Two and a Half Men had spent it’s glory days as one of the most popular comedies on television, but critics made it known that they weren’t as thrilled with Ashton Kutcher in the driver’s seat.

While still pulling in steady views, ratings for the CBS comedy remained lower than they had ever been in the shows first eight seasons, with the top-rated episode on IMDb for season 10 failing to score a 7. That said, the series still continued to make audiences laugh while Alan and Walden got more accustomed to living with one another.

10 The 9:04 from Pemberton, Episode 18 (6.3)

Alan was always known for being stingy and cheap, but he made an exception during this episode when he decided to buy Walden a new toaster (only after he set his old one on fire). Walden, however, is ungrateful for the gesture and the two roommates get into a fight, which results in Alan moving out.

Eventually, after also being kicked out by his girlfriend, Alan winds up living with Herb – meanwhile, Walden actually finds that he’s lonely without Alan around and asks Alan to come back and live with him, to which he agrees.

9 You Do Know What The Lollipop is For, Episode 4 (6.4)

The show surprised everybody when Miley Cyrus showed up as a guest-star for an episode, playing the part of the daughter of one of Walden’s friends. It just so happens that Jake (who’s away at the Army) also shows up during this episode when he gets a weekend pass.

Jake and the girl, Missi, end up hooking up (surprise, surprise) but before Jake leaves to head back to his base, she reveals that she has a boyfriend and that the weekend was just a fling to her.


8 Something My Gynecologist Said, Episode 8 (6.4)

Alan had been dating his girlfriend, Lyndsey, on-and-off for several seasons up to this point, and she has finally had enough, giving him an ultimatum that they needed to get married or she would move on.

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Alan spends the episode contemplating whether or not to take her offer, but is finally convinced by an old man that he befriends at a bar to take a chance on love and not let it slip away, resulting in Alan asking Lyndsey to marry him (she says yes).

7 Run, Steven Staven! Run! Episode 14 (6.5)

Alan was dragging his feet when it came to his relationship with Lyndsey, and despite having asked her to marry him, he still wasn’t comfortable giving her a key to the beach house. Lyndsey reveals that she knows he’s not ready to commit and that she’s agreed to go on a date with her gynecologist.

While she’s on the date, Alan bonds with Walden, Herb, and Billie over their failed relationships – only for the guys to convince Alan to win Lyndsey back since he’s the only one who still has a chance with his girl.

6 Give Santa A Tail-Hole, Episode 11 (6.7)

Much of Walden’s season 7 story-arc was that he was tired of only being appreciated for his money so he pretended to be a blue-collar, average-Joe named Sam Wilson.

During this holiday episode, Sam Wilson finds himself a job selling Christmas trees to help his less-than-rich girlfriend, Kate, pay the bills – meanwhile, Walden Schmidt and his business partner close a deal with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to sell their company for $1.2 billion.

5 Big Episode: Someone Stole A Spoon, Episode 19 (6.7)

Herb revealed in episode 18 that Judith had left him and he was living alone in their house. So, during this episode, Walden tries to help get Herb out of his funk and they party with a couple of attractive pharmaceutical sales-reps.

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Unfortunately, Herb gets a taste of the party-life and decides to hop on the train, resulting in Walden and Alan telling him that he needs to slow down. When he doesn’t, Alan and Walden pull out the big guns and have Judith come snap Herb out of his funk – which she does with less than 10 words.

4 I Scream When I Pee, Episode 9 (6.8)

Kandi was the fan-favorite, girlfriend-turned-wife of Alan’s from season’s 3 and 4 who had somehow managed to become a famous actress that hadn’t made an appearance in nearly a decade when she resurfaced and informed Alan that she wanted to get back together. Alan is tempted, but due to his relationship with Lyndsey he ends up declining his former-wife, which turns Lyndsey on to no possible end.

Unfortunately, paparazzi got pictures of Alan with Kandi and they make it seem like Alan was unfaithful, but Kandi talks to Lyndsey and clears the whole situation up… and then she sleeps with Lyndsey.

3 Paint It, Pierce It, or Plug It, Episode 15 (6.8)

Jake might have been in the Army during this season, but he somehow managed to land himself a 35-year-old girlfriend, Tammy.

The relationship, understandably, made Alan feel a little uneasy, but has his fears put to rest when Jake proposes to Tammy and she turns him down because she just wants a fun, sex-based relationship with him. Jake is let down, as he truly loved her, but Alan couldn’t be happier.

2 Bazinga! That’s from a TV Show, Episode 20 (6.8)

While Jake may have loved Tammy, that didn’t stop him from cheating on her with Ashley, Tammy’s 18-year-old daughter, only five episodes after proposing to her.

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This episode deals with the aftermath of Jake dumping Tammy for Ashley, Tammy trying to kill Jake for doing so, and eventually the entire house gets thrown for an even bigger loop when Ashley’s ex-boyfriend (a man in his 50’s) shows up at the beach house to win Ashley back. Ashley goes with her ex, Tammy ends up making out with Walden, and Jake is left all alone.

1 One Nut Johnson, Episode 10 (6.9)

This is the episode that saw Walden adopt the “Sam Wilson” persona due to the fact that he was tired of meeting shallow women who were only interested in his fortune. He picks a new name, creates an online presence for his new alias, and immediately meets a blue-collar woman named Kate whom he falls for (and vice-versa).

Walden immediately begins living a life that is nearly identical to Alan’s and he finds that he enjoys it much more (only because of Kate). However, when Kate meets Alan, she thinks he’s a rich, pompous jerk and asks Sam (Walden) to move in with her – which he agrees to, digging himself further into the ‘Sam-Wilson’ hole.

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