Although the book series The Vampire Diaries predates the smash hit Twilight Saga by more than a decade, the TV adaptation of the books was clearly propelled by the massive success of Twilight. And even putting that connection aside, it’s clear that there are a lot of similarities between the fictional universes of Twilight and The Vampire Diaries.

But if these two worlds collided, how would the characters interact with one another? Who would like each other, who would hate each other, and who would straight up fall in love with one another? Namely, which Twilight and The Vampire Diaries characters would make awful or ideal couples?

10 Wouldn’t Work: Caroline & Jasper

Sometimes opposites attract, but often times people who are dramatically different really don’t work well together. And unfortunately, Caroline and Jasper would likely fall into the latter category.

Caroline can be neurotic and overly insecure, so Jasper’s naturally mellow demeanor along with his ability to literally feel people’s emotions would be an issue. And Jasper can be quite reserved and doesn’t make friends easily, so a social butterfly like Caroline would be an obvious mismatch.

9 Would Work: Tyler & Leah

Becoming a werewolf can be a traumatic experience, especially for people like Leah or Tyler.

Leah has the strange distinction of being the only female werewolf in her pack, which comes with its own difficult complications and issues. In order for Tyler to become a werewolf, he had to kill someone, and then he had to keep his werewolf status a secret from almost everyone. He and Leah are two characters who would truly understand each other.


8 Wouldn’t Work: Kai & Jane

Looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend when you’re completely incapable of human emotion or forging a connection with others can be tough, which is why people like Kai and Jane seem to have trouble finding romantic partners.

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Any relationship between them obviously wouldn’t contain the love and care that most people look for in a relationship, but they can bond over their sadistic tendencies and love of homicide at least.

7 Would Work: Alaric & Esme

At their hearts, both Esme and Alaric are two kind and loving people who want to care for and protect their families, but they also constantly find themselves in the middle of supernatural drama that they usually want no part of.

If they became a couple they’d actually be able to create the kind of life that they want to have, while also having each other’s backs and understanding the difficult situations they each have to face.

6 Wouldn’t Work: Katherine & Caius

Katherine Pierce does have moments where her humanity gets the best of her, but ultimately, she’s at her best (or at least her most entertaining) when she’s leaning into her more villainous side.

She also loves power, which means that, although their interests are seemingly in line, Katherine and Caius would more likely compete with each other than fall in love (even though they’d be unstoppable if they actually teamed up).

5 Would Work: Bonnie & Jacob

Bonnie and Jacob have a lot in common in the sense that they were both abruptly thrust into situations that they didn’t fully understand, but where they had to take the lead and fight against dark forces that could hurt them or their loved ones.

They both managed to cope with their situations, but if they had someone who was equally strong, reliable, and kind to lean on, it would have made things much easier.

4 Wouldn’t Work: Klaus & Aro

Ancient and obscenely powerful? Check. Wealthy and gleefully violent? Check? An old school vampire with a flair for drama? Check.

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Klaus and Aro both feel like they need to be the star of the show, and they clearly feel threatened by anyone who can match or possibly surpass their own abilities. They’re far too similar to ever stay together for long.

3 Would Work: Elena & Edward

While Elena is clearly drawn to a bit of a bad boy, she ultimately seems like the kind of girl who needs a boyfriend that is a nice, considerate gentleman.

And Elena has been through an astounding amount of pain and suffering in her short life, so she’s one of the few women in the world who might actually be able to tolerate or even understand Edward Cullen’s constant self-flagellation.

2 Wouldn’t Work: Stefan & Alice

Some vampires transition to vampirism more easily than others, and obviously some have more difficult or tragic backstories than others. While Stefan and Alice’s (or rather, Alice’s missing memories of) experiences prior to vampirism made their transitions even harder, Alice really handles being a vampire well while Stefan does not.

Stefan is a bit too much of a downer for Alice, and Stefan might feel frustrated because he wouldn’t think Alice understands him or takes things seriously enough.

1 Would Work: Damon & Rosalie

Even putting aside the fact that the actors who play Rosalie Hale and Damon Salvatore are married in real life, it seems like they’d be an ideal match for one another.

After all, they do have a lot of love to give to that one special someone in their lives, but their external prickliness is more than enough to put off all but the thickest-skinned of people.

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