Vikings is a show that doesn’t shy away from sex – but even in this world, where casual sex is the norm, Bjorn seems to have a lot more success with women than most. While most other characters either have a few romances, one or two marriages, or even stay unattached (like Harald, and his terrible luck with women), Bjorn manages to marry no fewer than five women over the course of his life, and has a couple of other flings along the way.

In fact, his seeming inability to remain with one woman is sometimes seen as his biggest flaw – especially for fans of Torvi, who is deeply hurt when Bjorn loses interest in her. However, he is not cruel to the women he marries, and isn’t a man to cheat (especially after seeing what his father’s cheating did to their family). Instead, his relationships often overlap through the full consent and suggestion of other partners, and end mutually, or through death.

6 Elsewith & Astrid: Noteworthy Lovers

While Bjorn does not marry or form a long-term attachment with either Elsewith or Astrid, both are important enough to get a mention as two important relationships. Elsewith, of course, goes on to become Alfred’s wife – but not before she seduces Bjorn in Wessex. This may seem like a simple one-off encounter, but when she announced her pregnancy, it did lead fans to wonder if her child might be Bjorn’s.  Astrid, meanwhile, got together with Bjorn in Kattegat, where Lagertha was ruling. This was short-lived, and speculated to be more about a way to irritate Lagertha (who was sleeping with Astrid herself) than a real attraction.

5 Thorunn

Thorunn starts off in the show as an enslaved woman in Kattegat, when Bjorn falls for her (but she is hesitant about a relationship). Eventually, Aslaug frees Thorunn so that she can pursue a real relationship with Bjorn on equal ground (or at least, as equal as a servant and a Son of Ragnar could be), if she wants to. After some back and forth, the two connect, and Thorunn becomes a shieldmaiden and goes to war alongside Bjorn. The two do marry, and even have a daughter, Siggy, but things do not end well for the pair. Thorunn is seriously injured in battle, ending up with a large scar over her face – miserable at the change to her appearance, she pushes Bjorn away, and eventually simply leaves Kattegat (and her husband) and is never seen again.


4 Torvi

Torvi and Bjorn begin their relationship while both are married to other people – Bjorn is still with Thorunn, although she has pushed him away and told him to find a new relationship elsewhere, and Torvi is married to Erlunder, who she despises. Torvi and Bjorn do begin a relationship, and when Erlunder threatens the life of Torvi’s child unless she kills Bjorn, she turns the tables on him (or turns the crossbow on him, more accurately), and murders him in front of everyone. After this, and Thorunn’s disappearance, they are free to be together.

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Over the course of Torvi and Bjorn’s long relationship, they have two children, and for a long time, they are happy together. Both are passionate and brave, brilliant warriors and explorers, and they meet on equal footing. However, as time goes on, it becomes clear that Bjorn has lost interest in Torvi and his children, and their ending is a heartbreaking one. Torvi sees that Bjorn has become enamored with someone else, and tells him that she will release him to be free to be with her. It’s a sad moment, when it happens, but in the end it works out well for everyone – as Bjorn finds Gunnhild, and Torvi finds a new equal partner in Ubbe.

3 Sneafrid

One of Bjorn’s shortest-lived marriages is to Sneafrid, the daughter of King Svase, one of Bjorn’s allies against Ivar. She comes from a very different land and culture, but the two are utterly smitten with each other as soon as they first meet, and it is obvious that they will find a way to be together. Sneafrid isn’t just a political alliance or marriage, either – she has a way of making Bjorn laugh that few others do, and they seem to both be great fighters, in their own ways. However, Ivar is able to overwhelm Svase and his forces, and Sneafrid is killed after she and Bjorn have been together only a short time.

2 Gunnhild

Gunnhild is the true love of Bjorn’s life, as much as he has one, and becomes his equal and his partner in many ways. The two meet under difficult circumstances, but it’s clear that there is a true balance here, and a deep attraction. Gunnhild is a warrior, but also a capable ruler, and she suits Bjorn at this time in his life, when much of his exploring is giving way to attempting to rule at home. She is a steadying influence, but a great fighter, at the same time. Gunnhild is by Bjorn’s side for much of the later seasons, even though King Harald repeatedly tries to seduce her away from him with promises that one day, he will be king.

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In the end, though, Gunnhild becomes unhappy that she cannot seem to have a child with Bjorn, and the one time that she does become pregnant, she goes into early labor and the child doesn’t survive. While she never leaves Bjorn or stops loving him, she does accept him taking a second wife, so that he may have sons to carry on his name. After Bjorn dies, his second wife is willing to marry King Harald in order to retain power, but Gunnhild refuses to ever marry another, and walks into the sea, intending to drown and join Bjorn in Valhalla.

1 Ingrid

Bjorn’s final wife, Ingrid ends the series as the ruler of Kattegat – a twist that surprised many fans. When she and Bjorn first meet, it is when she is a citizen in Kattegat, and Bjorn is simply attracted to her (and she to him, like seemingly every other woman in the series!). As already mentioned, Gunnhild is a pragmatic woman, and when she sees them together, simply suggests that he marry Ingrid, too. For the most part, though, their relationship seems primarily based on pure attraction, rather than the real meeting of minds that Bjorn has with some of his previous partners. And when it is revealed after his death that Ingrid is, in fact, a powerful witch, it’s easy to speculate that she actually got his attention by magic… then again, Bjorn didn’t often need spells to connect with a new and attractive woman!

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