The Stephanie Meyers series, Twilight, has borne an incredible and lucrative young adult franchise. Even now, the series is still astonishingly popular, despite the fact, there hasn’t been a new book or movie in several years. Rumors are still circulating that there could even be another Twilight movie someday in the future.

The opinion is strongly divided on Twilight, but even if you’re not a fan of the series, you can’t deny the impact it has had on pop culture. Edward became a heartthrob for teenage girls around the world and when you read the books, it becomes apparent why. He’s incredibly romantic. Here are some of his most romantic quotes of all time.

10 Twilight, again… no matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end

When Edward says this, he is calling attention to the name of the entire book series. Meyer named the series Twilight for a reason. Because every day has to come to an end, it doesn’t matter if you’re mortal or immortal, no one can control the rising and falling of the sun. For Edward, Twilight signals a time where he has to separate from Bella.

In the early days, Bella still had to maintain her normal human life and she and Edward weren’t able to spend every waking moment together, the way they wanted to. It’s sad to know all good things must come to an end, but also a poignant reminder to cherish every second.

9 Don’t be self-conscious… if I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed of it

For some, it might be creepy, but Bella found it romantic and endearing that Edward would watch her sleep. Initially, she felt embarrassed by the fact he was watching her, especially when she was obviously dreaming about him. But Edward reassures her there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

If Edward could dream (vampires don’t sleep) he would only dream about Bella. It’s a sweet moment of affection between the two of them. Edward acknowledging that he’s not ashamed of it is equally sweet because it shows how unabashed and unashamed he is of his burgeoning relationship with Bella.


8 You are my life now

How could you not swoon at someone saying “you are my life now?” Edward has dedicated himself to Bella entirely and will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, happy, and alive. As a human, Bella is obviously under threat of mortal peril far more often than the Cullens.

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Edward recognizes that it is his responsibility to keep her safe, but not just because he is the reason she’s in danger in the first place, but because he loves her and will do anything for her. The moment this quote plays out is a sincere and tender one in which Bella is being hunted by James. Edward’s reassurance gives her the strength she needs to survive.

7 I have always loved you, and I will always love you

Edward Cullen says this to Bella in New Moon after the brutal stretch of time when Bella and Edward are apart. The actual quote is longer in length: “I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away.

When I told you that I didn’t want you, it was the very blackest kind of blasphemy.” Edward admits he was lying when he told Bella he didn’t want her. The entire separation period was only due to Edward’s guilt over Bella being put in constant danger by sheer proximity to the Cullens. This was the reconciliation fans were waiting for.

6 You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours

During a quiet scene in Eclipse, Bella talks to Edward about a woman named Tanya. She is clearly a little bit jealous of his friendship with the woman and even asks him about whether she’s attractive.

Edward gently teases Bella before snuggling close to her and assuring her that she is the only one that has ever affected him on any real emotional level. His hearts is hers, it has been since the moment they met, and it will continue to be for the rest of their lives together. She has nothing to worry about.

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5 My life was an unending, unchanging midnight

This might a be slightly lesser-known quote to people who are casual Twilight fans. It comes from the unreleased companion book, Midnight Sun, which tells the story of Twilight from Edward Cullen’s perspective. The entire quote is: “My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be midnight for me. So how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?”

As a vampire, especially one who has always been alone, Edward feels like his life is constantly doused in darkness. Yet when he meets Bella, for the first time, it feels like the sun is rising. Bella became a light in the darkness for him.

4 No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we’ll start with forever

Imagine being a vampire and having eternity to live your life. Edward wants to spend every waking moment of that eternity with Bella. When people get married they make a vow to be in love with one another for better or for worse, forever. But obviously, human beings only have a finite time on the planet.

Whereas vampires literally have forever and a day to spend. Edward is saying that even an eternity, everlasting time, wouldn’t be enough for him. It’s a romantic thought that someone would want to be with you for that long, with no end in sight.

3 You’re much more than beautiful

Have you ever had someone be so enamored with you that they think the word “pretty” is an insult? Well, Bella has. In the first Twilight, she is complimented on her gown at the school dance and Edward cuts in to tell her, “He called you pretty…That’s practically an insult, the way you look right now…You’re much more than beautiful.”

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It’s pretty impressive how profound Stephanie Meyer wrote the romance between Edward and Bella. Edward essentially worships at her alter. Only the most impressive words are worthy of her stature and beauty. In Edward’s eyes, Bella is an ethereal beauty beyond the English vocabulary.

2 I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking

Back to the idea of immortality, Edward has lived far longer than any human ever could and yet in all that time, he never found a partner who made him feel even a smidgen of what Bella has. This quote is particularly important because it symbolizes the moment that Edward first realizes he is truly falling in love.

He’s experiencing ardor and jealousy for the first time, all revolving around Bella. The entire quote is “For almost ninety years I’ve walked among my kind, and yours… all the time thinking I was complete in myself, not realizing what I was seeking. And not finding anything, because you weren’t alive yet.”

1 Look after my heart I’ve left it with you

Edward leaves this romantic message on a note to Bella while on a trip with the rest of the Cullens. If there’s anything the Twilight series does well it’s conveying how powerful love can be.

Even if you aren’t a fan of the relationship between Bella and Edward, this is still an extraordinarily romantic quote. To own someone’s heart is a powerful thing. It makes you vulnerable. Despite the fact Edward was a vampire who could kill in a matter of seconds, he had an incredible weakness, and he trusted Bella enough to give it to her.

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