We Bare Bears is an animated show that follows the lives of three bears; Panda (Bobby Moynihan), Grizz (Eric Edelstein), and Ice Bear (Demetri Martin). The three grew up together as baby bears, looking for a family to take them in, and in the process grew their own family as they live in a cave together and constantly meet and befriend new people and animals.

The show is always feel-good even when dealing with more serious issues or storylines. Averaging about 10 minutes an episode, it’s a quick watch, but it consistently packs in a storyline, beautiful and calming animation, and character development into every episode. Let’s revisit some of the top-rated episodes of We Bare Bears so far.

10 Pizza Band (S4 E20) – 8.0

The bears are determined to try every pizza place in town and are on their last restaurant. They don’t have high hopes when they see it’s a children’s entertainment center, but they are pleasantly surprised when it turns out to be some of the best pizza they’ve ever had. When the animatronic band breaks down, the manager asks the bears to step in as the band and they gladly agree for free pizza.

9 Christmas Movies (S4 E25) – 8.0

The baby bears have a job and home at a video rental store and are incredibly happy that they get to work with movies and have a nice boss. It’s Christmas time, so everyone is at the store to rent holiday films when an obvious criminal walks into the store.

The bears have a movie marathon, a run-in with Santa Claus, and the episode ends like a classic Christmas movie.


8 The Road (S1 E17) – 8.1

The baby bears are traveling through the desert trying to look for a family to take them in. They run into a hitchhiker, share a granola bar, but find that their precious box home has been taken.

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They take cover in a warehouse to get out of the heat to find that it is full of boxes, which leads to the bears building their own houses out of the various packages.

7 Imaginary Friend (S4 E26) – 8.2

The baby bears try to play a game based on a Power Rangers type of television show, but they need a fourth member so they end up imagining one.

Their imaginary friend, voiced by Green Ranger actor Jason David Frank, becomes uncontrollably intense and reality begins to creep in. The baby bears have to stand up against the bear they’ve created.

6 Occupy Bears (S1 E15) – 8.3

The bears have to quickly figure out how to prove they are living in their cave when a construction crew shows up to build a new cellphone tower. Ice Bear holds off the incompetent construction team while Panda and Grizz try to find the proof they need as flashbacks to places they looked at before they found the cave are shown.

5 Hurricane Hal (S3 E39) – 8.4

The bears find themselves separated during a hurricane as they try to survive safely as their situations begin to connect. Grizz finds himself stressed and taking care of the Poppy Rangers during the storm as Ranger Tabes has to tend to the wildlife.

Panda is stuck with Charlie and his wildlife friends in Charlie’s car house. Ice Bear and Chloe are in their roller skates in the sewers to avoid the storm. The stories begin to interconnect and they all end up saving each other.

4 Icy Nights II (S3 E23) – 8.5

In a sequel to the first Icy Nights episode, Ice Bear leaves his brothers to go on a mission with help from his trusty Roomba robot to save his friend Yana. The villain is again trying to steal Ice Bear’s technological invention in his Roomba vacuum. The episode has a lot of fun with action-adventure tropes and gives the audience a sneak peek into the private Ice Bear’s life.

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3 Burrito (S1 E7) – 8.8

The bears go to a burrito place and Grizz chooses to take their burrito challenge. He easily eats the dozens of normal size burritos, but when they bring out a gigantic one and he is comforted by it and decides to keep it instead of eating it.

Panda and Ice Bear are concerned over Grizz’s obsession and decide they have to do something.

2 Icy Nights (S2 E18) – 8.8

In an homage to the film Drive, the quiet Ice Bear, similar to Ryan Gosling’s character in the film, goes on a mission to find his stolen tech. He goes out driving around town on his vacuum mode of transportation and stops to pick up some groceries. Outside, a guy tries to buy his vacuum and ends up stealing it when Ice Bear refuses. He breaks into their facility and takes them down.

1 Yuri And The Bear (S2 E17) – 9.3

Baby Ice Bear finds himself on his own in his natural habitat and befriends a man named Yuri. In a rare peek into the quiet bear’s past, the audience gets to see Yuri teach him how to cook and wield an ax, two of his favorite hobbies. Ice Bear is truly happy and comfortable with Yuri and it’s a heartwarming episode despite the tragic ending.

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