Netflix’s Unorthodox centers on the harrowing journey of Esther “Esty” Shapiro, a Hasidic Jewish woman from Williamsburg, New York who tries to escape her community with her unborn child. The show is groundbreaking in many ways, partly due to its topic, which has not been examined much, and its use of Yiddish, a language rarely seen in the arts.

There were several moments in this miniseries that were truly spellbinding, particularly if you did not know much about this type of Orthodox Judaism beforehand. Esty’s intense struggle both before and after she leaves Williamsburg makes you wonder if you would have been able to go on. Here are 10 of the most shocking scenes from Netflix’s Unorthodox.

10 Wedding

Esty’s wedding was jarring to some people. Certain elements might be familiar to those who have ever attended a Jewish wedding, but Esty’s Hasidic Jewish ceremony features far more traditions and procedures than many have ever encountered.

Other than the myriad elements that go into the entire rigmarole, audiences also saw Esty’s mother be shunned by those in the community, who feel that her presence only serves as an unnecessary distraction. It’s a lot to take in.

9 Wig Removal

What a significant moment this was. Esty has made it to Berlin and has managed to tag along with a group of young musicians as they enjoy a lake. Esty did not bring a bathing suit; all she has are the clothes on her back and an envelope with some money and important documentation.

She decides to take a leap, though, showing how willing she is to start fresh in a foreign land. Esty submerges herself in the water, but not before removing her wig, revealing the buzzcut that all married women in her community must have.

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8 Sex Scene

Esty experiences painful attempts at intercourse with her husband, Yakov “Yanky” Shapiro. They have been unable to conceive a child in the first year of their marriage, which is expected in their community.

Esty is looked down upon due to this. In a frustrated state, Esty finally manages to deal with the acute pain in order to satisfy her husband. It is difficult to watch, a credit to Shira Haas’s acting talent.

7 Piano Failure

Esty’s direction in Berlin is rooted in music. At the suggestion of a director of a conservatory of music, she applies for a scholarship given to talented musicians that come from extraordinary circumstances. When she notifies her new musician friends of her application, they wish to hear her play.

She only took piano lessons for a short while, but she is confident in her abilities nonetheless. Esty plays a short, simple piece for them. Then her heart is broken, for one of them tells her that she has no chance of playing alongside them due to her lack of training. It is devastating for Esty.

6 Phone Call Home

Esty runs off after her dreams are crushed by her musician friends. It appears that her adventure has come to a close, so she calls one of the few people she feels she can trust, her grandmother.

Their conversation is only brief, however, as her grandmother hangs up on her. Just brutal. The tears flow as Esty calls out for her grandmother, in disbelief that even she has shunned her due to her actions.

5 Cleansing

One of the main revelations of Unorthodox is how many rules and customs Hasidic Jews must follow. One in particular probably stuck in the minds of all viewers; when Esty cleansed herself prior to her wedding.

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This is done with supervision to ensure that the bride has been properly cleaned, and takes place in a jacuzzi-like structure after she has already showered. Esty is clearly uncomfortable with what is happening, yet she trudges on.

4 Park Conversation

Esty is eventually tracked down by her husband and Moishe Lefkovitch. While Yanky is quite timid and unsure of how to go about bringing Esty home, Moishe is a brute. Once he finally has Esty in his grasp, he forces her into a playground and sits her down to try to talk some sense into her.

This intense conversation involving the deaths of her community’s ancestors culminates in him giving her a gun, so that she can end things when they get too difficult, as he predicts they will for her.

3 Breakup

Esty and Yanky finally meet after her escape from Williamsburg. Yanky might have an antiquated view on marriage, female roles, etc., but it is all he has ever been taught. He tells Esty that he is willing to change for her, for he appears to really care for his wife.

It is just too late, though. This emotional breakup between spouses features some genuine outpouring of emotion, particularly at the moment that Yanky cuts off his payot, a serious sin in their community. But he’s desperate at this moment, willing to do anything to convince his wife that he is worthy of her.

2 Shaving

For a few moments, Esty seemed genuinely happy on the day of her wedding. Then her head was shaved, which provided arguably the most memorable image of the entire show; Esty tearfully looking at herself in the mirror as it happens.

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Moments like these are completely foreign to most people, which adds even more gravitas to the scene. Luckily for her, this haircut is fashionable in Berlin.

1 Audition

The most climactic scene of the series occurs during Esty’s audition. It is apparent that she can’t make it on the piano, she is just too inexperienced. She can sing, apparently, which the viewer does not realize until she belts her heart out.

While the judges appreciate her talent, they feel that a different song would be more appropriate for her voice. She sings her second song in Yiddish. The viewer likely does not understand a single word she sings, but the sheer emotion and power she pours into it are mesmerizing.

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