Vampyr is an action RPG that allows players to play as Dr. Reid, a medical doctor that has a newfound thirst for blood. Throughout the game, players will be able to make choices that will either make Dr. Reid more powerful or weaken London. Players will not be required to kill innocent characters, but it will make the game easier in some aspects. 

XP is a necessary resource to unlock and upgrade skills in Vampyr. There are three main ways to gain XP: sucking blood, battling enemies, and completing quests. All of these activities will have consequences, but some will be more severe than others. 


How to Gain XP in Vampyr

Sucking Blood

As the name of the game suggests, sucking blood is one of the primary ways to earn XP in Vampyr. Select victims carefully, however, as feeding on a citizen ensures that they will be killed, and their involvement in the storyline will stop there. Each citizen also has a Blood Quality level that will be displayed in the citizen menu, so weigh a citizen’s Blood Quality against their importance before feeding on them. 

Something that can be done to enhance the Blood Quality of a citizen is to learn more hints about them. The closer Dr. Reid is to a citizen, the more powerful their blood is. One of the cons to this is players may be reluctant to feed on a citizen once they invest more time in them and find out more information. 


Players can traverse between different hub districts to encounter enemies. Then, they can defeat them to earn XP. If players can’t find any more enemies, they should move from area to area and give them time to respawn. While this is the most time-consuming way to collect XP, it has the least amount of consequences and is the easiest way overall. If players want to do a run in which they don’t kill any vital NPC’s, this is the best way to gain XP. 

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Quests and Investigations

When players aren’t sucking blood, they should invest time in quests and investigations. As players progress through the story, they will also be given access to new quests and investigations. This will give the player a small amount of XP, as well as give them more plot.

While sucking blood will give Dr. Reid the most XP, players will have to determine whether to let his monstrous appetite get the best of him or to keep a low profile while investigating London and learning more about its citizens. Ultimately, the choices Dr. Reid makes will affect the stability of London at the end of the game. 

Vampyr is available now on Play Station 4, Xbox One and PC.

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