Tom Holland has cast doubt on whether he will reprise his role in Spider-Man 4. Holland has been playing the role of the iconic web-swinger since 2016, when he was cast to appear in Captain America: Civil War. The latest in the Spider-Man franchise, Spider-Man: No Way Home, hit cinemas this week to massive success, making an outstanding $44 million internationally on its opening day. The film has already broken pandemic records and is set to continue to be one of Marvel’s highest-grossing films.

Amy Pascal, the Chairperson of Sony’s Motion Picture Group, confirmed earlier in the month that Sony and Marvel planned to make more films together with Holland as their Spider-Man lead. However, Pascal later clarified that nothing had been finalized, and that it was very much dependant on Marvel Studios and Holland’s feelings towards continuing in the role. While it has been confirmed that Spider-Man will appear in at least one more MCU project, the details of what that project may entail remain a mystery.


Now, in an interview with People following the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Holland has cast further doubt on whether or not he will continue as Spider-Man. The 25-year-old actor teased that he “might be ready to say goodbye to Spider-Man.” In line with previous comments, Holland reiterated that he was interested in passing the role onto somebody else, explaining that he doesn’t “want to be responsible for holding back the next young person that comes in,” and that he would love to see a more “diverse” Spider-Man franchise going forward. Read his full comments below:

“I’ve loved every minute of it. I’ve been so grateful to Marvel and Sony for giving us the opportunity and keeping us on and allowing our characters to progress. It’s been amazing,” Holland says. “And that’s why for me, I don’t want to say goodbye to Spider-Man — but I feel like we might be ready to say goodbye to Spider-Man … I don’t want to be responsible for holding back the next young person that comes in who deserves it just as much so … I would love to see a future of Spider-Man that’s more diverse — maybe you have a Spider-Gwen or a Spider-Woman, we’ve had three Spider-Mans in a row; we’ve all been the same. It’d be nice to see something different.”

This isn’t the first time Holland has spoken about passing the mantle to somebody else. Holland has frequently made comments about fan-favorite character Miles Morales taking over from Peter Parker. Morales’ popularity amongst fans has only risen following Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which focuses on a Miles who is new to the role as Spider-Man, and the help he receives from his more experienced Spidey friends, including an older Peter Parker. Holland’s Spider-Man films have already laid the groundwork for a Miles Morales appearance, with Holland’s first solo movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, featuring Aaron Davis, portrayed by Donald Glover. Davis is Miles’ uncle and later becomes the Prowler in the comics. During Glover’s brief appearance, he mentions he has a nephew called Miles, already establishing that Morales does exist in the MCU.

Whilst Sony and Marvel undoubtedly will continue to see where more Spider-Man stories can be told, especially after the success of No Way Home, it’s unclear what Holland thinks of these plans or whether he will be attached to any future Spider-Man movies going forward. Whilst the actor’s love for this character is clear to see, Holland’s own concern for whether he is the right fit for the role going forward, alongside his desire to branch out and focus on things outside of acting, cannot be overlooked. Whilst there is plenty of potential for a story that focuses on another Spider-Person, there is also a lot of room for Peter Parker’s story to continue. Ultimately, it seems fans have no choice other than wait and see what the future may hold, and what a potential Spider-Man 4 may look like without Holland at the helm.

Source: People

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