Hugo Martin, game director of id Software first-person shooter DOOM Eternal, revealed in a recent interview that several planned cutscenes were scrapped either before or during production of the game’s latest DLC, The Ancient Gods – Part Two. There don’t appear to be any plans to revisit the events of these cutscenes in future DOOM content, but they do raise questions about how the Doom Slayer’s story might have played out differently in the final chapter of this demon-slaying saga.

[WARNING: Spoilers for DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part One and Part Two below.]

Martin recently spoke directly to DOOM Eternal’s fan community through multiple channels on a PR tour, occasionally leading to new information about the game’s development. Some of these details are glimpses fans don’t often get to see, while others have been musings that led to wild speculation from the community at large, from the possibility of a female Doom Slayer in a future game to theories around the more cryptic aspects of the DOOM universe’s increasingly complex lore.


In an interview with DOOM-focused YouTuber Cynic The Original, Martin discussed two cutscenes that never made it into The Ancient Gods – Part Two, both of which would have occurred before the DLC’s final encounter with the Dark Lord Davoth. One of the titular ancient gods, Davoth was revealed in the game’s first DLC expansion to be the ultimate nemesis of the Doom Slayer, responsible for many of the universe’s woes alluded to in the Slayer’s journey to DOOM Eternal’s climax. But before the DLC shipped, he had even more nefarious plans.

Two Of DOOM Eternal’s Characters Were Almost Murdered

Martin told Cynic that, prior to the final showdown, Davoth was set to kill two key characters. In the leadup to the Slayer’s last stand, Davoth would have slain Valen, better known as the Betrayer, whose legacy extends back to 2016’s DOOM reboot. Martin also entertained the idea of having Davoth murder a character known only as the Intern, who appears as an NPC in both DLC packs. Ultimately, this was decided against, as the team found the idea “did not age well” as development wore on. The Intern served as somewhat of a stand-in for the enthusiastic fanbase of the DOOM franchise, which would likely have made his death a bit too grisly. Valen’s death looks to have been more likely, but Martin cited issues of character development and screen time as the deciding factors in keeping him alive.

Valen’s redemptive story arc still included a major moment, since he’s the one who leads the Sentinel charge in the invasion of Immora, Hell’s capital city. As for the Intern, it’s probably best the tone of the game wasn’t made too grim towards the DLC’s final moments, which could have ended things on a bit of a downer if it snapped players out of their vengeance-fueled reveries.

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Either way, with DOOM Eternal’s story complete (at least for now), fans won’t have to worry too much about the fates of their favorite characters. They can instead look forward to the ongoing efforts at id Software to release new DOOM Eternal content in the coming months, including more ultra-difficult Master Levels and new additions to the game’s online multiplayer battle mode.

Source: Cynic The Original/YouTube

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