Although they weren’t really around for season two, Hazel and Cha Cha were often at the center of some major problems of The Umbrella Academy. The two Commission agents hunted down Five and in the process, ended up battling his entire family as they attempted to stop him from preventing the apocalypse.

For the most part, Cha Cha (Mary J. Blige) was the more ruthless of the two, looking to follow orders and only caring about the next job. Hazel (Cameron Britton) was also a killer but he longed for something more. Regardless, both committed some truly heinous acts on the show, sometimes against each other.

10 Hazel Left Cha Cha To Die In Apocalypse

In the grand scheme of things, Hazel taking out his partner during this episode was a good thing. The two were visited by The Handler after they started fighting in a hotel room and she ordered them to protect Vanya. That would allow for the apocalypse to happen.

So, when Hazel incapacitated Cha Cha, shot The Handler, and rescued Agnes, it was technically a good thing. However, what makes it so bad is that he left Cha Cha to die. While she had become difficult to live with, it was still tough to leave behind a longtime partner to die while he escaped to safety with Agnes.

9 Attacked Each Other

When Five surprised everyone by agreeing to work for The Handler at The Commission, he began to cause havoc and create mischief. He sent Hazel and Cha Cha individual messages with orders to kill the other one. A lot of partners would’ve discussed it or even ignored the orders.

However, Cha Cha brought Hazel to a secluded area to do the deed. She decided against it but got furious when she saw him spending time with Anges. After a time rewind, Hazel incapacitated Cha Cha and handcuffed her to their motel room so he could leave with Agnes.


8 Tortured A Random Guy

One of the earliest scenes involving Hazel and Cha Cha saw them searching for Five. Unaware that Five had made a pivotal mistake and returned to the present in his teenage body, the agents captured a random guy who had visited Agnes’ donut shop at the same time as Five.

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They brutally tortured this man for information at his place of work. That included tying him up and putting him through violent pain. They ultimately figured out that he wasn’t who they were looking for but they showed no remorse for what they had done.

7 The Shootout With Five

After finally getting it right and learning that Five was in his younger body, Hazel and Cha Cha tracked him down to a department store where he was visiting “Dolores.” As soon as they spotted him, they engaged in a shootout that tore up the store.

While this was indeed a case of them simply doing their jobs, it was a bit much. They had killed plenty of people before but they didn’t have any qualms about taking the life of a child, even if he was older at heart. This shootout also nearly destroyed “Dolores,” which would’ve crushed Five.

6 Cha Cha Kidnapped Agnes

After Hazel knocked out Cha Cha and attempted to flee with Agnes, his conscience got the better of him. He had Agnes wait at a motel so he could return to the Umbrella Academy and let them know of the impending apocalypse because it was the right thing to do.

However, while he was away, Cha Cha caught up to him and held tied up Agnes in the motel room. She threatened to kill her and was about to do so had The Handler not shown up to interrupt the proceedings. It was a pretty unforgivable act.

5 Attacked The Umbrella Academy

Following the shootout at the department store, Hazel and Cha Cha tracked down Five’s location to the Umbrella Academy home. Invading the mansion was bad enough on its own but it got worse once they actually found the rest of the family there and engaged in a fight.

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This was a brutal battle that saw Diego and Alison go up against Cha Cha, while Hazel fought with Luther. The latter exchange was vicious and saw Hazel drop an entire chandelier on Luther, which would’ve killed him if he was a normal human. They also kidnapped Klaus here.

4 Tortured Klaus

The kidnapping of Klaus led them to take him to their motel. While there, they tied him up to a chair and proceeded to beat on him for hours. That included nearly suffocating him with a bag, hitting him harder with each answer they didn’t like, and locking him in a small closet.

Hazel and Cha Cha also destroyed his drugs, which is when he finally gave up some information. Thankfully, Klaus was able to turn the tables a bit on them by communicating with the dead and scaring them with stories from those they’ve killed in the past.

3 Protected The Apocalypse

As noted, these two are no strangers to hurting, torturing, or even killing those around them for their job. However, it is a whole different thing to protect the apocalypse. That means that everyone on the entire planet would die and they’d be partially responsible.

Almost every act that they commit throughout season one was done to stop Five, which would let the apocalypse happen. Ultimately, Hazel finally made the right call to try and stop it. He also returns in season two and sacrifices himself to tell Five how to stop it a second time around, even if it is inevitable.

2 Killed Dozens Of People

When Hazel and Cha Cha are first seen, it quickly becomes clear that they are assassins. That’s nothing new in shows and movies like The Umbrella Academy but it really becomes a different story when the audience sees it all laid out in front of them.

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While the two had Klaus tied up, he sobered up and began to communicate with the dead. The entire room filled up with dozens of dead people who were all victims of Hazel and Cha Cha’s work. It really showcased just how much terror they had caused throughout history.

1 Killed Detective Patch

On the whole, murdering dozens seems like it would rank ahead of the killing of a single police officer. However, this one hurt the viewers more than anything else done by Hazel and Cha Cha. Although Detective Patch wasn’t around for long, she made an impact.

She had a past with Diego and was something of a moral compass for him. He went to her after Hazel and Cha Cha attacked their home and that’s why she went after them. Unable to get in touch with him, Patch went in alone and was killed by Cha Cha in a heartbreaking scene.

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