Often overlooked in favor of saving or protecting Elena, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes deserve plenty of credit for their actions. Each of the girls held a massive amount of responsibility to protect Mystic Falls and their friends from whoever was after them. In the midst of all the danger, the duo managed to have their own lives and discover who they were as people or a witch and a vampire.

Bonnie deserved a lot of credit for constantly putting her life on the line to save everyone. She was a loyal and devoted friend, attributes she repeatedly proved even at moments when Bonnie could have been looking out for her own survival. Caroline was the unlikely surprise given how well she transitioned into a vampire. She accepted her new reality with an ability no one else managed, and while it may have taken some time to adjust, Caroline found a love in the new power she gained.

10 Bonnie: Protecting Mystic Falls From Hellfire

Bonnie had an on-and-off relationship with magic for years. But, when Bonnie needed magic, she embraced it, and magic came to her when she needed it the most.

Bonnie comes up with a great scheme to redirect Hellfire underneath Mystic Falls, protecting the town and residents. Bonnie even reveals her plan to Stefan even after Stefan killed Enzo a few episodes earlier, allowing the duo to be on the same team. Bonnie’s idea and power are the reasons Mystic Falls survived that day and why it continues to stand.

9 Caroline: Helping Tyler Through His Werewolf Transformation

Caroline was still in the early stages of understanding her vampirism when Tyler triggered his werewolf curse. To help him through the painful process, Caroline stayed with Tyler, preparing him for what was to come and making sure Tyler knew Caroline was there.

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Even after learning that a werewolf bite could kill her, Caroline still helped Tyler with his transformation, risking her life if things were to escalate quickly.


8 Bonnie: Jeremy’s Hunter’s Mark

Even with how much Bonnie and Jeremy had been through, Bonnie still steps up to help Jeremy deal with the Hunter’s Mark and the desire to kill vampires that come with it.

Getting Professor Shane to help, Bonnie stays as Jeremy works through his anger toward vampires, including his instinct to kill Elena. Part of Bonnie’s role is to have Jeremy attach positive feelings to her as a way for him to navigate another path around not wishing to kill all their friends.

7 Caroline: Forgives Damon

Damon treats Caroline horribly when they meet. He uses her as a blood bag, compels her, and constantly uses Caroline for his own gain. Caroline hated Damon for a long time, given the way he had treated her and others.

Yet, in the final season, Caroline reveals she still found a way to forgive Damon’s past transgressions. Damon and Caroline both loved and cared about Liz, and that connection and the knowledge that Damon missed Liz when she died gave Caroline a way to forgive him.

6 Bonnie: Saved Everyone

Bonnie was the greatest savior, continually rescuing others. Bonnie revived Jeremy before putting the veil back up. Unfortunately, that choice resulted in her death, later leading to Bonnie becoming the Anchor to the Other Side.

When The Other Side began to collapse, Bonnie used what strength she had to bring her friends back to the land of the living, including Elena, Stefan, Tyler, and Alaric. Yet, time had run out before she could save Damon. Bonnie later sacrificed herself in the Prison World, staying behind and sending Damon back to their home.

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5 Caroline: Protecting Enzo

Damon and Enzo were forced to fight each other, and with Bonnie refusing to pick between them, it was up to Stefan and Caroline to end their fighting. However, Stefan and Caroline ended up on separate sides of the battle.

Stefan chose to protect his brother, even if he began the fight wishing to prevent them from hurting each other. Yet, Caroline understood how much Enzo meant to Bonnie, and after promising Bonnie that she wouldn’t lose Enzo, Caroline rushed in and protected Enzo from Stefan and Damon.

4 Bonnie: Choosing Herself

Considering how rarely this happened, it certainly made an impression when it did. Bonnie was often called upon to save the day, usually leading to losing those she loved or sacrificing herself in the process.

When Bonnie chose to prioritize her life and happiness, those were large steps for Bonnie, and it showed that she wanted to live. Bonnie fought against Silas rising and keeping the veil down. She argued against Lily getting the 1903 Prison World because handing it over would mean Kai’s escape and putting her life at risk again.

3 Caroline: Staying With Josie And Lizzie

At first, it didn’t look like Caroline would become a mother figure to the twins. Yet, over time they grew on her, and once they were born, Caroline decided to go to Texas with Alaric and the girls to help out, eventually becoming a dedicated mother to them.

Josie and Lizzie became the most important people in Caroline’s life, and she wasn’t willing to risk their lives for anything. At one point, Caroline told Stefan not to go with her to rescue the twins because Caroline would kill Damon if he prevented Josie and Lizzie’s safety.

2 Bonnie: Never Backing Down To Threats

Bonnie can certainly tell when someone is a powerful threat. That doesn’t mean she’ll back down and do whatever they want out of fear. Bonnie doesn’t do whatever the villains want because they are likely to kill her if she doesn’t.

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Instead, Bonnie will fight them even with the understanding that it may be hard. She doesn’t back down from those wishing to hurt her friends and has even attempted to kill some of those villains.

1 Caroline: Seeing The Good In Others

Caroline is one of the most compassionate people in Mystic Falls. She sees the good in others even when it doesn’t look like there could be any. Caroline even brings the good out of those who are considered to be bad people.

Caroline’s relationship with Klaus is a prime example of that. Klaus has done terrible things to Caroline’s friends, yet, she still says she believes there is good in him even if she can’t forgive his previous actions.

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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