Throughout the Dragon Ball saga, Vegeta has proven himself to be one of the most powerful and ferocious fighters in the series, and after he displays a moment of sheer menace and brutality, Vegeta proves that he belongs in Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat originated as an arcade fighting game but has since formed into a fully developed world of deep lore and extensive character development for each and every fighter. Mortal Kombat has also spawned multiple film franchises and more than a few comic book lines. After Vegeta seemingly mirrors the actions of a deadly Mortal Kombat fighter, he shows that he would truly thrive in that world.


In Dragon Ball Super Chapter 61 by Akira Toriyama and Toyotarou, Vegeta appears in the middle of a battle between the Z-Fighters of Earth and the evil sorcerer Moro. While Goku held the villain off for some time, Vegeta was off-world learning a new technique used to weaken Moro with every blow.

When Vegeta has Moro on the ropes and is preparing to unleash the final blast that will end the sorcerer’s life, Moro surprisingly laughs at him, saying that even if Vegeta kills him, the Saiyan will never be redeemed for his past evil deeds and will wind up in hell all the same. In a moment of pure bad-assery, Vegeta replies, “You first.” This scene is reminiscent of a similar one between Mortal Kombat’s Sub-Zero and Scorpion in the film Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge. In the film, Sub-Zero (later revealed to be Quan Chi in disguise) kills Scorpion’s entire clan as well as his wife and son right before his eyes. When Scorpion tells him that he will die for this, Sub-Zero replies, “You first” before driving an ice spear through Scorpion’s skull.

Based on the similarity between these two scenes, Vegeta proves he has the attitude it takes to be a memorable fighter within Mortal Kombat. Plus, the character is no stranger to one-v-one fighter games. Like Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball has a number of video game adaptations that offer players the option to play the campaign as well as face each other in multiplayer in a style akin to Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, meaning that if Vegeta was somehow able to change franchises, he’d feel right at home in the brutally blood-thirsty world.

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The only trouble with Vegeta jumping franchises is that he may be a bit too powerful for some of the fighters in Mortal Kombat. In the current Dragon Ball Super continuity, Vegeta has unlocked Ultra Ego, a power that only Gods of Destruction have ever wielded. So, Vegeta going up against the likes of Johnny Cage, for example, would be a bit beneath him. However, the beauty of Mortal Kombat is the versatility it has with its fighters, from regular humans like Johnny Cage to literal gods like Lord Raiden. Even if Vegeta grew bored with one opponent, there would always be another ready to take him on and push his powers to their limits. From acting similarly to a Mortal Kombat legacy character to the brutal power he wields, Dragon Ball proves that Vegeta belongs in the Mortal Kombat universe.

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