Despite popular opinion, Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher from the Uncharted series are far from a perfect couple. The dynamic pairing of Nate and Elena has been a constant throughout the Uncharted games. From their first meeting in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to their final farewell as husband and wife in Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Nathan and Elena have always made a strong and capable team. However, there are more than a few red flags throughout the games that should have acted as a strong sign that, perhaps, things should have been kept to a more platonic alliance.

Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher are often appearing on lists of the greatest video game couples of all time. They are praised for their realism, their easy banter, sly humor, and their overall chemistry with each other. The connection between the two is clearly far more than skin deep (although neither is exactly hard on the eye, which surely does not hurt). But, if this union is so perfect and ideal, why does the couple start several games within the Uncharted series having split up? There is clearly more to this relationship than is shown through the games’ narratives.


Before the events of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Nathan has already set a plan in motion to use Elena and her resources. At the conclusion of Uncharted: Eye of Indra, a four-episode motion comic that serves as a prequel to the main series of games, Nate and long-time mentor Sully are at a bar gathering their thoughts together after the loss of yet another priceless artifact. While discussing what to do next, Drake points towards the bar’s TV, where Elena Fisher is reporting on a news story. Drake, amused at his own cunning, confirms that he has lined up Elena and her production team to fund his expedition to retrieve Sir Francis Drake’s coffin from the ocean floor. Thus, the start of Drake’s Fortune, and Nate and Elena’s relationship, unfolds.

Uncharted: The Red Flags Elena Should Have Looked Out For

Right from the start, Elena should have seen that Uncharted’s Nathan Drake was not the type for a long and serious relationship. While he is certainly charming, with a roguish sense of humor and carefree nature that is appealing, he is also narrow-minded (before this meeting Elena had apparently never even fired a gun, let alone actually shot anyone – something that does not seem to bother Drake as he hands her a weapon and expects her to follow his lead) and flaky (Nate and Sully leave Elena once they have all the information that they need from her). The relationship is only offered the chance to bloom because of Elena’s persistence to get her news story.

While the two grow close during the events of the first game, by Uncharted 2: Among Thieves the couple have split up. It is never fully explained why this is, although Nate’s journal shows evidence that he has a bit of a wondering eye. There is certainly a frostiness between the two when they are first reunited unexpectedly in Nepal. While there, they also both happen to be with a new partner. Although it is never specified if Jeff, the camera man that has accompanied Elena to Nepal, is a romantic interest, Chloe Frazer certainly is for Nate.

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Nate and Chloe clearly have sexual chemistry, to the point that they are only stopped from a passionate embrace within a secret tomb by the invasion of armed mercenaries. This all happens while Elena is waiting patiently for Nate to return, in the temple just above. Despite this, Nate and Elena once more end Uncharted 2 with an implication that things will be different for the couple moving forward. This time they even share an on-screen kiss to seal the deal.

Uncharted: Third Time’s A Charm For Nate And Elena?

And yet, come the events of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, Elena Fisher is no where to be seen. Instead, Nate has teamed up with Sully, Charlie Cutter and, once more, former flame Chloe Frazer. While this time there is no hint of a romantic relationship between these two, her presence is highlighted more by Elena Fisher’s absence. As the game progresses, however, and Chloe bails out of the adventure, it is revealed that Nate and Elena actually got married between the events of Uncharted 2 and 3.

However, once again, they have separated for reasons unspecified. While Elena does aid Nate and Sully on their adventure to discover the lost city of Ubar, as soon as Sully is out of earshot the couple are at each other’s throats. Eventually, after several near-death experiences and Sully giving Nate a nudge, Drake seems ready to fully commit to Elena (again), and the end of Uncharted 3 sees the couple arm in arm as they walk off into the sunset, wedding rings back on their fingers.

Uncharted: A Happy Wife, A Happy Life?

By Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, the couple finally seem to have whatever issues caused the first three (yes, three) breakups sorted. They are living in a comfortable home, with legal jobs to pay the bills and food to fill their bellies. While this would be a great setup for many, it is not enough for Nathan Drake.

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Despite living with the woman of his dreams, even after several failed attempts at a relationship that may have included adultery, it is simply not enough. His thirst for adventure is clearly stronger than his love for Elena. This is something that Elena is rather sadly aware of. When the two are having some fun playing Crash Bandicoot together, Elena actually turns to her husband to ask if he is happy.

When Nate’s brother Sam shows up (who incidentally, Nate has never even mentioned to Elena despite Sam being a key part with his obsession with Sir Francis Drake), Nate is more than happy to tell an enormous lie to his wife and leave for a long period of time on an incredibly dangerous expedition to find the lost pirate colony of Libertalia. Elena finally catches him in his lie and calls him out on it, in a scene that is painful and full of emotional tension. However, when Elena leaves after their altercation, it is not Nate who goes after her with his tail between his legs, but Sully.

While on his continued hunt for Libertalia, Nate is left wounded to the point that it is nearly fatal (it is unclear exactly how he survives this ordeal), and once more it is Elena who is left to pick up the pieces. She even admits to Nate that she “almost didn’t (come back for him) this time,” but the whole “marriage thing” made her change her mind.

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The epilogue for Uncharted 4 does show that Nate and Elena did finally find a happy middle ground between adventure and matrimonial harmony. Seeing the games’ heroes settled and content, with a beautiful beachside house, successful business, and a daughter ready to follow in her parents’ footsteps is a really touching finale. They even have a dog, which is a sure sign that things are going well.

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But while this finale is touching, and undeniably a beautiful end to such a beloved series, it really took the couple a long time to get there. Had Uncharted’s Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher been a real couple in the real world, there is no way that anyone close to them would encourage the relationship to blossom. There were too many warnings that, while this was certainly a passionate union, it was one that was ultimately unhealthy and that required more work than true love really ought to.

Uncharted 1 – 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy are available for the PlayStation 4.

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