Infamous for its exciting action-packed gameplay and quality storytelling, the Uncharted series spans multiple games and console generations and is constantly praised worldwide. In a franchise this enormous, there is no wonder as to why so many amusing glitches and bugs have been discovered throughout the years.

Although Naughty Dog has released multiple patches to fix these hiccups, so many remain intact. From twisting characters, insanely high launches, disappearing limbs, and more, these over-the-top hiccups just make the Uncharted series even more iconic. These funny glitches turn simple mishaps into hilarious moments every fan will enjoy and are bound to make the Uncharted experience even more memorable.


Nate Reaches New Heights

One of the more practical glitches of the series occurs in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, where instead of vigilantly traversing a large crumbling wall, Nate can rapidly launch himself straight over the top at an incredible speed. This hilarious glitch can be achieved by mashing the jump button whilst simultaneously holding down on the control stick and is accompanied by Nate’s scream as his body is launched flailing through the sky.

Furthermore, the hiccup becomes even funnier when you aim where you want to fling Nate. This can lead to some genuinely useful results, such as landing in a hard-to-access area and dodging enemies, or, in true overdramatic Uncharted fashion, Nate can be thrown across the entire map and straight into the void of nothingness, all the while still uncontrollably freaking out.

Talbot’s Glitchy Illusion

This unusual glitch occurs seemingly randomly in the fiery final battle of Uncharted: Drake’s Deception when Nate fights Talbot and is knocked down. As Talbot attempts to stab Nate, the pair begin glitching through the floor hilariously smoothly, removing all tension from the scene instead of making it hilarious.

Talbot is often seen as a character that was wasted, so it’s great that this hilarious glitch shines the spotlight on him. Moreover, the fight itself is very difficult, so the hiccup is a warm welcome as it relieves so much pressure. Despite phasing through the ground, Nate and Talbot are, of course, completely unbothered, as the game continues with the heated conflict and cinematic music. Finally, for no reason, there is a chance that Nate will suddenly dive into the void after phasing through the floor, topping off this hysterical glitch in the most overdramatic way possible.


Another hysterical glitch happens in Uncharted: A Thief’s End, in Chapter 2, where jumping to a specific ledge in the explorable tower in the prison yanks Nate upwards, so instead of hanging off a ledge, he amusingly climbs along with the ceiling like Spider-Man.

This is a hilarious hiccup, as not only is the realism of the Uncharted series completely shattered by seeing Nate become the famous web-head, but also Nate’s body moves in such a ridiculous manner that it’s impossible not to laugh. Furthermore, if the player were to shuffle left on the ledge, Nate would curl up into a ball, breaking his body in the process. This makes the glitch even more comical, as Nate acts as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened when in reality our favorite treasure hunter is in quite the conundrum.

The Invisible Torso

This seemingly random goofy glitch sees Nate fighting enemies with missing body parts in Chapter 14 of Uncharted: Drake’s Deception. Enemies consisting of shoulders, heads, and guns battle against Nate in fights for their lives, taking tonnes of punches to their non-existing stomachs.

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Hiccups like these are some of the funniest throughout gaming, and Uncharted is no exception. Nate’s serious tone and fighting stance remain throughout these silly fights, completely unphased by the fact his enemies are missing their bodies. The glitch almost seems as though it mocks the player, as most enemies can be quite the challenge to deal with, even when they come in small portions. Nevertheless, this chucklesome glitch is sure to bring lots of laughter into one of the best Naughty Dog games.

Floating Across Gaps

Another hilarious bug in the series is also, coincidently, an incredibly useful one. In Uncharted: Among Thieves, the humourous glitch sometimes allows players to shuffle across gaps and open areas by mashing the aim trigger, resulting in Nate gaining levitation abilities for a short duration.

Whilst Nate floats through the sky, his enemies have no choice but to gaze upon his angelic body gracefully breaking all laws of physics and logic, accompanied, of course, by Nate’s stone-cold, completely unbothered expressions. These are the perfect ingredients for a very comical, and very practical, glitch.

Diving From The Car

During a driving segment in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, a hysterical hiccup can seemingly randomly occur when the player makes Chloe jump from her vehicle as it continues to rapidly roll. This is a hilariously timed glitch, as, within seconds, Chloe is dramatically launched from the vehicle and immediately dropped deep into the void of nothingness.

What makes this hiccup even funnier is that Nadine Ross sits in the passenger seat as the glitch occurs, so it would have been a sudden shock for Nadine to witness Chloe defy science and dive straight through the ground at insane speeds. Furthermore, the glitch occurs during a serious conversation, adding to the sudden and awkward hilarity of the moment.

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Aim Clipping

One of the most well-known glitches in the series occurs in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, where Nate can slyly slip away from any troublesome encounter by amusingly phasing through walls and avoiding tricky situations.

Nate’s body freaks out whenever this hilarious glitch is activated, as he trembles and shakes his way through solid walls, re-emerging on the other side and leaving enemies speechless. Once again, this hysterical and useful hiccup has allowed Nate to briefly gain another hilarious ability, all the while keeping his hardened, unbothered expressions, and further proving why he is regarded as one of the most intelligent main characters throughout the whole franchise.

Pushing In The Wrong Direction

This unique twist on the well-known out-of-bounds glitches is hilariously absurd and occurs in Uncharted: A Thief’s End during the violent prison fight against Gustavo. It’s here that Nate reunites with Sam, leading to a flashback that would be an epic scene to see in the movie.

If Nate refuses to fight, Gustavo is somehow pushed behind the crowd and gets stuck, whilst amusingly still desperately trying to reach and fight Nate. Moreover, this hiccup becomes hysterical when Gustavo punches Nate into the crowd, and the crowd pushes him out of bounds rather than back in. The entire crowd becomes discombobulated and turns on Nate, and amusingly will consistently shove Nate further and further away from the duel, to the point that the entire world vanishes, and Nate begins his infinite fall into the void once again.

Random Cliff Launches

One of the most overdramatic and comical glitches seemingly randomly occurs in Uncharted: Among Thieves, when Nate is carefully traversing the ledge of a rooftop, and for no reason whatsoever is flung downwards into the abyss.

Nate’s fall into the void of nothingness is accompanied by his terrifying scream, which ironically gets louder as Nate falls further. Within seconds, the world disappears, and Nate can no longer be seen. This glitch is hilarious as it is so unexpected and happens so quickly that all you can do is laugh.

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Twisting Nate

One of the all-time funniest glitches in the Uncharted franchise witnesses Nathan Drake twist himself so much that he becomes shriveled and distorted, and it can be triggered in Uncharted: A Thief’s End by twisting Nate’s rope in the opposite direction when he is trying to move an impassable object. This glitch single-handedly annihilates the realism of the series.

Continue twisting Nate’s rope for results that get worse and worse for him, but even more hysterical for the player. His height shrinks, his body flattens, his stomach tightens and his limbs elongate, completely changing the game’s serious tone to a comedic one. This glitch could be described as hilariously horrifying and is guaranteed to be a memory that will be cherished amongst fans within the ranks of Donut Drake himself.

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