Stuck on the Garden in Untitled Goose Game? We’re here to help with our guide to every task in the first level.

Untitled Goose Game came out of nowhere in 2019 and taught gamers that being a bad goose feels oh so good. Developed by House House and published by Panic games Untitled Goose Game is an endearing look at the life of a goose. Players take control of said goose who spends his days torturing villagers in a small town. From stealing a kid’s glasses to wreaking havoc in a garden, Untitled Goose Game gave us the power we didn’t even know we wanted. Pure goose goodness.


Each section of the town gives you a little paper list with tasks to complete before you move on to the next. Here’s how to handle the first section of Untitled Goose Game, the Garden, and make a mockery of the Groundskeeper.

Get Into the Garden

Getting into the garden is your first task, however, the fence is locked and you’re just a goose. You can trick the Groundskeeper into opening it up for you. To the left of the fence gate is a radio, simply grab it and it will start playing. The groundskeeper will come out and chase after you, opening up the gate.

Get the Groundskeeper Wet

There are two ways to achieve this goal. The first is to simply grab any item and have the Groundskeeper follow you into the lake, thus getting him wet.

The more fun way though is to turn the sprinklers on when he’s near the garden bed. There is a hose coming from the sprinkler that leads outside, just waddle over and turn it on. If he’s not near the sprinkler you can always grab an item and drop it over there which will lead him right into your trap.

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Steal the Groundskeeper’s Keys

This one only requires some sneaking around. Get behind the Groundskeeper and snatch those keys. If you’re having trouble sneaking up him you can always move items which cause him to be distracted for a moment, leaving you a window of opportunity.

Make the Groundskeeper Wear His Sun Hat

Getting the Groundskeeper to put on his sun hat can sometimes be a little tricky. There are two opportunities to do this. Occasionally he’ll take off his first hat to wipe his brow, leaving you a small moment to snatch it from him. The second is when he tends the garden. He’ll bend down to work on his beloved plants giving you a good chance to pull that hat right off his head.

After you get it you need to make a quick getaway and hide it. Without his trusty hat, the Groundskeeper will walk over and put on his sun hat. One more task down.

Rake in the Lake

Sounds simple, put the rake… in the lake. However, it can be a little trickier than you may think. The rake is heavy for a goose, and it’s slow to drag, which gives the Groundskeeper plenty of time to catch up with you and get his rake back.

The best strategy here is to mess with the garden a little, this will keep the Groundskeeper busy and allow you the time to drag his trusty rake out of the garden and into the lake.

Have a Picnic

This task involves different items around the garden and bringing them to the picnic blanket near the right side of the lake.

  • The apple and the sandwich are on the bench when you first cross the lake towards the garden. Remember to get both halves of the sandwich or it won’t count.
  • The picnic basket is sitting directly next to the bench, just drag it over.
  • The carrot and pumpkin are inside the garden. The carrot is pretty simple but the pumpkin is heavier and requires you to drag it without being seen, just utilize the distraction methods you used for the rake earlier.
  • The thermos and the jam are next to each other on a table in the back of the garden.
  • The radio should be saved until last as it will draw the Groundskeeper to your picnic blanket and he’ll start undoing all your hard work. The radio can be found on the same table as the thermos and jam. He moves it there after you use it in the beginning to open the fence.

Make the Groundskeeper Hammer His Thumb

This task will only unlock after you complete some of the other tasks. Completing this task will give you access to the next area.

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Once he’s had enough of you the Groundskeeper will start to put up a “No Geese” sign, to do this he needs his hammer. Stand behind him as he prepares to hit the sign, he will move slowly at first and then slam the hammer down hard. This is your cue to honk your heart out. It will frighten him and he’ll smash his thumb. The pain will cause him to fall back into the fence door, opening up the way to High Street.

If you happen to miss your timing when scaring the Groundkeeper, simply pull the sign out of the ground and he’ll repeat the process.

That’s it! You made it into and out of the garden, leaving destruction in your wake. Now head out to the High Street and see what other trouble you can get into.

Untitled Goose Game is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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