While Toph might be a later addition to Team Avatar than the main trio, she’s a vital and amazing character that is loved by most fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender. With her incredible earthbending skills and tough exterior, she defies stereotypes and is someone that many people can relate to.

Throughout the three seasons of the series, Toph has many great scenes and says a lot of badass and hilarious things. We’ve collected a list of some of her best quotes.

10 “You’ve seen nothing once, you’ve seen it a thousand times.”

One thing about Toph that was especially groundbreaking, especially since the series was released 15 years ago, was how Toph commented on her blindness without making that the only facet of her identity.

Her being blind wasn’t something to mock or pity, but it also wasn’t ignored. The way she made so many jokes about being blind was pretty hilarious and showed how positive of a sense of humor she had.

9 “Twinkle-toes”

While Toph might become close to Aang, Katara, and Sokka over time, they don’t get along swimmingly at first. Toph is there to teach Aang earthbending, but he struggles to master the element.

Toph isn’t the easiest teacher either, and she definitely gets annoyed with Aang. Her nickname of twinkle-toes is rather an iconic one.


8 “That’s how I show affection.”

Part of Toph’s journey in this series is learning how to be herself while also letting others in. She isn’t someone who is particularly affectionate, but she does still have her ways of showing people she cares about them.

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So, when she punches the formidable Zuko in a friendly way, she says this line to him. Toph might be a tough one, but she does care about others.

7 “Yeah! Let’s break some rules!”

Given that Toph was raised by controlling parents who treated her like she was fragile and incapable because of her blindness, it’s no surprise that she wanted to really embrace her freedom after running away to join Aang.

Her choice to leave behind her oppressive household to help the world and also free herself is a rather inspiring one. After all, sometimes breaking rules can be a good thing, and she’s a great example of that.

6 “I can tell you’re lying!”

Toph is undoubtedly one of the best earth benders ever. She even invents metalbending, and she also has the ability to sense vibrations in the earth through her feet. This gives her the amazing skill of being able to tell when people are lying.

So, while she might be saying this specific line to Katara when Katara denies ever having a thing for Jett, she also often reminds people around her that she can sense when they lie.

5 “I already told you, I don’t want to snuggle.”

This is another quote by Toph that speaks to her rather badass outward personality. When Appa is looking for a little affection from Toph while they wait outside of the Wan Shi Tong library, she reminds him that being a softie just isn’t really her style.

However, in the end, she learns to trust people and snuggle with them a little more.

4 “I am not Toph. I am Melon-Lord!”

This is probably one of the most iconic Toph lines that many fans remember. During training for Sozin’s Comet, Toph gets to enjoy her role as fake firelord a little too much and gives herself the persona of Melon-Lord.

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This is a great line that reminds everyone that while Sokka might get most of the attention for being funny, Toph has some great humorous moments, too.

3 “There’s no different angle, no clever solution, no trickity trick that’s gonna move that rock. You gotta face it head on.”

This is one of the best lines that Toph says, and it’s another that she tells Aang early on when she’s trying to teach him earthbending. It’s also a great reminder that sometimes in life there aren’t shortcuts or ways to get around hard situations.

Instead, we sometimes have to handle tough things in a more direct way. Toph is definitely great at this approach.

2 “I am the greatest earthbender in the world! Don’t you two dunderheads ever forget it!”

One of the best things about Toph is her confidence in herself and her own abilities. She is a great example to all children, especially young girls, that they don’t have to downplay their accomplishments or their awesomeness.

Toph definitely deserves to be confident given how impressive she is as an earth bender.

1 “The obedient, little helpless blind girl that you think I am just isn’t me. I love fighting. I love being an earthbender.”

This line deserves a top spot because it shows how brave Toph can be. While being a badass earth bender and fighting people like The Boulder might be hardcore, true bravery involves being honest with yourself and others around you.

When Toph tells her parents about her secret identity, she’s being really brave and putting a lot on the line.

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