Netflix released Trinkets season 2 on August 25, 2020, ending the series once and for all. Based on Kirsten Smith’s novel of the same name, the series debuted last year, introducing viewers to Elodie Davis (Brianna Hildebrand), Moe Truax (Kiana Madeira), and Tabitha Foster (Quintessa Swindell). While the three girls go to the same high school, they never met until they ran into each other in a Shoplifters Anonymous session.

The trio wasn’t exactly keen on sticking with each other — each of them come from different backgrounds and were dealing with different personal dilemmas. However, after a couple of chance meetings, they eventually warm up to each other, developing a genuine friendship. Trinkets season 2 picked up a couple of days after Elodie ran away with rocker musician Sabine (Kat Cunning) with the help of her friends. Realizing that she’s not cut out for a life on the road, she returned to Portland and reunited with Tabitha and Elodie. From there, they find themselves dealing with the consequences of stealing and accidentally wrecking Brady’s (Brandon Butler) prized car.


The remaining 10 episodes of the Netflix series presented the girls with new hurdles on top of the ones they were dealing with in Trinkets season 1. In the end, they come clean about their shoplifting tendencies and confess about stealing Miss Shaw’s (Larisa Oleynik) test after Chase (Nik Dodani) was wrongfully accused for it. This was not an easy move to make, but they were willing to do it as it meant that they could finally expose Brady’s assault of Tabitha.

Why The Girls Admit To Stealing The Test (Will They Be Punished?)

Trinkets season 2 ended with the girls admitting that they stole Miss Shaw’s test, but instead of doing it themselves, they confessed by leaving their message displayed at the school’s entrance. While this was happening, Moe and Tabitha accompanied Elodie to the beach where she scattered her mom’s ashes, which meant that they weren’t immediately confronted about their actions.

The cancelled Netflix series didn’t reveal what repercussions the trio would face after admitting to a serious school offense, but given the seriousness of what they did, chances are that the girls are going to face some consequences for stealing Miss Shaw’s test. Perhaps, things might even get worse for them as they let the school initially think that Chase did it. However, since confessing was their idea, it’s safe to say that they’re ready for any kind of punishment that will be given to them. Perhaps Moe can even argue that she tried telling Miss Shaw about it earlier, but the teacher was set in pinning it on Chase. For what it’s worth, Trinkets‘ final moments revealed Elodie and Jillian (Chloë Levine) walking down the school’s corridor, while Moe was busy studying — so, at the very least, it’s confirmed that they’re not kicked out.

What Happens To Brady?

Part of the reason why Elodie, Moe, and Tabitha wanted to come clean about stealing Miss Shaw’s test was because it would finally allow them to expose Brady for the monster he is. Since Moe was only blackmailed to do it after Kayla (Jessica Lyn Skinner) snapped a photo of Chase kissing her, she was forced to do what Brady wanted to keep her relationship with Noah (Odiseas Georgiadis). No one in the trio needed or used the leaked exam, and while that doesn’t justify what they did, the repercussions would be worth it knowing that they can finally hold Brady accountable for being abusive to Tabitha, and eventually to Kayla.

With Brady’s true nature exposed, it only makes sense that he also gets some punishment for coming up with the plan to steal Miss Shaw’s exam in the first place. Other than having a damaged reputation, the Trinkets series finale, however, didn’t reveal what this means for Brady’s academic life. As he said, he already got accepted to Stanford, which means that the cheating scandal has little to no effect in his future college life. That’s unless Lakeshore kicks him out, resulting in his failure to graduate. In any case, considering that he’s keen on preserving his jock reputation at school, it’s still so satisfying seeing his peers finally see him for who he really is.

Why Spencer Starts Shoplifting (Is It Elodie’s Fault?)

One of the bigger plot twists for Elodie in Trinkets season 2 is the revelation that Spencer (Parker Hill) has also started shoplifting. Elodie’s stepbrother had always been depicted as the sweet boy who just wanted to have a closer relationship with him. This is why when he accidentally caught her sister during her relapse, he didn’t rat her out. Later on in the episode, he handed her a Portland snow globe — apparently one that he stole himself. Elodie told him that shoplifting is wrong, but the young boy pushed back, asking why she can do it but he can’t. Since Elodie can’t deny her hypocrisy, she drops her argument. Instead of tackling Spencer’s shoplifting even briefly, the issue was never brought up again.

