As of yesterday evening, Stefan Molyneux’s Twitter account has been suspended. The far-right, white nationalist content creator has often skirted the lines of what’s permissible on social media, brushing up against YouTube and Twitter’s terms in the past. As one of the presumed leaders of the alt-right philosophy, Molyneux’s suspension will only add to claims of anti-conservative social media bias.

Social platforms and major corporations now advertise being on board with helping to fight racial inequality and the evidence of a larger social change became apparent over the past three weeks. However, Twitter was one of the first social media companies to adopt these ideas into its policies, as the service began moderating tweets from Donald Trump promoting violence against protesters back in April. Since then, platforms like YouTube and Twitch have been more strict about hate speech, suspending and blocking accounts with potentially racist commentary.


Stefan Molyneux’s social media presence certainly falls within that description. After he and other alt-right figures were banned from YouTube, his Twitter account is now also suspended. There’s no official statement from Twitter leaving many to speculate as to what prompted this decision. Given his response to his YouTube ban, “I regret nothing,” don’t expect this Twitter suspension to change Molyneux’s perspective. Supporters have taken the news as yet another example of the liberal bias displayed by social media and tech companies while listing this as another reason to move to Parler.

Stefan Molyneux’s Twitter Controversy

A new blog post on his website titled “WHAT I BELIEVE: Stefan Molyneux” is prefaced with “I was promoting this essay on Twitter, and was about to publish it, when I was banned without warning. It’s not hard to understand why powerful people might not want you to read what I wrote below.” He doesn’t view himself as a white supremacist or a sexist, and most of what he describes as his beliefs in the post sounds innocuous. However, many of his other public comments come from a perspective of labeling straight, white men as victims of societal pressures to diversify. His social media presence is littered with commentary that fits perfectly in line with the beliefs of white supremacists and men unhappy about the “SJW” movement.

On Twitter, these sentiments were also part of his content. Attacks on feminism, a common pass time of white supremacists, are a common theme. He’s posted comments calling feminism “satanic” because it’s “about reducing white Christian birth rates”. One of his more infamous tweets posited that only white people can understand “real racism” because society always comes to the defense of black people dealing with (apparently fake) racism. So, while Twitter hasn’t explained why Molyneux’s account was suspended, it’s not hard to imagine the man posted some other racially insensitive or anti-female comment.

Source: Stefan Molyneux

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