Spider-Man fans know that when it comes to fashion, Peter Parker’s style has changed plenty of times over the years. But no alternate costume has been as iconic as the famous black symbiote Spider-suit, acquired by Peter while on the alien Battleworld during the Marvel universe’s Secret Wars event. This black suit would turn out to be the alien symbiote Venom, and cause Spider-Man all kinds of grief — but it still didn’t make him think twice about bringing another alien suit back to Earth. But he did, this time from the Negative Zone.

In Spider-Man #90 Peter and Mary-Jane find themselves on Yancy Street for a date night, when they stumble upon a black hole forming in the middle of the street. Why? Let’s chalk it up to Peter Parker’s horrible luck. When teens are put in harm’s way, Spider-Man can’t help but leap directly into the black hole to save innocent lives from a completely unknown threat. And within seconds, he’s dropped into the Negative Zone… smack in the middle of a battlefield.


Peter quickly determines which side to throw in with by noting one side’s forces are blasting a building with innocent women and children inside. But while fighting his way through the army forces, he is saved by someone dressed all in black. This fighter reveals himself to be ‘Dusk,’ a member of the rebel group fighting the tyrannical Blastaar and his army (whose goal is to bridge the Negative Zone and the Earth). Dusk is unfortunately gunned down shortly after, before Spider-Man manages to force Blastaar’s army to retreat. The rebel forces then bring Spider-Man back to their stronghold… where they make a strange request.

As Peter soon learns, Dusk is more of an idea than a person. The hero he knew by the name reveals the original Dusk disappeared a long time ago, “a rebel leader of mythic proportions.” The captain asks Spider-Man to take up the mantle, and lead the rebellion into battle and take the fight to Blastaar. Peter agrees, because if Blastaar wins he would bring his army to Earth. Wearing the Dusk costume, Peter can become virtually invisible in the shadows and glide short distances.

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Peter lead the rebels to victory, and was able to save the teenagers and bring them back home to Earth. He also brought home the Dusk costume with him. Peter would go on to use this costume as a new persona in the “Identity Crisis” story arc which would see Norman Osborne place a $5 million dollar bounty on Spider-Man’s head. You would think that Peter would have learnt his lesson after the last alien costume he brought back to Earth, but this one has turned out to NOT be a sentient life form — yet. But as fans of Spider-Man know, no story is ever truly finished.

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