It’s tough to deny the tons of fans who love watching Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattison) fall in love in the Twilight series. The fact that she’s human and he’s a vampire complicates things, and that’s why the movies and books will always have mixed reactions. Some see that as super romantic… and others, not so much.

It’s hard to completely enjoy this story when there are many things that don’t seem logical and that aren’t explained (and if they are, it’s not a detailed enough explanation). There are lots of fans out there who are trying their best to find reasons behind storylines in the films, and we’re thankful. Let’s take a look at five things about Twilight that make no sense, along with five fan theories that do.

10 Makes No Sense: Edward And Bella Have An Unhealthy Love Story

Many people have pointed out that Edward and Bella’s love story seems to be pretty unhealthy. There are tons of articles and essays about how it could even be an emotionally abusive relationship.

People say it’s not great that Bella is young and impressionable and interested in dating someone who is essentially a bad boy. And when Edward hangs out in her room at night when she’s asleep, that’s definitely got a huge creep factor written all over it. In Twilight, the first movie in the franchise, Edward explains that he’s been doing that a lot lately, and then they kiss. What?! It would have been nice if these characters could have started seeing each other in a more normal, less weird way, but unfortunately, that’s not what happens.

9 Fan Theory: Bella Comes From A History Of Vampires

There’s a Reddit theory that Bella is from very tough, incredible vampires, which explains her ability to get used to the vampire world so fast and be so strong. The theory is also founded on the fact that Bella’s mother is Renee, a name which comes from “Renatus.” “Renata” and “Renatus” are monikers that are related to each other, and Renata is a vampire in Twilight.

This is a fan theory that actually makes sense since Bella’s transition is so strange. She almost acts like it’s not a massive life change, and like she can’t wait to leave behind everything that she knew before.


8 Makes No Sense: Bella Has A Baby

Fans can’t get over the fact that Bella has a baby. And it’s definitely creepy when she gets pregnant in Breaking Dawn… and the baby almost kills her. Can’t forget about that.

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It doesn’t make any sense because it didn’t seem like the Cullens, or any other vampires, could procreate. Even the author of the book series, Stephanie Meyer, has said that vampires don’t experience ovulation which would mean they couldn’t get pregnant and give birth. So how does Bella have no problems conceiving?

7 Fan Theory: Bella’s A Werewolf

Another fan theory that actually makes some sort of sense is that Bella could be a werewolf (or at least a werewolf and a vampire combo).

When vampires are near werewolves, their abilities don’t work. This is an explanation for why Edward can read minds but that doesn’t seem to be the case with Bella. While this probably isn’t actually true, it’s a decent fan theory, and could help fans work out why Jacob “imprints” on Bella’s daughter as well.

6 Makes No Sense: The Cullens Seem To Welcome Bella Right Away

It doesn’t make any sense that the Cullen family is so cool with Bella from pretty much the beginning. Sure, they’re upset when she has a paper cut because they know that she’s human and they have to stay away from human blood. But other than that, no one seems to have a huge problem with Edward dating a human and bringing her around the house.

This doesn’t make any sense because it should be the total opposite. Edward should figure that his family would be freaked out about his new love interest. And the Cullens should feel like Bella is threatening their way of life (or non-life, as the case might be). After all, she could go to a local newspaper or website and expose them.

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5 Fan Theory: If A Human Stays Calm When Turned Into A Vampire, They’ll Be Calm Once They’re A Vampire

How come Bella is a fairly chill, non-violent vampire, and so is Carlisle (Peter Facinelli)? There’s a fan theory floating around the Internet that this is because if you’re turned into a vampire and you can stay calm, you’ll be calm once you’re in the vampire world, too.

It seems logical (or at least as logical as anything in the Twilight universe can seem). There needs to be more of an explanation for why the Cullens are the way that they are beyond them just wanting to be “good vampires.”

4 Makes No Sense: Edward’s Timeline

In The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Bella decides that the timeline that Edward has for their future is a good idea. He thinks that they should have a wedding, go on their honeymoon, and only then can he make her a vampire as well.

Edward’s thoughts about their romantic future make no sense. If Bella wants to be a vampire and Edward wants to be with her forever, then why would he need to have such strict rules? And why would they need to wait? Why not just make her a vampire immediately?

3 Fan Theory: It’s A Cult

This particular fan theory believes that the Cullens are a cult and Bella becomes invested in it. The idea is that Edward is actually decades beyond his 17th year and Bella wants to think that they’re vampires. Part of the theory is that Jacob wants to free her, which is the reason why he loathes Edward and is always skeptical of the Cullens.

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As far as fan theories go, this one isn’t that bad at all. It does seem like Bella could become part of a cult. She’s young, innocent, and impressionable, and she does seem drawn to Edward as soon as she meets him. And honestly, how would she know if the Cullens are real vampires or not, at least at first?

2 Makes No Sense: The Sparkling Vampires

It has to be said: why do the vampires in Twilight sparkle? And how can this even be a thing?

It doesn’t matter how many theories there are behind this plot point. Some say that their skin is a lot like marble and so marble sparkles. But that doesn’t really work, either, because have you ever seen a kitchen counter made of marble that sparkled quite as much as Edward in the sun? Probably not…

1 Fan Theory: They’re Fairies

This fan theory has an explanation for the whole sparkling vampire thing: they’re fairies. And if we look at the Cullens and the other vampires in Twilight as fairies, it makes sense that they have powerful abilities. People have pointed out that vampires don’t tend to have all of these magical abilities.

We’re thankful for these interesting fan theories… and even though the Twilight series doesn’t really make that much sense, there’s something about it that keeps us watching.

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