Warning! Spoilers ahead for Future State: Teen Titans #1 from Tim Sheridan and Rafa Sandoval

In DC’s Future State, things do not look good for the Teen Titans. While the DC Universe’s present sees the formation of the Teen Titans Academy, which has the original Titans teaching a new generation of heroes, something will apparently go horribly wrong in the future. The first Future State: Teen Titans issue sees Titans Tower in complete ruins, and several Titans were killed in a massive battle. However, while the original Titans are still alive leading those who remain, two of them have become inexplicably merged together as one hero: Cybeast.


Cyborg and Beast Boy were among the original team of Teen Titans alongside Robin, Starfire, and Raven. The two heroes, in particular, have been depicted as very close friends over the years in the comics, as well as in other Teen Titans projects such as the original Teen Titans animated series, as well as the more irreverent and comical Teen Titans Go! revival. Likewise, the recently released issue provides a flashback to the present day Titans Academy, seeing Cyborg and Beast Boy teaching their students about teamwork and coming together as one fighting force. However, it’s doubtful they meant that literally as seen in the future.

In Future State: Teen Titans #1, Cyborg and Beast Boy have returned from an important mission, though it’s revealed to readers that they’ve somehow been merged as one hero known as Cybeast. However, for the rest of the Titans, it seems as though the duo have been in this combined state for awhile. Furthermore, it looks as though they both still have their own minds and personalities despite occupying the same space and body.

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Apparently, Cybeast had been on a mission searching for the Spear of Destiny in the hopes of ending the apocalypse of the Four Riders, whom the Titans are responsible for unleashing. Now that they’ve found it, the Titans are preparing to make their final stand against them in the second part of the Future State arc.

Heading into the second issue, it seems as though some more details will be revealed about Cyborg and Beast Boy’s relationship, as well as how they merged in the first place. In an interview with CBR, Sheridan shared his overall excitement for the creation of Cybeast:

I think I’ve taken a few liberties in expanding upon their relationship and what happens when they are merged into one. The real horror of working on a two-part event like Future State is that I could have written at least 12 issues on Cybeast! But there’s a lot more story we have to explore.

If Sheridan’s comments are any indication, it looks as though more Cybeast is on the way, and hopefully, fans will learn more about how they became one. The combination of their characters does bring to mind the times in DC Comics’ past where Superman and Batman have temporarily merged as one hero, as well as their new villain known as the Composite Superman/Batman. In any case, here’s hoping Cybeast will get a bigger spotlight among the Teen Titans of DC’s Future State.

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