In Vikings, Heahmund is introduced shortly after Ragnar’s death as a skilled warrior who also doubles as the Bishop of Sherborn. His task is clear: to defend the Saxons against the Great Heathen Army that’s seeking revenge for Ragnar’s death. However, things get complicated for Heahmund, who finds himself dancing with the so-called Pagans.

Through Heahmund’s interactions with both his people and the Vikings, several of his traits become evident. Some of these characteristics are quite admirable while others portray him as a very despicable human. But no matter what the holy warrior does, he sure does manage to thrill audiences in each of his scenes.



He Is Brave

Heahmund is shown to be the bravest among all the prominent Anglo-Saxons in Vikings. He stays on his horse during battles, risking getting struck by arrows, and refuses to beg for mercy whenever he is captured.

As a holy warrior who believes in his skills, as well as God’s protection, Heahmund knows better than to be cowardly. Heahmund’s courage is so remarkable that even the ruthless Ivar offers him a new horse when the one he has gets struck down. Ivar does so just so he can watch him fight some more. His courage extends to his personal life too as he is willing to risk his position as bishop, as well as God’s wrath, by having affairs with women.

He Is Adaptive

Though Heahmund is highly religious and thinks of the Northmen as Pagans, he agrees to fight for them when he is captured by Ivar’s forces. By making this decision, he saves his own life.

Heahmund’s decision is commendable since most of his fellow Anglo-Saxons are egoistic and would have simply chosen to die rather than wield a sword for the Vikings. Furthermore, it’s his adaptiveness that leads to one of the most surprising relationships in Vikings. Though theirs is forbidden love, Lagertha and Heahmund are shown to care deeply about each other, despite not understanding each other’s religions.

He Is Resourceful

When Ivar wins the Second Battle For Kattegat, Lagertha, Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi flee to avoid getting killed. Heahmund, who is with them, quickly comes up with a plan for them to settle in East Anglia in exchange for them helping stop further incursions by the Northmen.

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It’s a great move that ensures all of their safety since, at this given moment, they have nowhere to run to. If Heahmund hadn’t come up with the plan, Ivar’s forces would have found Lagertha and killed her. The move also enables Heahmund to spend precious time with Lagertha until the hours before his death.

He Is Intelligent

Having received a classical education, Heahmund is shown to be very knowledgeable. He engages in philosophical conversations with Lagertha, something that causes her to fall in love with him. He also assists Ivar and Aethewulf create solid battle plans.

Thanks to his wisdom, Bishop Heahmund’s quotes in Vikings are among the most intriguing overall. Proven to be a weak ruler, Aethewulf also owes most of his victories to Heahmund, who came up with most of the plans. Moreover, the holy warrior is smart enough not to break one of the important laws of power by outshining the master. When Aethewulf implies that Heahmund is doing too much, the Bishop goes to his knees and falls back in line.

He Is Remorseful

Heahmund feels guilty about sleeping with the widow Ordlaf, something that causes him to go to the woods and punish himself so that the Lord would have mercy on him. He also repents for his affair with Lagertha when he gets visions of hell.

As a man of the cloth, Heahmund isn’t as comfortable sinning as the rest of the characters on the show. Even though he enjoys the love and pleasures that women provide, he understands that a man in his position shouldn’t be doing what he does. He, therefore, shows a willingness to renounce his sinful ways at various stages of the series.

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He Is Promiscuous

The holy warrior is more than glad to sleep with women who come with him for spiritual guidance. He also sleeps with Lagertha, an act that Lord Cuthred considers abominable since she is a Pagan and he is a Christian.

It’s explained on the show that preachers are supposed to honor a vow of celibacy. Heahmund not only breaks this rule with one woman but several of them. And except for Lagertha, he mostly seduces women that are in a poor emotional state after either losing loved ones or suffering other kinds of tragedies.

He Is Malevolent

Bishop Heahmund sees no problem with harming others, especially if he has to do that to cover up his sins. He brutally murders Lord Cuthred when he learns that the man of the cloth is planning to expose his affair with Lagertha.

That Heahmund murders Cuthred inside a church is indeed despicable. It’s also not priest-like for him to sleep with a widow immediately after he officiates the burial ceremony of her husband. In addition to that, Heahmund gets to kill his former colleagues without blinking each time he switches sides.

He Is Self-Centered

Heahmund only cares about whether he goes to heaven or not and whether he lives or dies. Everyone else’s feelings are not his concerns and that’s why he unapologetically dumps his lovers whenever he gets reminded about the possibility of hell.

The best proof of Heahmund’s self-centeredness comes when he breaks up with Lagertha after getting a vision yet he has promised her that he would go to hell for her. Every alliance he forms ends up being about him too rather than about the general interests of both parties that are involved.

He Is Indecisive

The preacher agrees to fight for Ivar after the Great Heathen Army leader spares his life, only for him to side with Lagertha after falling in love with her. Additionally, he betrays his people by fighting with the Northmen.

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By jumping from one force to the other, Heahmund paints himself as somewhat of a disloyal person. Fighting for 3 different armies within a short period is something most of the other formidable warriors on the show would never consider. There’s no doubt that if he has stuck with Ivar, he’d still be alive.

He Is Power Hungry

Heahmund is deeply devastated when he loses his position as the Bishop of Sherborne. He these schemes his way to the top and by doing so, he draws hatred from fellow priests.

Though he is aware that he is unfit for the position, Heahmund doesn’t mind killing and lying to make sure he stays at the helm of the church. Sadly, by trying too hard to hold on to his position, he creates his downfall. It’s within the short period he spends in jail that he ends up losing focus both as a warrior and as a priest.

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