Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) is one of the most riveting characters of the Twilight series. From innocent kid to lovesick werewolf, he underwent plenty of character development and played a significant part in Bella’s (Kristen Stewart) life.

There is plenty that we know about him, but there’s only so much movies can cover, even if Jacob appeared in every Twilight film, there’s only so much time to delve into his character without compromising the story. Movies never quite include all the information the books contain, after all. So without further ado, here are 10 facts about Jacob that have been left out of the movies.

10 Jacob’s Height

In the first movie, when Jacob shows up to Bella’s prom, his height hasn’t changed and he looks the same. In the book, Jacob has significantly grown, alluding to his future transformation into a werewolf thanks to genetics and the presence of vampires. It’s not until the second movie that Jacob suddenly changes so much, and it seems far too fast. The books made Jacob’s physical change more gradual and realistic.

9 Jacob’s Hair

In “Eclipse”, Jacob starts growing out his hair again as he believes Bella liked him better that way. In the movie version, Jacob’s haircut remains the same. The omission of this little tidbit may seem trivial, yet in a way it’s crucial because it demonstrates Jacob’s desire to be more attractive to Bella than Edward, and therefore his dedication to making himself more appealing. Jacob will do anything and everything for Bella, fighting for her love right up until her heart stops beating, including the long process of growing out his hair once more.


8 The Comparison

In the book “Eclipse”, Jacob compares himself to the sun, declaring that he can fight the clouds but not the eclipse. The quote was memorable among fans and stood out as one of Jacob’s most significant; yet, strangely enough this quote never made it to the movie. For whatever reason the quote was overlooked, and there are fans out there that are disappointed by the fact that Taylor Lautner as Jacob never got the chance to say it aloud.

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7 The VW Rabbit

In “Twilight”, Jacob is fixing up a Volkswagen Rabbit, which is also featured in “New Moon.” As part of the bribe to get Jacob to warn Bella about the Cullens at prom, Billy offers auto parts for the car plus twenty dollars.

In the movie Twilight, Jacob gets the twenty dollars but that’s it–there’s no mention of the Volkswagen. It seems Jacob was sold short, which he was, to do something uncomfortable. Plus, the book mentions that he got to dance with Bella, which he didn’t do in the movie. Opportunity lost there.

6 Change In Reaction

“Eclipse” also features the notable moment of Jacob declaring that Bella would be better off dead than as a vampire. While this is mentioned in the movie, there are a few key differences. One, in the movie, Jacob immediately apologizes. Two, Edward is never exactly okay with Jacob spending time with Bella. In the book, it’s the exact opposite. Bella storms off and takes a while to forgive Jacob for his thoughtless comment, which causes a shift in their relationship for a bit, and Edward actually believes it’s okay for Jacob and Bella to hang out. It’s strange to see how one scenario is played out so differently in varying platforms.

5 Jacob Rats Out Bella

In the second book, “New Moon”, Bella’s father grounds her for taking off with Alice unexpectedly. Thinking he wasn’t seeing her because of Edward, Jacob gets Bella in more hot water by parking Bella’s bike in Charlie’s driveway so as to get her in trouble and prevent her from seeing Edward at all.

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He later feels guilty when he finds out why Bella was MIA, but it still doesn’t erase the fact that he acted childishly and got Bella in trouble out of petty jealousy. It’s easy to see why it was omitted from the movie.

4 The Vampire Bite

In the movie, it’s vaguely assumed that Jacob knows where Bella’s strange scar on her wrist originates from. It’s not focused on as much in the movie,  but in the book that moment was made a much bigger deal. Jacob pushes Bella for the story behind the bite, and is shocked to learn that Bella nearly became a vampire–yet, Edward saved her twice. In fact, Jacob nearly loses control as they sit in the Rabbit discussing it until Bella calms him down. It was an unforgettable moment that would’ve been nice to see in the movies, but there’s only so much time you can spend on the details.

3 Imprinting

While Jacob was busy imprinting on Bella and Edward’s daughter, Renesmee, Paul (Alex Meraz) was busy imprinting on Jacob’s sister, Rachel (Tanaya Beatty). In the book, this imprint was made much more significant. Jacob and Billy are both sick of Paul hanging around the house; in fact, Jacob becomes so frustrated with it at one point that he punches Paul when he eats Jacob’s Doritos.

Meanwhile, in the movie, this aspect is incredibly downplayed with very little mention of Rachel or Paul’s imprint on her. It deserved a bit more recognition, though it was more of a subplot in the novel “Breaking Dawn.” In a way, Paul imprinting on Jacob’s sister is some kind of karma for Jacob imprinting on Bella’s daughter.

2 Jacob Has Twin Sisters

His two older sisters, Rebecca and Rachel, are mentioned far more in the books than in the movies, where only Rachel is portrayed, albeit briefly. Rebecca is married and lives in Hawaii whilst Rachel is attending college–that is, until she graduates early and returns home for a bit. Rachel and Rebecca are described as having helped their father and Jacob through the untimely death of their mother. As it was too hard for them to remain home because of their mother’s death, they left as soon as they could. They have more of an impact in the books than the movies let on.

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1 Jacob Knows The Full Story

In the first movie, as Bella is trying to learn more about the Cullens, she takes a walk with Jacob on the beach. This happens in the book, but the major difference between book and movie is that with the movie, Jacob only gives Bella part of the story, and with the book, Jacob gives Bella the full 411 on the tribes and legends, which includes the Cullens. The movie has Bella figuring out the remainder of the story from a book and the Internet. Jacob was basically Wikipedia in human form in the book, giving a curious Bella everything she needed to know. In this instance, Jacob was robbed from being the wealth of information.

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