The path that leads to the current state of Torchlight 3 is one that is long and especially winding. The game has gone through a series of changes over the course of its two-year development process; it has bounced between developers and studios, soldiered on through sudden delays and identity crises, even changed from a far-reaching MMO to a form closer to its RPG series predecessors. However, with the recent release of the early access beta, the long-suffering dungeon crawler seems to have finally found its feet. It has taken the form of an ultra-simplified RPG boiling down level gains to the distribution of skill points amongst set trees and looting for gear to properly power up the player – including the unusual relics, who provide their own distinct skill trees to their bearers. It might not be anything fancy, but it is a pleasant callback both to its Torchlight forerunners and the classic dungeon crawlers of the early days of RPG gaming – Diablo with a Funko Pop aesthetic if you will.


There is some notable diversity, however, in the four playable classes currently accessible in Torchlight 3. The Railmaster, Forged, Dusk Mage, and Sharpshooter pack some very unique punches, whether that be in the form of different shades of magic, pinpoint accuracy, a swirling tornado of steel and steam, or, well, a train. Each has its own distinct style and usage, requiring different approaches to gameplay and varying ways to develop their skills to maximize potential. This guide aims to help players make their pick from the party, going over some of the basics for each class and breaking down which will work the best for diving into that dungeon.

Torchlight 3: The Railmaster

The Railmaster is a melee-oriented class with a big twist in the form of a profoundly unique pet choice – a fully automated, battle-ready train. The two skill trees available to the Railmaster, Lineage, and Conductor, expand the abilities of the Railmaster themself and their accompanying train, respectively. Lineage provides some key area-control skills, focusing on attacks that can clear the area around the player via strikes that provide knockback and slowdown effects to keep the chances of being surrounded to a minimum. The Conductor allows for the customization of your loyal train, centered around the Build Train ability that causes the character to put down a track a la Bugs Bunny. It is important to remember that the train will follow the Railmaster’s path exactly, including any looping and backpedaling, making awareness of the positioning key. The train can be upgraded with a range of elemental and AoE attacks, providing precious ranged support for the hammer-wielding bruiser.

Torchlight 3: The Forged

Given that the Forged is an actual robot, it is unsurprising that it is something of a tank. Very comfortable in a melee situation, using abilities builds up Heat that can, ultimately, be released either as a hail of coal at range or a wave of fire up close, dealing some truly impressive AoE damage. It is no slouch before this point either; the Barrage skills make use of the Forged’s chest-mounted cannon to either deal precise, heavy damage or lay down status-effecting suppressive fire, while the Brawl chain puts the power in the Forged’s fists, boosting damage and giving a range of knockdown and stun effects. A true brawler at heart, the Forged can level mechanical punishment of dungeon baddies.

Torchlight 3: The Dusk Mage

The true magic wielder of Torchlight 3, the Dusk Mage makes use of elements of both light and dark magic. A primarily ranged combatant, the Dusk Mage relies on slow down and debuffing spells to keep enemies at range, though they are able to put out enough damage that enemies will find a hard time getting close. Though both forms of magic can deal their share of damage, the Light tree has most of the buffing abilities that boost up the mage and their party, while the Dark magic handles debuffing enemies and manipulating the battlefield with lingering area effects. The Dusk Mage also has a secondary mechanic at play, similar to the Heat build-up of the forged. Casting spells of one kind or the other builds a bar that can be released for a big party buff once filled. For example, if the Light magic bar is filled, casting a Dark magic skill will release a big boost to damage. Keep enemies at an arms reach and watch them melt.

Torchlight 3: The Sharpshooter

The newest of the Torchlight 3 classes, the sharpshooter is another ranged specialist, trucking more in the realm of physical weapons than fancy magics (though they have some tricks up their sleeves in that department). The Sharpshooter is the only class able to use the bow, a highly accurate, whip fast weapon that emphasizes the precision focus of the character. The fittingly titled Precision skill tree amplifies this ability, specializing in attacks that do high impact, stacking damage from a distance (with a shotgun-like scattershot for times when a swarm is threatening). Helping keep the distance needed for the bow to do its best is the Adventurer skill tree. The chain grants the Sharpshooter a range of summonable spirits that can knock back, poison, and generally harass enemies that attempt to approach the Sharpshooter. One of them is a delightful ghost dog, which really may be the biggest plus. A ranged expert capable of weakening and targeting single foes, the damage potential of the Sharpshooter is excellent.

Selecting the best class for the player requires a number of factors to be considered. For soloing, it is wiser to stay away from the Dusk Mage and Sharpshooter – though certainly workable, the lack of melee attack options can make for a more challenging run, especially in the earlier levels. A very solid single player choice is the Railmaster; the combination of solid weapon damage and the genuinely solid AI of the train familiar levels the field pretty effectively. In a group setting, the Dusk Mage becomes pretty invaluable. With a solid front line of melee fighters, the buffs, debuffs, and high-damage spells that the Dusk Mage puts out can flatten a horde easily, as well as providing much-needed assistance to swamped allies. The Forged and Sharpshooter also have some excellent synergy – with the robot able to pull in enemies and sit comfortably in the middle of a horde supported by spectacular sniper damage from the Sharpshooter’s bow, there is not much a dungeon can throw at the player that can’t be handled. The classes of Torchlight 3 are fairly well balanced for any kind of run, none truly withering in a particular situation – player choice is the key.

Torchlight 3 is available now in early access on PC.

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