The Harry Potter movies have been popular ever since their first premiere in 2001. Seven years later, in 2008, the supernatural phenomena started with the movie Twilight. While fans clamored and swooned over Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), they soon realized that he looked shockingly familiar.

Fans of both the Harry Potter and Twilight franchise came to the shocking realization that Robert Pattinson also played the beloved Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire. With this new information came a plethora of comical memes comparing Cedric’s character to his new role as the sparkly vampire, Edward Cullen.

10 Come Back, Cedric!

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There’s no better way to combine Cedric’s story with Edward Cullen’s than this meme. Found on the’s Instagram page, the meme shows one of the tragic Harry Potter death scenes when Harry returns with Cedric’s dead body. But this meme turns the tragic moment into a comical one, as Harry begs Cedric to come back, but not for the reason one might think.

Seeing as the same actor played Cedric and Edward, the meme makes fun of Cedric leaving his wizard role to become a vampire in Twilight. Cedric was so well-loved by Harry Potter fans that it jabs at the comedy of him having been better off in the wizarding world than a blood-sucking one.

9 Twilight Is The Afterlife

For years in human history, many have wondered what the afterlife is all about. In this Tumblr meme, the afterlife happens to be Twilight. In the Harry Potter movie, Cedric dies after being hit with an Avada Kedavra spell by Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) as he and Harry escape from the creepy maze. The meme makes fun of what happens to Cedric after his death.

One can only imagine that Cedric had high hopes for a good afterlife after being murdered by the evilest wizard in history. He had no such luck, though, as he opens his eyes and finds himself transported into the Twilight movie as a vampire named Edward Cullen.


8 Sorry, He Was Saving Cho

This meme on Uceninde’s World’s Tumblr did a swell job at meshing together two scenes from the Harry Potter movie and New Moon while also cracking a joke. It just so happens that Cedric starts having a small romance with Harry’s crush, Cho Chang (Katie Leung). During one of the competitions in the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric must save someone dear to him and it happens to be Cho.

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The scene in the lake where Cedric saves Cho happens to parallel the moment Bella in New Moon dives into the ocean. While Bella was drowning, Edward wasn’t there to save her. Why? He was a bit busy in his other life saving Cho from the same fate.

7 Say It Out Loud…

Twilight fans remember the moment when Bella confronts Edward in the forest about what he really is. The meme, created by Alittleriddle Tumblr but found on the Ohcarlaloo website, tweaks the line and scenes a bit to fit into the Harry Potter world. In the movie, Edward taunts Bella to say that he’s a vampire out loud to solidify her new reality.

In this meme version, Edward is seen saying the same lines, but instead of Bella, it’s Snape (Alan Rickman) and the dreaded word isn’t “vampire.” Seeing as Pattinson also played Cedric, the dreaded word is “Avada Kedavra” — the spell that killed him in the Harry Potter movie.

6 He Sparkles? Oh No!

Found on the site Quickmeme, Harry has something incredibly important to say to Hermione (Emma Watson). He starts to remind her about Cedric’s death by the deadly Avada Kedrava spell in the trap set by Voldemort. The meme shows Hermione with a saddened look as she remembers it clearly and his resulting death.

There’s one problem that Harry has to come clean about. The spell didn’t kill Cedric, it only made him sparkle in the sunlight. At this new information, Hermione looks 100 percent perplexed, shocked, and dismayed at what she’s hearing.

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5 Wrong Movie

It seems like Edward is having flashbacks to the wrong movie in this WeHeartIt meme. While the meme’s original creator is unknown, it does the job of eliciting laughs, as Edward mistakes Bella for the wrong love interest. Using scenes from Eclipse when Bella and Edward are in the school parking lot, Edward walks up to Bella believing she’s Cho.

Bella has no idea who Cho is and has a confused look on her face. What makes the meme even funnier is that Edward says he had a bad flashback. This implies that Edward was once Cedric in a past life or a past movie and confused one for the other.

4 He’s A Hufflepuff, Not A Vampire

Fans held their breath in Twilight as Bella finally realizes why Edward is so pale, good-looking, and cold to the touch. In a blue-hued scene in the forest, Edward almost has a predatory gaze and he watches Bella put together the pieces. Edward wants to hear Bella say it out loud to make it true.

In a twist of events, Bella doesn’t say vampire. The meme created by Hellorandomstranger Tumblr, instead, has her say Cedric’s Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff. Hearing Hufflepuff, Edward has a cold and deadly stare.

3 He Really Does Dazzle

The creator of this popular meme is unknown, but it can be found on the popular site, WeHeartIt. The meme mashes together the sparkly vampire and the dreaded and terrifying evil wizard that killed Cedric Diggory. Voldemort is responsible for killing Cedric, but the meme implies that he reappears as Edward Cullen.

Voldemort is shocked and is baffled to see that “Cedric” is still alive but not as a wizard, as he swore that the death spell killed him. Fans of Twilight will know exactly in what scene Edward says, “Do I dazzle you?” It’s when he and Bella have a dinner date in the city and he says the line to which she answers, “frequently.”

2 He’s A Good Seeker

Found on WeHeartIt, this meme will have both Twilight and Harry Potter fans falling out of their seat with laughter. Fans can agree that Edward was a bit of a stalker in the first movie. After all, he did have a fascination with watching her sleep at night without her knowledge. When Edward saves Bella from possibly being assaulted by a group of men, Bella is confused about how he found her.

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The meme plays a fun trick on Edward’s previous life as Cedric Diggory. Cedric belonged to Hufflepuff and was a star on the Quidditch field as one of the best seekers. When needing an explanation on how Edward was able to find Bella, it’s no surprise, seeing as he was a particularly good finder.

1 Cedric Is Better Off

This meme has many layers to dissect. The creator of the meme is unknown but can be found on the Memecenter website. The meme takes place after Voldemort kills Cedric, which only enrages Harry, who vows to seek revenge. Voldemort tells Harry that in reality, Cedric is doing much better dead than alive.

Dissecting this further, Voldemort says this because Edward Cullen is technically dead since he’s a vampire. The meme then cuts to a promo photo of Edward making himself known to Harry. Instead of being happy that Cedric’s body has somewhat returned, he only screams in horror, seeing what Cedric has become.

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