For followers of this infamous cult classic, it’s incredibly disappointing that Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 is being pushed back due to development changes. Many are worried that it is taking a turn in the wrong direction, while others are using their disappointment as an impetus to replay the original.

VTMB is arguably one of the best roleplaying experiences in a video game, period, and part of its critical acclaim stems from how easy it is for players to really sink their teeth into their fledgling and play as a character that feels real to them. The flip side of this is how much players start to identify with their fledgling – and what their chosen clan might say about them.

7 Brujah

Players who choose Clan Brujah are probably reactionary spirits, who are quick to anger and have many strong opinions about a lot of things. They fight for the rights of marginalized peoples, attend strikes whenever possible, and have no qualms about getting a little nasty in the process.

In general, they fight for the underdogs of the world, but sometimes their zeal leads them to go along with the mob without thinking. Their passionate activism can become more about the passion of acting than their passion for helping – a thing to be wary of, lest they lose themselves in the fray.

6 Gangrel

These gruff types tend to be loners, preferring their solitude above all else. They feel a special connection with animals and enjoy being around them, whether via adoption, volunteering, or living on the edges of society – as ranchers, as rangers, and so on.

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That said, just because they prefer being on their own doesn’t necessarily mean they have bad social skills. They certainly might, but overall, Gangrel people just prefer to do their own thing. A wise Gangrel would take the time to find a balance in life between their rugged inclinations, and working with people to get what they need.


5 Malkavian

These folks tend to be the poster children of the Bloodlines series, and it’s because they can’t help but stand out. They’re fun, strange, and intriguing, with a unique taste in fashion, an inclination towards entirely unconventional subjects, and speech patterns that tend to be a little confusing.

Unfortunately, Malks tend to be pretty misunderstood and might suffer unpleasant encounters with people who don’t “get” them. But oftentimes, it’s the strangest people among us who are also the wisest, with the best insight for any given situation. As long as a Malk knows how to differentiate between reality and unreality, they should have fruitful, fulfilling lives.

4 Nosferatu

In-game members of Clan Nosferatu are the true children of the night, with a getup that is so classically vampiric, they have to travel entirely by shadow (and sewer). Their fans in real life likely do not have to go to such lengths, but they similarly prefer to stay out of the way and watch from the shadows.

Or, rather, they prefer to watch from their computer screens. They tend to spend most of their days on the internet, posting on forums, trolling Twitter users, and writing code for work. This means they’re great with technology – but in turn, social conventions might be irksome for them.

3 Toreador

With a curated taste in art, music, film, and literature, these people are poets (or at least, they think they are), with sensitive souls and an acute sense of empathy. This allows them to feel more deeply than others might and understand how to work people better than others do.

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By day, many Toreadors might try to pursue a career in the arts, or perhaps the social sciences. But by night, they’re probably going to wine bars, concerts, or gallery openings – either because they genuinely enjoy doing so, or they just think they should.

2 Tremere

Some people are just way too hard to figure out, and those are Tremeres to a T. These people are very private, quiet, and intense, always either lost in their thoughts or up to something new. While some people are content to drift through life unawares, Tremere types are determined to find answers and meaning in just about everything.

This might put some people off, turning these folks into outcasts wherever they go. But a true and confident Tremere knows that their goal in life is unflinching, and the right people will not only support their goals – they’re probably seeking the same things, too.

1 Ventrue

Always put together with upturned noses, Ventrues constantly seek the finer things in life. They choose careers that pay the most, they buy things that cost the most, and they date almost exclusively in their social class. They believe in the system because the system has worked for them, and only them.

Or, rather, they want all these things. Some Ventrue types know what it’s like to grow up hungry and therefore, their primary goal in life is to never have to worry about money again. The irony is, money and power become their all-consuming purposes in life. Even if they use it for good purposes, they still would never sacrifice their position for anything else.

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