The Uncharted series has become one of gaming’s most beloved franchises over the years. With four mainline games, two spinoffs, and now a blockbuster movie to its name, Uncharted has cemented its place in gaming history.

One of the reasons for the series’ continued popularity is its spectacular characters. Everyone in the series is fantastically written, from leading characters to the smallest of bit parts. It is hard to sum up characters as complex as Uncharted‘s, but that hasn’t stopped fans from making memes that do a surprisingly good job.


Nathan Drake

Nathan Drake is the lovable protagonist of the Uncharted series, and even though he is overall a pretty good guy, he does have some noticeably bad habits. This meme manages to capture both Drake’s incredible talent at deciphering ancient clues to discover the legendary cities and artifacts at the heart of the games, but also his uncanny ability to somehow destroy them shortly after.

In Nate’s defense, most of the destruction is not entirely his fault, but he does seem to have a knack for blowing things up. Nathan Drake is a very smart and capable man, but he is also far from perfect, and this meme manages to sum up both beautifully.

Elena Fisher

Elena Fisher is Nathan Drake’s main partner and love interest throughout the games and is easily one of Uncharted‘s most likable characters. Elena is far from the typical damsel in distress found in most video games and is actually a helpful partner throughout Drake’s adventures. Not only is Elena a very relatable and well-rounded character who has fantastic chemistry with the rest of the cast, she is also a big help during gameplay.

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During combat Elena will fight right alongside Drake with pretty great aim, she will help Drake to cross obstacles or offer hints during exploration and provides witty banter that is the heart of the games. This meme sums up Elena as one of the best supporting characters in gaming.

Victor “Sully” Sullivan

Victor Sullivan, also known as Sully, is right alongside Elena as one of video gaming’s best sidekicks. His relationship with Nathan Drake is hilarious and layered, and he is handy to have around during the game’s gunfights or puzzles. One thing about Sully that this meme captures perfectly is his habit of tricking the players with fake-out deaths.

Sully fools players not once but twice, both in the first and third games, being shot and left for dead before somehow turning up again unharmed. There is a lot about Sully that is meme-worthy, from his mustache to his stories about bringing sex workers to church, but this one sums up his role in the games quite well.

Samuel Drake

Nathan Drake’s long-lost brother Sam Drake seemingly appears out of nowhere in Uncharted 4 to bring Nathan back into the treasure hunting business with a wild tale of pirate treasure and a daring prison break. Nathan and the player trust Sam’s story about owing drug lord Hector Alcazar a share of the treasure the first playthrough, but after it is revealed to be a lie towards the end of the game, players will be a little wiser the next time.

Throughout Uncharted 4 and spinoff The Lost Legacy, Sam serves as a good-hearted but untrustworthy character who will keep players on edge as to whose side he is really on, and this meme demonstrates that perfectly.

Chloe Frazier And Nadine Ross

Chloe and Nadine both made their first appearances in previous Uncharted games, but they serve as co-protagonists of the fourth game’s spinoff, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Their odd-couple dynamic through the game gives it a fun buddy comedy back and forth, but it never quite lets players forget both characters’ shady past.

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Chloe is a charismatic, if sometimes untrustworthy fan favorite from the series, but Nadine actually served as an antagonist of Uncharted 4, and was responsible for quite a few questionable deeds. The Lost Legacy allows both characters to shine, and this meme sums up the relationship between the carefree Chloe and the serious Nadine about as well as any meme can.

Nadine Ross

As mentioned, Nadine has been both a protagonist and an antagonist in the Uncharted series, and this meme captures the other side of her interesting character arc. Nadine is a force to be reckoned with throughout Uncharted 4, as the leader of villainous mercenary group Shoreline as well as arguably the most skilled fighter in Uncharted.

Her no-nonsense personality was in stark contrast to the lighthearted nature of the game’s other characters, and this meme captures the sense of dread that occurred every time she and Nate had to face off. Nadine may have redeemed herself in The Lost Legacy, but this meme reminds fans of just how frightening she could be as a villain.

Rafe Adler

Rafe Adler is the main villain of the franchise’s immaculate fourth installment, as well as one of Uncharted‘s best villains. What makes Rafe such a great character is that he is a departure from the other megalomaniacal villains bent on world domination, he is simply a spoiled kid who wants the glory of finding the lost city for himself.

For the most part, Rafe is the typical handsome, composed archetypal rich guy but, over the course of the game, he reveals himself to be a despicable person. In public, Rafe appears to be an upstanding citizen but in private he is a savage villain who doesn’t care who he hurts to get his way, and this meme exhibits both sides.

Zoran Lazarevic

Zoran Lazarevic is the primary antagonist of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, often considered the best of the Uncharted games. Lazarevic proves himself to be by far the evilest villain in the franchise, committing acts as heinous as executing Elena’s cameraman right in front of her and destroying an entire village looking for the city of Shambhala.

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Lazarevic remains one-dimensionally evil until the end when he tries to convince Nathan Drake that they are practically the same. While Nathan has killed a staggering amount of people, he is nowhere near the villain that Lazarevic is, and this meme hilariously captures just how far off he was with this comparison.

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