When making a film, directors need to know when enough is enough and where to draw the line. Including too many unnecessary filler scenes can truly affect the pacing of a film and leave audiences bored and wishing that more had been left on the cutting room floor. But sometimes the scenes that were cut end up being some of the best moments of the film and fans who enjoy exploring the deleted scenes that accompany their favourite movies end up disappointed that these wonderful scenes were not included.

Fans of the Twilight series will be over the moon to learn that extended versions of the films (which include some beloved deleted scenes that, unfortunately, did not make it into the original cut of the movie) have been released. These new versions of the film include a few more moments from the original books that were excluded from the theatrical versions of the films and, in the case of the first film in the series, adds a bit more of a playful tone.

8 The Full Diner Scene

Fans of the book will remember that Bella and her father did not spend every night at a local diner as Bella took over the kitchen duties after moving in and realizing that Charlie was barely keeping himself alive with his shoddy cooking skills.

In the extended version of the film, one of the diner scenes is lengthed to include Charlie grilling his daughter about her social life while she tentatively asks him about the Cullen family. This playful scene is utterly delightful and though we understand why it was initially cut, we are glad that it is back in the film.

7 Extra Time In The Trees

One of the best things about the Twilight books is the gorgeous detail that Meyer put into describing the world around Bella. The lush green landscape came alive in the mind of the reader as Bella explored the world of Forks. Luckily, this was not lost in the film adaptations as every film in the series contains beautifully sweeping establishing shots of the world of Twilight; complete with lush forests, greenery, mountains, and long twisting roads.

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Nature fans will be pleased to know that the extended version of the first film contains lengthier tree tracking shots. Though this may seem like a truly insignificant addition to a film that is already a decent length, we did enjoy the extra moments amongst the trees.


6 Edward’s Obsession

In this early scene in the extended version of the film, Bella can be seen walking to her car at the end of a long school day. She remains pretty oblivious to the Cullen family, but Edward cannot keep his eyes off of her.

He watches her make her way across the parking lot, and is overcome by confusion as to why he is so obsessed with this random girl. He becomes so frustrated, due to both this confusion and the extent of his obsession, that he leaves marks in the side of the family car as he grips it tightly. His siblings bring him back to reality.

5 Extended Bedroom Scene

In the theatrical version of the film, Bella is barely in Edward’s room for an entire minute before he sweeps her off her feet, dives out his bedroom window, and begins climbing trees. In the extended cut of the film, Bella is able to look around his room before things get so chaotic.

In this cut of the film, Bella plays with his rainmaker, discovers his diaries, and shares an awkward yet cute childhood story. In a series that is dominated by life-or-death scenarios, it is nice to see the main characters get a chance to just be kids. Even if it is just for a moment.

4 The Nomads

The extended cut of the film also includes a bit more of our favourite evil vampires. Those who have only seen the films might question why Victoria has such a strong attachment to James, as they are barely even introduced before she vows to end Bella as revenge for Edward ending the life of her mate.

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In the extended version of the film, there is a brief yet steamy scene which shows just how obsessed with each other the two are as they run through the woods.

3 Carlisle And Esme

One of the sweeter moments from the original cut of the film was, unfortunately, deleted before it was distributed to theatres. However fans will be excited to know that the scene was included in the extended edition of the film.

After Bella is officially introduced to the Cullen clan, Esme and Carlise sneak off to give them some privacy and to discuss how happy they are that Edward has finally found his person. The two even share a sweet kiss.

2 Invading Charlie’s Mind

Though most people would find Edward’s supernatural powers to be a neat little trick, Bella has hesitancies about her lover whipping such things out at every opportunity. Luckily, Edward is unable to read her mind (a fact that both calms and upsets her. She enjoys the privacy but such things simply confirm her fear that she does not operate on the same wavelength as other humans.)

In the extended cut of the film, after meeting Charlie Edward tells Bella that her father is considering sending her to an all-girls school after realizing that she is smitten with one of the younger members of the Cullen family. Rather than being offended at her father’s attempts to control her dating life, she is, instead, offended by Edward choosing to invade her father’s privacy and read his mind. We wonder how Charlie felt about that errant thought after Bella “broke up” with Edward and fled to Phoenix that very night.

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1 Meadow Confessions

In the theatrical version of the meadow scene, Bella and Edward are seen already in place as the shot reveals the two in the flower-filled clearing. This iconic scene is a favourite for both fans of the films and books and is one of the most well-known scenes from the entire series.

In the extended version of this same scene, the two are seen walking into place and exchanging dramatic sweet nothings about their devotion to each other. Edward reveals that the reason he has been cold and distant is his fear of hurting her. To which Bella implies that she would rather die than stay away from him. Though it sounds truly dramatic and a little silly when taken out of context, viewers have to remember that these are not two ordinary teenagers and that the entire premise of the series is based upon the idea of soulmates and the unavoidable destiny that drives them.

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