Warning: contains spoilers for Titans United #1!

Over the years the many heroes of the Teen Titans have become icons in their own right. Cyborg has gained an increased role in the Justice League while Nightwing has found success as a solo vigilante and billionaire. Raven, though, a criminally underrated member of the Teen Titans has finally gotten a much-deserved shout-out in Titans United #1.

In Titans United #1, the Teen Titans, comprised of Red Hood, Nightwing, Beast Boy, Raven, Donna Troy, Superboy, and Starfire, face off against a small-time criminal who suddenly finds himself empowered with a hodgepodge of their iconic powers. As the out-of-control man cycles through the Titans’ various powers, the team begins adapting their strategies in an attempt to contain the threat and get civilians out of harm’s way. As the criminal begins causing damage to nearby buildings, and the Titans themselves, Raven gets a chance to shine and remind the Titans and readers alike that she is, in fact, one of the most powerful members on the team.


While DC often plays up Raven’s power as a threat needing to be contained, this characterization does her powers and personality no justice. As Raven’s proficiency in magic has grown, she has become far more comfortable with her powers, and with herself. She is no longer a moody, dangerous metahuman. As her character has matured, Raven has found her footing and place in the Titans as an empathetic mentor figure (especially in her appearances in Titans Academy). Raven’s own struggles with her personal demons have given her tremendous growth as a hero and allowed her to develop the personality, control, and drive necessary to be a hero. Her portrayal during Titans United #1’s battle scene as a calm and collected magic user with complete confidence in her powers, a far cry from earlier iterations where she was hesitant to really dig deep and use her powers.

In-universe acknowledgment of her powers and character growth in the Teen Titans is far more important than the portrayal doing Raven’s character justice, though, and Titans United #1 delivers on this front as well. First, Nightwing defers to Raven’s expertise when first encountering the recently empowered criminal. As Raven tries to assess and control the situation, she cycles through several of her powers to both engage the threat, and help her teammates, particularly a fatally injured Beast Boy who she heals without breaking a sweat. While previously her Teen Titans teammates might have been concerned about Raven overdoing it with the magic, it’s clear here that she has the team’s complete trust, regardless of whatever magic she uses and how complex or dangerous it is. Perhaps though, the biggest endorsement of Raven comes from Beast Boy, who lauds her heroism when returning to base, saying: “You always wanna help. That’s why you’re the best of us.”

Raven has been a core member of the Teen Titans for decades at this point, yet she has consistently played second fiddle to some of the team’s other iconic characters. Raven is the team’s true powerhouse, and sometimes the emotional core of the team, which is why it is so refreshing to see Titans United #1 finally give her the credit she rightfully deserves.

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