One of the most satisfying things about UFC 4 is placing a well-aimed strike right into an opponent’s face. The newest iteration of the UFC franchise has placed a considerable focus on improving many of the series’ mechanics and physics, and this can definitely be seen when it comes to attacking other players. Every hit feels fluid and solid, and it never gets old to knock your opponent out with a kick or punch.

One of the areas of the game that was given a significant amount of work is the clinching mechanic. Clinching allows players to grab onto and hold their opponent, which can then allow them to transition into a few different advantageous positions. It is very easy to strike or even bring an opponent down to the ground and force them to submit. Clinching is a very important skill for players to pick up and this guide will show players how to do it properly.


UFC 4: How to Clinch and Why its Important

In previous UFC games, clinching was a complicated process that forced players to enter into a small mini-game. The outcome of this mini-game determined how well players could hold on and what actions they could force their opponent into. UFC 4 on the other hand makes clinching much simpler and makes at an easy extension of a players striking arsenal. All the player has to do in order to clinch is press RB+X (Xbox One) or R1+Square (PlayStation 4). This will let the player grab onto their opponent with one hand and bring them in close. Players can also switch their clinching position from here using RB+Y or R1+Triangle. Transitioning will give the player different positions to attack their opponent from.

When clinching an opponent players have several options for attacking. They can simply strike at them by using the different attack buttons. Players can hold down the shoulder buttons or triggers in order to attack the face or body respectively. While an opponent is clinched they will have a harder time blocking attacks, so players will be able to do more damage to specific body parts.

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Players can also decide to take their opponent down to the ground by holding down the shoulder button and an attack button. This will bring the opponent down the ground, where the player can climb on top of them and force them into a submission hold or repeatedly punch them in the head. This method is perfect for players who want to force their opponents into a submission as quickly as possible.

The final option from clinching is only available to a select number of characters in the game. Certain fighters can attempt a standing up submission technique on their opponent, but these are incredibly difficult to pull off. If used though they are very difficult for an opponent to break out of.

UFC 4 can be played on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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