Upon its 2018 release, the action-horror RPG Vampyr has continued to grow in popularity. Much of the appeal comes from the game’s compelling cast of characters and fascinating backstories relating to their experiences with the Spanish Flu, which is mutating rapidly and ravaging its way through Greater London and turning citizens into toxic zombie-ghouls.

At the center of the action is Doctor Jonathan E. Reid, a vampire who becomes a medical assistant to help stop the spread of the plague. Along the way, Jonathan meets several key characters who are extremely integral to the plot and help him quell the violent chaos the best they can.

8 Hsiao Shun

Since Jonathan becomes a blood-parched zombie early on, it’s hard to elicit sympathy for the character. However, his brief encounter in the horror game with the extremely sad and memorable Hsiao Shun reinforces the main character’s humanity while also relaying a heartbreaking tale about underestimating the disease in the past.

Hsiao is a widow whose loving husband died from the plague, for which she directly blames herself. The overwhelming guilt Hsiao feels forces her to stay at her husband’s grave night and day in Stonebridge Cemetery. When Jonathan encounters her, he is so moved by her melancholy that he takes the time to relate his own heartache over his sister’s death before advising her to leave the Skal-ridden area.

7 Thelma Howcroft

While less integral to the plot than some of the other central characters, it’s hard to forget the unique condition Thelma Howcroft contracts in Pembroke Hospital. Suffering from a rare disease known as Cotard’s Syndrome, Thelma is an uninfected human who believes she is a vampire. Her sense of disillusion gives way to an erratic sense of humor that further separates her from the other characters in the game.

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Skulking through the night believing she is a vampire, Thelma can offer blood for players to drink during the game. Players can also keep her alive and gain intel from her. All told, Thelma has one of the most original medical conditions and one of the most unique personalities in the game.


6 Edgar Swansea

Another crucial character to Jonathan’s success in the game is Dr. Edgar Swansea, the administrator at the Pembroke Hospital, one of the spookiest horror game settings where much of the grisly action takes place. It’s Edgar who hires Jonathan after rescuing Sean Hampton from a vampiric attack. With intelligence to match his gallantry, Edgar is both flawed and virtuous in ways that make the game unpredictable.

As one of Jonathan’s most trusted allies, Edgar also considers himself a maverick within the shadowy Brotherhood of the St. Paul’s Stole, an underground sect dedicated to studying vampiric activity, revealing a dastardly ulterior motive that betrays his innocent facade.

5 Sean Hampton

The good-hearted and charitable Sean Hampton runs a nighttime asylum for the poor citizens in the East End. The pious gent is first seen being accosted by Bishop before being saved by Edgar and taken to Pembroke Hospital. When he slowly morphs into a slavering Skal, he still retains his faith in the lord.

Deemed the “Sad Saint,” it’s the complex character’s kinship with the Skals is that sets him apart. After turning into a rabid ghoul, Sean’s moral compass restricts him to only feast on dead creatures. Watching the conscience-stricken zombie grapple with his religious upbringing is fascinating to no end, despite how over-the-top the horror character becomes upon transformation.

4 Dorothy Crane

Nurse Dorothy Crane is a deeply important character in Vampyr. After assisting with Jonathan’s surgery and nursing him back to health, Dorothy becomes a dependable figure in Whitechapel whose medical contributions keep the town healthy and stable. Even more commendable, Dorothy runs an unsanctioned dispensary for the poorest folks in town.

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Despite her charitable actions, the tough-nosed, no-nonsense former revolutionary becomes even more vital to the plot when Jonathan catches her extorting money to pay for the dispensary. The option that Jonathan chooses in response will directly determine the fate of Whitechapel.

3 Mary Reid

One of the most shocking and emotionally charged moments in the mega-popular RPG  comes when Jonathan realizes the vampire wearing his mother’s broach is his own sister Mary Reid, who he inadvertently killed to start the game.

Jonathan’s heartfelt encounter with his undead sister in the Whitechapel cemetery is the emotional core of the entire story. Jonathan feels tremendous guilt for infecting his sister, who has now become a blood-sucking vamp with the illest of intentions. The saddest part is how naturally benevolent Mary was prior to morphing, with Jonathan often describing her as “kindness incarnate.”

2 Elizabeth Ashbury

As the founder of Pembroke Hospital, the philanthropic Lady Elizabeth Ashbury is the most important character in the game other than Jonathan. In addition to becoming his love interest, Elizabeth begins the game by saving Jonathan from a ravenous Skal, allowing him to revive and help curb the spread of the disease.

Driving much of the plotline, Lady Ashbury guides Jonathan to the Ascalon Club to confront the odious Lord Redgrave and later serves revenge on Bishop for infecting her a century prior. Although she is an NPC, Lady Ashbury remains at Jonathan’s side as his most trustworthy companion whose love keeps him going all the way until the end.

1 Jonathan E. Reid

As the clear-cut protagonist of Vampyr, Jonathan E. Reid is the best character and main reason to play the game. The cool conceit of controlling a vampiric good guy is unique in its own right, but the backstory is really what makes Jonathan so compelling as a lead character.

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Stumped by the profound conundrum of “what prevails in the end, I wonder? The desire for blood or to be of service to man,” Jonathan marauds his way through the dank streets and docks of London to not only quash the infectious plague but also reconcile his familial past and atone for his past sins. Balancing his duties as a dedicated doctor and feral vamp, Jonathan’s ethical discipline to do the right thing is the dramatic anchor of the story.

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