The co-creator of the legendary cartoon comedy South Park Trey Parker has seemingly found a new home in familiar surroundings. The multitalented Parker, an actor, writer, animator, director, and composer, is best known for his multi-award-winning Comedy Central stalwart hit South Park, created in 1997 alongside his creative partner Matt Stone. The duo has since gained further plaudits with the acclaimed Broadway musical The Book Of Mormon and Hollywood hit Team America, but it appears South Park is still home for Trey Parker.

Via Yahoo News, it has been reported that Parker has recently bought a substantial property on South Park Avenue in Morrison, Colorado. Previously home to a historic bed and breakfast built in the 1870s, the land had been on the market since 2015 when a fire destroyed the original structure, but it seems to have now been snapped up by one of Colorado’s most famous sons. As a long time resident of the state and the setting of the series synonymous with his name, it can be no coincidence that Parker is laying down roots in South Park, Colorado, but just as interesting is the property’s proximity to another name made famous by the Comedy Central series: Casa Bonita.


The Mexican-themed eatery, Casa Bonita, is a mere 20-minute drive from South Park Ave and is also newly owned by Parker and Stone after they stepped in to save the Colorado landmark from bankruptcy. The restaurant was featured prominently in South Park season 7 and became an instant fan favorite, with Eric Cartman attempting to trick his friend, Kyle, into inviting him to his birthday party held at Casa Bonita. This made for one of the series’ classic episodes. It seems clear from the commitment to landmarks from the series that made his name that Trey Parker has not lost passion for South Park just yet.

Source: Yahoo

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