Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans.

Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is the ending to Guillermo del Toro’s Tales of Arcadia. Comprised of three television shows – Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards – and now the movie, Tales of Arcadia is a DreamWorks animated series for Netflix. It’s based on the Trollhunters novel Del Toro created along with Daniel Kraus, though the animated shows have a greatly expanded on the book’s original premise.

Trollhunters first revealed another magical world hidden just out of sight, and 3Below introduced aliens while Wizards explained why that magic has been hidden. Rise of the Titans is the culmination of all three, wrapping up Tales of Arcadia with a feature film that brings together all of the characters for a climactic battle. It’s expected to be the final entry in the series, but it does leave room for future stories if either DreamWorks or Netflix are interested.


In Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, the Arcane Order finally achieve their goal from Wizards – they capture Nari, and with the Genesis Seals, set in motion the apocalyptic rebirth of Earth. They ultimately fail, of course, because the Guardians of Arcadia – Jim, Toby, Claire, Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, Aja, Krell, Varvatos , and Douxie – do everything in their power to stop them, but even so, their victory comes at a price. These sacrifices, however, are the very burdens heroes are so often asked to bear, and in Rise of the Titans, the heroes prove more than up to the task.

How the Guardians of Arcadia Defeat the Arcane Order

With Nari under their control, Bellroc and Skrael use the Genesis Seals to give rise to the Titans – three massive elemental creatures piloted by the Order that will bring about the destruction of the world. Even under the best circumstances this wouldn’t be an easy fight, but with Jim no longer able to access his Trollhunter abilities, the Guardians of Arcadia aren’t at their full strength. Jim keeps fighting, though, even while being so under-powered, but he’s repeatedly made to watch as his friends fight the battles he cannot – and not all of them survive. Nomura, Strickler, and even Nari, once she’s freed from the mind control, give their lives to stop the Titans. Their deaths weigh heavily on Jim, and to make matters worse, only Nari and Skrael’s Titans are stopped, leaving Bellroc to continue with their world-ending plans.

The final showdown with Bellroc takes place where else but back in Arcadia Oaks. The plan is for Jim to pull Excalibur from the stone, retrieve Merlin’s gem from the hilt, and use it to power a new Trollhunter amulet. It’s a big gamble seeing as Jim was previously unable to pull the sword from the stone in the Wizards finale. And yet, it’s by failing that Jim is able to finally decipher what Nari meant when she said: “Trollhunter make ninth configuration.” Looking at his gathered friends, Jim realizes it was only with their help that he was able to achieve anything as the Trollhunter, and only with their help will he be able to wield Excalibur. Together, the nine of them – Jim grasping the sword while the rest place a hand on the stone – pull Excalibur free.

With Merlin’s gem retrieved, Stuart is sent to graft it into the amulet while everyone else engages Bellroc atop the last Titan. Bellroc, however, is incredibly powerful and one-by-one picks off the Guardians until only Jim is left – but he isn’t backing down. Though only human, Jim refuses to stand aside despite Bellroc’s brutal attacks, and he holds out long enough that his valor is rewarded when the newly crafted Trollhunter amulet comes to his aide. His powers restored, Jim is finally able to fight back and unlock Excalibur’s true potential, but Bellroc is still proving formidable. Realizing his best friend needs a leg up in order to defeat this ancient magic, Toby drives Stuart’s taco truck under the Titan and unleashes a blast a radiation straight up at Bellroc. Their magic suppressed by the Akiridion technology, Jim vanquishes Bellroc, which subsequently destroys the Titan and brings to an end the Arcane Order’s world-ending plan.

Jim Resets the Trollhunters Timeline To Save Toby

While the day and the world is saved, this final victory comes at the cost of Toby’s life. In helping Jim, the taco truck Toby is driving is crushed beneath the Titan. Toby’s injuries are too severe for either magic or alien technology to heal, and with a tearful Jim by his side, Toby dies. It’s a bold move killing a character who’s been such a large part of Tales of Arcadia since the very beginning, but Toby’s sacrifice cements him as being just as much a hero as Jim, and that paves the way for what comes next.

