Twin Peaks is one of the most iconic television shows to ever hit the airwaves with an extremely dedicated fanbases. It launched at a time when artistic integrity and originality was mostly absent from the living room, coming out of left field with its intriguing mystery and setting populated by curious characters.

The story mostly follows Dale Cooper, an FBI agent played by Kyle MacLachlan, as he unravels Laura Palmer’s murder and later falls into even deeper conundrums. As one of the most celebrated leading men of any series, one can be sure that fans have lauded the character with memes, the ten funniest of which are below.

10 Fine Indeed

It does not take a close eye on politics to remember the time the President of the United States of America mysteriously used the word “Covfefe” in a tweet, something people still don’t quite understand. When coming out of Agent Cooper’s lips, the phrase somehow gains more significance. Anything sounds intelligent and hopeful when filtered through the character’s cheery demeanor.

9 Which Cooper Are You?

Nobody really knows someone else. In fact, people can rarely by sure they even know themselves. One likes to think they are as cool, suave, and kind as Special Agent Dale Cooper, but they are probably more like the confused and empty-minded Dougie Jones. It is not the worst fate, however, since good luck often befalls the character throughout the show’s third season. Besides, it is better than being the Dougie Jones from before Dale Cooper takes his place.


8 And The Red Room Doesn’t Even Have Netflix

When the Coronavirus pandemic hit the world in the first half of 2020, many cities closed their streets and stores and asked people to stay inside to avoid spreading the virus. Some resisted this plea, claiming it restricted their freedoms. Does anybody see Dale Cooper cry about having to spend twenty-five years in the Red Room? If a third season never came to pass, he’d still be waiting.

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7 Clickbait At Its Finest

From the very beginning until the end of its third season, Twin Peaks is filled with earth-shattering moments and plot revelations. The most jaw-dropping twist of all might just be what Agent Cooper thinks about his coffee, at least that’s according to the above meme. Turns out he is a pretty big fan. In fact, he spends a majority of the show with a cup in his hand.

6 Drunk Talk

Usually drunk people stop making sense. Another side of the coin is the lack of inhibitions. Where common sense might tell someone to not dive into political conversations, a drunk mind will belly flop into a political monologue. Few drunk people talk with grace of Dale Cooper explaining his fascination with Tibet, however. Perhaps a few cops of coffee would balance things out.

5 Every Color Of The Rainbow

The show truly showcases Kyle MacLachlan’s acting prowess. It is difficult to believe one man can be the cheery and dapper Dale Cooper, the barely conscious Dougie Jones, and the twisted and perverse doppelgänger in one television show.

Not only do they all feel like different people, but their personalities could not be more different. If the show ever returns, fans cannot wait to see what new trials David Lynch has prepared for the character.

4 Special Agent John Mulaney

Some people were not born to be FBI agents. If John Mulaney were sent to Twin Peaks, he’d probably leave the next day after discovering he was dealing with more than just a typical murder investigation. Even if he were able to stomach the grizzly details of her life and death, there’s no way he’d be able to deal with the inexplicable mystical evil tormenting the residents, not to mention Windom Earl.

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3 We’ve All Been There

Imagine how much harder Dale Cooper’s job would have been is Sheriff Truman and the Twin Peaks police department were not by his side helping him every step of the way.

This sentiment could be extended to his time as Dougie Jones, which surely would have killed him if the Red Room wasn’t guiding him. Just think about this the next time the teacher assigns a group project and you feel like taking a backseat while one person does all the work.

2 Maybe It’s Dougie Who Can Teach All Of Us

Like the famous protagonist switch in Metal Gear Solid 2: The Sons of Liberty, the third season throws numerous curveballs at the viewer, giving them something wholly unexpected. At the same time, it never stops feeling like Twin Peaks. Kyle MacLachlan spends most of his camera time as Dougie Jones, aimlessly wandering through life and barely communicating or understanding anything. However, he ends up exposing a corrupt worker at his job, saving several lives, and fixing his marriage.

1 The Dale Cooper Emotion Scale

People go through all different kinds of feelings and emotions on a daily basis. Whatever one is feeling, just know that you’re not alone; Dale Cooper has already been there and survived. The man goes from cheerful to devastated to enraged in numerous different ways over the course of the series. The real Dale Cooper usually manages to keep his cool as well, even when dealing with a doppelgänger and a decades-long entrapment.

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