The DCEU has brought our favorite characters to the big screen and although the movies haven’t had as much success as their rival Marvel, we can still enjoy watching Superman fly to the rescue or the Flash zooming past the screen.

Fortunately, the DCEU has only just begun and have a lot of projects in the near future that could make the MCU a thing of the past. With DC having 100s of different memorable heroes, the possibilities for the DCEU are endless. As lifelong fans of DC, here are 10 of the most prominent heroes we want to see make their way to the DCEU.

10 Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)

Like many of the DC characters, Blue Beetle is a mantle worn by several characters, each putting their own unique twist to the Blue Beetle legacy. Jaime Reyes, the youngest, most popular, and current Blue Beetle and the one in the rumored Blue Beetle movie.

He’s fearless, selfless, and most importantly a powerful hero with his high tech alien gear. Apart from the amazing costume, comical moments and his connection to the heroes in the current DCEU, Jaime would make an amazing addition to the big screen. Add in the fact he positively represents Hispanic-Americans, Jaime Reyes might be the first Latino hero we’ve seen on the big screen.

9 Kid Flash

Arguably one of the most famous sidekicks in the comic book world, Kid Flash is a hero in his own right. After his mentor Barry Allen (the Second Flash), was supposedly killed in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Wally takes the mantle of the Flash and becomes the hero for over 20 years. In his time, he develops a loyal following and eventually becomes the fastest being in the universe, outrunning death, and even his mentor.

Acting as comic relief to some extent, Wally can be the lovable speedster we’ve all known and loved in the comics. With his detailed background, we could even see the writers of the Flash movie tie him in in some way.


8 Green Arrow

Following the end of Arrow on the small screen, many fans would love to see Oliver Queen make his way to the big screen. Gaining a huge following off the success of the show, Green Arrow would be welcomed in with open arms, although it would be highly unlikely Stephen Amell would reprise his role on the big screen.

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What many fans don’t know or choose to look past is that the Green Arrow on the show is nothing like he is in the comics, where Oliver is a lot more laidback and a lot less broody. Although he is very similar to Batman, GA has gained the respect of fans by accomplishing his own heroic feats and finding success in his own arcs. Seeing a valuable Justice League member might be just what the DCEU needs to compete with the MCU.

7 Nightwing

If Kid Flash is one of the most popular sidekicks, Dick Grayson is the most popular by far. The original Robin and poster boy for the sidekick role, Dick has made a name for himself outside of Batman’s shadow and become a hero in his own right.

As Nightwing,  Dick is the protector of Bludhaven and even takes the Batman mantle for a while, proving to be more adept for the part than Bruce Wayne. Although we’ve seen a version of Nightwing in Titans, seeing him make his first DCEU appearance can be magical for long time fans. Nightwing is cool, charming, and just fun to watch as he uses his elite skills of acrobats to take down his enemies. Not to mention his costume would look great with a big-time movie budget.

6 Supergirl

After five successful seasons on the CW, it is only a matter of time before we see the Man of Steels cousin take flight in the DCEU. Sharing Superman’s powers, Supergirl is every bit as powerful and every bit as heroic as her younger cousin.

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With rumors of a Supergirl movie in the works, one can only wonder how they would tie her into the rest of the DCEU, and how the landscape would look with two God-like beings taking to the skies. Whether or not Warner Bros decides to gain inspiration from arcs in the comics or not, her movie and transition to the DCEU should be a good one.

5 Zatanna

There can never be too much Girl Power. Following the success of Wonder Woman and the very possible Supergirl movie, its only fitting we introduce the powerful Zatanna to the DCEU. Arguably the Dr.Strange of the DC universe, Zatanna is a young mystical being with powerful charms and tricks that could wow the audience for hours.

Add in her likable charm and leader mentality, Zatanna can very well be a trend to female-led superhero movies. Although she isn’t Wonder Woman, she has her own abilities that make her stand out and attract the moviegoers. Given her extensive background and lore, her intro could open the door to so much more.

4 Firestorm

With the ability to bind together, Dr. Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond make the nuclear superhero, Firestorm. With the great physical capabilities of Ronnie, the intelligence of Dr.Stein, and the power of the Firestorm Matrix, this hero is not one to mess with.

Besides the unique ability and the great power, Firestorm is one of the newer Justice Leaguers but has quickly gained popularity due to his appearance on the CW. Another hero we’d love to see on the big screen with the big movie budget, Firestorm can quickly become a fan favorite.

3 Hawkman

Made famous by his appearance on the animated Justice League show, Hawkman and his destined wife would make amazing heroes in the DCEU due to their God-like suits, great powers, and complex backstory, its a wonder Warner Bros has taken this long to introduce the couple, or at least Hawkman.

Considering the fact Hawkman has lived for 1000s of years and has been a member of the Justice Society of America and the Justice League, he can act as a mentor to the heroes and even show the League a thing or two about protecting the world.

2 Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Similar to the Blue Beetle and the Flash, there have several Green Lanterns in comics and in media overall. But the most popular and arguably the most powerful is cocky and brash Air Force pilot Hal Jordan. Let’s forget the train wreck of a movie in 2011 and have the Green Lantern start from scratch, as a new hero and fellow founder of the Justice League.

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Although he was technically in the DCEU already byways of the Snyder Cut, we definitely got cheated of seeing him make his return to the big screen. With his relationship with the Flash and his vendetta against Batman, Hal can make for some pretty great dialogue and great scenes in an upcoming Justice League or DCEU films. With the HBO show coming out in the near future, we might get our fill of Hal Jordan sooner rather than later.

1 Martian Manhunter

One of the most powerful and popular Justice League members, many were shocked to find out that Martian Manhunter had been left out of the Justice League movie despite being very popular. We’ve seen an iteration of Jon Jonnz in the DCAU and the Arrowverse and Smallville, but we have still yet to see him on the big screen.

Like Green Lantern and Green Arrow, the Manhunter is a founding member that was unfortunately left out of the movie. With his vast array of powers, he can play any role in any film, he just has to get the chance to flourish as one of DC’s greatest heroes.

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