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In his grief over Toby’s death, AAARRRGGHH!!! angrily cracks open the Krohnisfere – a device that can peer through time and what Nari sent them to find with the second part of her prophecy: “Krohnisfere will make right.” No one was exactly sure why Nari had insisted on the Krohnisfere, but in the wake of Toby’s death, Jim finally puts it together. Using the Krohnisfere’s, time stone, Jim can travel back in time to where their adventure first began. Doing so will reset the timeline and essentially undo everything that has happened since Jim became the Trollhunter, but as it’s also his only chance to save his best friend, Jim doesn’t hesitate. He says his goodbyes, promises they will all meet and become friends again, and jumps back in time to the very start of his adventure.

Waking up on the day he first discovered the Trollhunter amulet, Jim seizes this opportunity to not only save Toby’s life but change it. When the time comes for Jim and Toby to go home from school together, Jim instead stays behind, planning to try out for the school play in order to spend time with Claire. But Jim insists that Toby take the canal home, knowing this is where the Trollhunter amulet can be found and that Toby – having given his life to protect him, Arcadia, and all the world – is a hero worthy of being the Trollhunter.

Where Rise of the Titans Leaves the Trollhunters, 3Below, & Wizards Characters

Since the timeline for Tales of Arcadia is reset in Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, it’s hard to say exactly where all of its characters have ended up. To some extent, we can assume events will happen in more or less the same way, just with some notable differences. Since Jim is the only one with the knowledge of the original Tales of Arcadia timeline, it’s now his job to make sure the timeline unfolds in a way that’s similar but not exact to what was.

In regards to where Rise of the Titans leaves its characters prior to Jim resetting the timeline, it’s the positive developments from the film that we can hope remain. Jim’s mother, Barbara, being engaged to Strickler, for example, is likely to still happen and possibly even sooner than before thanks to Jim actively setting them up. Jim is also actively pursuing Claire, something she herself insisted on prior to the reset, so they, too, seem likely to fall in love again. Rise of the Titans also shows us Douxie and Archie back working at the bookstore, and hopefully, Douxie’s journey can still lead to a friendship with Nari and Archie’s to reconciling with his father – minus the death and being trapped in a trollmarket for all of eternity.

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Without a doubt, the most unexpected development in Rise of the Titans is where Aja and Steve’s relationship goes. Upon her return to Earth, Steve greets her with a kiss – their seventh kiss, it turns out, which for Akiridions is what creates a baby. And it’s not the female Akiridian who carries the child, but the male, meaning Steve gets pregnant and gives birth to seven Akiridion-human babies. It’s bizarre, to say the least, and clearly a discussion about Akiridion reproduction should have happened well before their seventh kiss, but it’s kind of endearing to see Steve take to being a parent. Whether this is still what the future holds for Aja and Steve is unclear as neither she or her brother appear in Rise of the Titans’ short epilogue, but like Jim says, “if it’s meant to be, it will be.”

What’s The Future of Tales of Arcadia

Officially, there are no plans to continue Tales of Arcadia beyond Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, and the film ends in such a way that the story is brought to a satisfying close, even with hitting the reset button. Still, turning back the clock and showing the story start anew is an interesting premise. Though Jim will try his hardest to ensure time unfolds in the best-case scenario, having Toby be the Trollhunter will still change how events transpire. This scenario could potentially be explored in a new series, but perhaps is better suited for a one-shot movie or special.

If Tales of Arcadia is to continue, however, what is likely best would be a brand new story separate from what’s been the focus so far. The world that’s been created is rich with ideas that can be further explored. There are trolls who live beyond Heartstone Trollmarket, as evidenced by the Hong Kong-based Trollmarket seen in Rise of the Titans, not to mention Akiridion-5 and other planets in the universe. There is also a hidden in plain sight community of magic users, including not just Douxie but the hedge wizards who works for companies like Hex Tech. Tales of Arcadia‘s world-building is a fascinating blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and elements of horror that is so good it would be a shame not to at least consider more stories set within it. Already, Tales of Arcadia has been a centuries-spanning saga, so surely there are more stories to tell somewhere within all those years.

As it stands now, Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans is the end for Tales of Arcadia. It’s a dramatic finish for the  DreamWorks series, pitting its heroes against some tough opponents who really challenge them and force them to make hard decisions. It’s a finale that also delivers a happy ending, albeit with a twist, and leaves off on the promise of a more hopeful future rather than clear conclusions for its characters. This could prove frustrating for some, but it’s an open ending that invites discussion, not to mention, a chance for more tales.

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