Klaus Hargreeves is one of forty-three children that were born to mothers who had no signs previously of being pregnant before the fateful day they were born. He ended up being one of seven children reclusive billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted and had the ability to see and speak to the dead.

Played by actor Robert Sheehan, Klaus was the standout performance in Netflix’s adaptation of The Umbrella Academy. He stole the show several times over with his witty sense of humor and in-your-face personality, but he also had a way of making your heart break for him. It’s no wonder he’s the fan-favorite of this hit series.

10 The Ambulance Ride

The very first time we laid eyes on Klaus, he was just leaving rehab…again. And as soon as he was out of there, he was buying drugs and then woke up later in an ambulance after being resuscitated. His attitude was carefree and lackadaisical about the entire situation, which pretty much sums up Klaus’ personality as a whole.

But, of course, only moments later his world was turned upside down with the news that his adoptive father had died. But even with the grim news, it was still an unforgettable entrance by our favorite Hargreeves kid.

9 Dancing In His Towel During A Shootout

The main reason Klaus has a drug problem is because of his ability to see and speak to the dead. So when he is having a particularly trying day of hearing aggressive spirits, he decides to put on his headphones, lay in a bubble bath, and light a joint.

This results in one of the most hilarious Klaus moments of the season. He ends up being completely oblivious to attack on their house and his siblings by Hazel and Cha-Cha. He dances around the house in nothing but his towel while the shootout carried on. He eventually gets kidnapped by Hazel because of this, but the moments prior were truly comical.


8 Hostage Situation

When Hazel and Cha-Cha were holding Number Four — a.k.a. Klaus — hostage in hopes of getting to his brother, Number Five, we were gifted with some of the best scenes of the first season.

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Klaus was nothing but a thorn in the side of the agents the entire time and made sure to give them as much trouble as possible. He even used his ability as he was coming down off the drugs to speak to the spirits of those Hazel and Cha-Cha had murdered in the past. It was a great tactic and made us love Klaus even more.

7 His Relationship With Dave

After he escapes Hazel and Cha-Cha’s kidnapping, he takes their briefcase with him, only to find out he can use it to time travel. He is instantly transported back to The Vietnam War when he opens the briefcase and there, he meets a fellow soldier named Dave.

The two fall in love over the 10 month-period Klaus was there. And it’s only when Dave dies in battle that Klaus returns to the present. This was the only relationship that had a deeper meaning for Klaus and Dave was the only person Klaus had ever loved more than himself. He even attempted to get sober just so he could conjure his spirit. This let us see a whole other side to Klaus, finally.

6 The Veteran’s Bar

After Klaus’ time in the past, he decides to have Diego drop him off at a veteran’s bar. When Diego goes to see what Klaus is doing there, Klaus ends up fighting an older veteran who had the audacity to say he didn’t belong there. It was an epic moment for Klaus who was still grieving the loss of Dave.

And to make it even more badass, he fought them with Diego, and by the end of it, we see a closeup of a photograph from the Vietnam War on the wall, with Klaus’ face looking back at us.

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5 The Ice Cream Truck

There’s nothing like seeing the Hargreeves kids band together to help save the day — or each other. So when Number Five and Luther are working to save the world from the likes of Hazel and Cha-Cha, Diego and Klaus get in the mix during a very tense moment.

Klaus is driving an ice cream truck with the music going and everything, and as they pass by Luther and Number Five, he smiles broadly and waves at them as they plan to attack the two agents who have been making their lives hell. This is so typical Klaus and we loved every second of it.

4 Talking To His Father’s Urn

When the adopted children of Sir Reginald Hargreeves’ arrived at their childhood home to mourn their father, Luther asked Klaus to attempt to reach their father in the afterlife to find out who had killed him.

Klaus ends up attempting this in a hysterical scene where he tries to angrily and sarcastically contact his father while talking to his urn. Of course, this doesn’t work, because Klaus isn’t sober, but the scene we were gifted with was still one of our all-time favorites.

3 Pretending To Be Number Five’s Father

Not long after Number Five’s return, it is clear he is fixated on one thing in particular. That is the prosthetic eye we’re referring to, of course. And Klaus helps him on his mission to find out whose eye it is by pretending to be his father.

They go to the company that made the eye and while speaking to a technician, they realize they must change tactics. So Klaus slaps Number Five and then smashes a snowglobe over his own head, saying that if the tech doesn’t help them get the information they want, he will tell security it was his fault for their injuries.

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It was hilarious and genius all at the same time.

2 Bowling Alley

The bowling alley scene was incredible on so many levels. The remaining Hargreeves children are trying to determine how to save the world from the impending apocalypse that will be caused by their sister…Vanya. 

While there, they become involved in yet another attack on their lives where they must fight to get out in one piece. Once again, Klaus is the scene-stealer here with his witty one-liners and physical comedy all throughout an amazing fight scene. It is not an easy feat to be comedic relief in a scene like this, but he pulled it off seamlessly.

1 His True Abilities Coming To Light

All of Klaus’ life, his siblings never took him seriously, which was showcased time and time again in the first season. Because of his drug problem and sarcastic personality, it was difficult for them to see him as anything other than a problem.

So when the final battle to save the world was happening, it was Klaus who helped save his siblings’ lives when his powers were fully realized for the first time. Not only can he speak and see the dead, but he could also use his power to summon his deceased sibling’s power. Ben was always with Klaus because of his ability, but now they were working together to kick ass at a moment where it was desperately needed. And for once, Klaus’ siblings took him seriously. Finally.

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