruce Wayne apparently learned about Cadmus Laboratories’ auction and took steps to stop it, shutting down the digital feed of Conner fighting Garfield from the Bat Computer in the Batcave, while making himself a cup of tea. This neatly shut down the auction and prevented Lex Luthor from profiting off of the disaster. This raises the question, however, of why Batman didn’t take direct action if he knew about the auction in advance. Why didn’t he sneak into Cadmus and rescue Conner and Garfield before they could be forced to fight? Why didn’t he call in the Justice League to protect the people at the carnival?

The obvious answer is that Bruce Wayne trusted the Titans to step in and save their friends, but there was no guarantee of that happening. At the time of the first broadcast to Cadmus’ customers, the Titans were still split-up and there was no indication that the various members of the team were heading back to San Francisco. Besides, Batman has never been known for being overly trusting, even when it involved a team led by his oldest protege.

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This point became doubly vexing when it was revealed near the end of the season 2 finale that the Bruce Wayne who was thought to have brought Dove, Donna Troy, Raven and Starfire together and convinced them they needed to rejoin the Titans was a psychic projection created by Raven’s subconscious and not the real Bruce Wayne. This confirms that Titans‘ Bruce Wayne didn’t actually do anything to try and stop Cadmus’ plans apart from a bit of computer hacking from the safety of the Batcave. The idea of any version of Bruce Wayne not putting himself in harms’ way to save the lives of innocent people is unconscionable and unworthy of any character calling himself Batman.

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