While Ragnar Lothbrok is a legendary hero in Vikings, he’s a lot more than that. He was a farmer, a friend, a husband, and a father. Sure, maybe he was better at being a Viking than anything else, but each of those roles were important in his life. And yes, maybe he was kinda bad at being a dad and spouse, but it had to be enough to love him, right? If you ask Lagertha, clearly the answer is no.

Ragnar and his first wife loved each other dearly, and despite their divorce, they still thought of each other as soulmates. However, along the way, Ragnar hurt Lagertha deeply. And, in turn, she hurt him back. Here are the 5 worst things Lagertha did to Ragnar, and 5 he did to her.

10 Lagertha: Took Bjorn Away

When Lagertha divorced Ragnar, she had every right to end their relationship. However, she took it one step further: she left town. That decision made Bjorn have to choose between his parents. After all, it wasn’t exactly the modern-day. They couldn’t pass him back and forth between houses every week.

For Ragnar and Bjorn’s sake, Lagertha should have stayed closer to Kattegat. That way, her son and his father could have a relationship and he would never have had to make a choice between parents. While no one can blame her for wanting to leave her ex-husband and the woman he was leaving her for, there was more at play than that. Also, Bjorn never would have had to grow up around an abusive, disgusting man for a step-father.

9 Ragnar: Got Their Farm Pillaged

Before Ragnar’s ambition and prophetic dreams got in the way of their marriage, he and Lagertha were happy on their farm. Lagertha even laments losing that time of their lives in later seasons. However, that pesky ambition of his ruined it all. His expeditions to England threatened the Jarl, and he felt so threatened by Ragnar’s confidence and adventures that he pillaged their farms.

If he didn’t keep pushing for pillaging across the sea, they could’ve lived happy lives as farmers who go on occasional Viking adventures. Instead, he slowly tore them apart. Starting by getting their beloved farm utterly wrecked.


8 Lagertha: Lied About Bjorn’s Parentage

Early on in Lagertha and Ragnar’s relationship, she was seeing another Lothbrok brother as well: Rollo. Ragnar tells the story like he stole Lagertha from Rollo, but clearly Lagertha and Rollo had some “fun” before any of that happened.

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Not only did Lagertha lie about the probable length of her relations with Rollo, but when she realized Rollo also could’ve been Bjorn’s father, she never told Ragnar that. Therefore, she hurt Bjorn and Ragnar by being deceitful about his “eldest son’s” origins. Is he really a son of Ragnar, then, and what does that mean for Ragnar’s prophecy? Her lies really turn everything upside down.

7 Ragnar: Cheated On Her

For true fans of the series, it’s clear that Lagertha is the woman Ragnar loved most. Despite that, the unfaithful man went on a trip, met a self-named Princess, and was attracted to her. And, like the mess he was, romanced her and slept with her.

Even though he only slept with Aslaug once, he impregnated her and threw a wrench in his marriage. Lagertha might have even forgiven the infidelity, considering their open bed policy and the fact it only happened once. But instead, he had to try to marry her. That completely upended all of Lagertha’s life and changed her destiny, forever.

6 Lagertha: Choosing Her Best Interest Over Her Son’s

When Lagertha left Ragnar, she took her son with her. Over time, though, she made a series of choices that were better for her life and her goals than his. For example, after they left Ragnar, Lagertha chose to marry a nearby Jarl instead of starting a life of their own. Trying to keep herself near power, she put her son in a situation with an abusive step-father and social misery.

It wasn’t until his step-father had passed that he had a better shot at happiness, but he still took the first chance to live at Kattegat with his father and brothers instead. He probably would’ve grown up happier figuring out things in a meager life with his mother.

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5 Ragnar: Abandoned His Family In Kattegat

The second he became Jarl of Kattegat, Ragnar left his family and the village to fend for itself. Lucky for him, Lagertha knew to rule over people, but leaving a pregnant woman forced to oversee so much? Lagertha is a strong, independent lady, but he really didn’t need to go that second. He could’ve waited.

Instead, he left and they had to figure out everything on their own. It’s no surprise they suffered through some infighting, tragedy, and plague with half the village gone. Ragnar should’ve cared for his family before he tended after his ambition, but he didn’t.

4 Lagertha: Had A Relationship With Rollo

The first Lothbrok to love Lagertha was actually Rollo, the fierce bear of a Viking. However, when Ragnar came into the picture, he whisked her away and married her. It’s clear, though, that Lagertha wasn’t quite clear on the depth of her relationship with Rollo.

It wasn’t just a flirtation; the two were deeply enmeshed and spent a lot of intimate time together before she chose Ragnar. Perhaps, even, for a little longer after Ragnar chose her. While Lagertha had every right to date whoever she wanted, Ragnar probably should’ve understood her relationship with Rollo better and all the possibilities that came with it. Like the fact Bjorn might be his son.

3 Ragnar: Put Bjorn In Danger

Even though Ragnar’s encouragement in combat helped make Bjorn the great warrior he became, he also willingly put Bjorn in danger. Instead of trying to keep his son safer, even in his earliest days Ragnar often put his young son on the front lines. Understandably, Lagertha wasn’t a huge fan of that. After all, her son had barely fought in real battle scenarios before being thrust into real danger.

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Sure, things went well in the end, but Bjorn could’ve easily been slain in his first battle, the way Ragnar sent him out there. They may be Vikings, but Ragnar could’ve been a little more careful with him.

2 Lagertha: Ended Aslaug’s Reign and Life

While Ragnar spent most of his time away from Kattegat, he left his wife, Princess Aslaug, to care for the village and lands. Her diplomatic and managerial ways worked very well for the place, but as the years went on, she became more and more despondent, lonely, and troubled.

Maybe Lagertha did Kattegat a favor by ending Aslaug and taking over her reign. However, she still offed Ragnar’s baby-making wife. They may not have been in love, but that’s still an inconvenience. Oh and, of course, she took his job.

1 Ragnar: Destroyed Their Marriage

Of all the bad things Ragnar and Lagertha did to each other, they often found the strength to forgive each other for the thing they did. Their bond as warriors and friends always came first. That is, except in the case of their marriage. Ragnar choosing Aslaug and her child over Lagertha was something that tore the couple apart irreparably.

They could handle being friends, but Ragnar broke Lagertha’s heart for the rest of her life, even if she still loved him. She never was capable of loving someone as she loved him ever again. No wonder that, no matter how they felt or supported one another, their relationship always suffered from that moment on.

NextThe 10 Best TV Horror Miniseries, Ranked By IMDb

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