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Prior to the snow globe incident, there’s no previous history of Spencer stealing, so chances are that seeing his step-sister doing the deed motivated his actions. In some ways, Elodie was at fault here since she asked him to keep quiet about what he saw. That said, since Trinkets didn’t revisit this incident again in the remaining episodes, even after Elodie finally quit shoplifting, it’s difficult to say what will happen to Spencer. It all depends on whether or not Elodie tells her parents about what her step-brother did, and from there, they can decide what they can do to address the brewing issue.

Moe & Noah Could Get Back Together

Moe and Noah’s relationship was at the center of Trinkets season 2. It was the driving force behind the girls’ motivation to give into Brady’s blackmail. Knowing how much Noah has been understanding throughout all her faults and failures as a girlfriend, Moe was determined to make it work. Unfortunately, once the scandal broke out, Brady crossed Moe by spreading the image anyway, causing Noah to fully lose trust in his girlfriend.

Trinkets season 2 ended with the pair still broken up. No matter how much effort Moe put into winning Noah back, he just couldn’t give her another chance. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of their relationship. After learning about Moe and her friends’ decision to come clean about stealing the test and telling the truth about Brady, he had a proud smile on his face which could be an indication that he’s starting to forgive her from everything she’s done. In the flashforward scene, the pair also accidentally meet in a restaurant — while they didn’t talk to each other, they did smile at each other, implying that they’re once again on good terms. Whether or not they’ve patched things up is a mystery, but given Noah’s kind nature, coupled with the fact that he still likes Moe, it’s possible that they’re slowly working on fixing their relationship.

Why Tabitha Is Single At The End Of Trinkets

Tabitha’s love life was obviously the most active in Trinkets. After breaking up with Brady, she got together with Luca (Henry Zaga), which was unfortunately short-lived after he successfully stole her credit card information. Tabitha was heartbroken for a while — that is, until Moe’s brother, Ben (Andrew Jacobs) returned home and started going out with her. They tried hiding it from Moe, but she caught them kissing during Thanksgiving resulting in a huge fight. The relationship eventually got his sister’s blessing, but in a surprise twist, she suddenly decided to break things off, explaining that after a string of failed relationships, she realized that she needs to focus on herself first.

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In hindsight, this was the perfect ending for Tabitha. Granted that her previous two boyfriends were problematic, with Brady being abusive and Luca being a straight-up con-man, she’s not wrong when she admits that she tends to lose herself in a relationship — that’s even the case when Tabitha’s with a great guy like him. There were a couple of incidents in Trinkets season 2 that led to Tabitha’s epiphany to find her real self, which includes being racially profiled at the home decor store, experiencing her first personal bout with racism. This led to her wanting to change her hair, which introduced her to a few older Black women in Portland who emboldened her in fully embracing her heritage. It also didn’t help that Moe called her a “low-key shingler.”

What Trinkets’ Ending Really Means

Trinkets brings its story to a complete circle with its finale because Elodie finally fully accepted her mom’s death. After the girls staged their confession/expose at Lakeshore High School, they decided to take a road trip to the coast, as she wanted to scatter her mother’s ashes in the ocean. Elodie’s move from New Mexico to Portland after her mom’s accident kicked-off the events of the show. While she found unexpected friends and slowly settled in, she continued to hold onto her death, with the urn more prominently featured in Trinkets season 2. It was a reminder of the life she could’ve had if not for the accident. This would cause her to secretly yearn for that, halting her progress fitting in Portland with her new family.

Scattering the ashes into the ocean parallels the girls’ collective decision to let go of their secrets — be it about being kleptomaniacs or the fact that they’re the ones behind the cheating scandal. As they said in their letter, they might steal, but they don’t lie, which indicates their acknowledgment of their flaws and acceptance of any consequences of their actions. Elodie letting go of her mom and the girls coming clean about their faults were both difficult decisions to make. However, to able to move on with their lives, they had to unburden themselves from these secrets. With those done, Elodie, Moe, and Tabitha can finally face their future without anything holding them down with their friendship solid now more than ever. Overall, it’s an ending for the Netflix series that makes sense because the show focused on the trio’s collective and individual evolution over the last two seasons. While it’s quite uneventful and expected, it’s something that fans who were invested in the characters would appreciate.

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