With the premiere of its sixth season, the ending of fan-favorite show Vikings is finally upon us. Audiences will agree that the last few years were a rollercoaster of emotions and blood baths, epic battles and political intrigue. Many deaths scarred us perhaps for life, while certain victories made us feel hopeful once more. Even though it’s arguable that Vikings slowly lost its edge after the departure of Ragnar, it’s still a fantastic show with endless merits and praises we should acknowledge.

As with any other departure of an incredibly beloved show, the time comes when we wish to pay it homage. And this time around we’ll do it by looking back at all the previous episodes of the show and singling out the absolute best. Put your swords down, warriors – today, we’re ranking the ten best episodes of Vikings, according to IMDb. For Ragnar!

10 Ragnarok – 8.8/10

Season five wasn’t exactly a string of phenomenal episodes and amazing storytelling – at least not at the level fans were accustomed to. Ratings and reviews were disappointing throughout the entire run of the season, up until “Ragnarok”, the season finale, hit our screens.

With a fantastic rating of 8.8, the episode brought us everything we were hoping for, including the beautifully choreographed and visceral battle scenes, the ending of Ivar’s reign, and Bjorn’s ascension to the throne that was rightfully his. Undoubtedly the best episode of the entire season, it was “Ragnarok” that made us want to come back for season 6.

9 In The Uncertain Hour Before The Morning – 8.9/10

Talk about a packed episode! For a while there, “In The Uncertain Hour Before The Morning” was one of the most underrated episodes of the show, but audiences soon realized just what a masterpiece of an episode this was, including several scenes that became a staple for Vikings.

Perhaps the most memorable ones will be the reunion between Ragnar and King Ecbert, for strings of minutes consisting of nothing but amazing acting and, of course, the murder of Aslaug at the hands of Lagertha. Who can forget about the moment Lagertha finally executed her revenge?


8 Revenge – 8.9/10

And speaking of revenge, we arrive at yet another outstanding episode of Vikings that scored a rating of 8.9 on IMDb. The aftermath of Ragnar’s death didn’t just leave fans weeping, it also took an incredible toll on the Viking king’s family. What “Revenge”, the aptly named eighteenth episode of season four brings us, is a look at the power dynamics between the sons of Ragnar.

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The Viking army is ready to avenge the passing of its leader, and it all culminates with the graphic and powerful death of King Aelle. But what really drives the episode home is the intricate and beautifully acted fight for power within the sons of Ragnar.

7 The Reckoning – 8.9/10

The sheer amount of brutality and blood-shed that the ending of season four saw was unprecedented, even for a show like Vikings. The finale was satisfying in many ways, and it gave fans incredible battle moments that are at the core of the show.

But what the episode did best was foreshadow Ivar’s nature, which would be the driving force of the following season. He proves to be a fantastic strategist, but the glimpse into his twisted and evil mind is provided in small but significant pieces.

6 On The Eve – 9/10

“On The Eve” was the episode that preceded “The Reckoning”, and while the latter was the culmination of years of hatred, bloodlust, and much-anticipated battle, the former manages to be even better because of the intelligence behind it. Or better yet, because of the display of intelligence from the characters.

Throughout the entire episode, one can’t help but feel like there is something looming over, that every single person who appears on screen is about to burst at any moment. That moment won’t arrive until the following episode, but suspense and anticipation can often be even better than the explosion in itself.

5 The Dead – 9.2/10

Back in the day, Vikings was a show that only ran for ten episodes per season. Thankfully for all of us, that changed once season four came around. “The Dead”, the tenth and last episode of season three, was mesmerizing in every sense of the word. This time around, we weren’t presented with a gigantic spectacle of battle and siege, but rather character development.

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Season finales should always do a great job of setting up the following season, and that’s exactly what “The Death” did, providing us with spectacularly written scenes that were acted with all the emotion and expertise only the cast of Vikings knows how to deliver. 

4 The Last Ship – 9.2/10

Who doesn’t love some good old sibling rivalry? Well, one can make a case for Ragnar and Rollo’s relationship being one of the main driving forces of Vikings – a case that is hard to dispute. These two always had one of the most intricate and complex relationships out of anyone else on the show, one that was rooted both on love and jealousy.

What “The Last Ship” gave us was the confrontation we’d been anticipating for years. When Rollo committed the ultimate betrayal by joining the enemy army, anticipation about what would come from it was at an all-time high. By the time “The Last Ship” came around, jaws dropped all across the world. And for good reason!

3 The Lord’s Prayer – 9.3/10

Let us take a little walk down memory lane with “The Lord’s Prayer”, which has been considered by many as one of the best episodes of the show to date. There is a clear trend with Vikings and spectacular season finales, and season two was no exception.

What it lacked in battle and bloodshed, it more than made up in political intrigue, whispers, and character development. Much like what happened with the season three finale, “The Lord’s Prayer” set up the following season masterfully.

2 To The Gates! – 9.3/10

What makes Vikings so great to begin with? It’s hard to give a single answer to such a complex question, but there is no denying that the battle scenes are a staple of the show that is hard to top. And “To The Gates!” has to be not only the best fight sequence on the show, but also one of the most incredibly choreographed action-sequences seen on television.

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Showcasing the moment the Viking army finally breach the impenetrable wall of Paris, the episode quickly shifts from one side to the other, offering stunning visuals, impeccable choreography, and a hectic sequence that still manages to give each character its own moment in the sun. A masterpiece of an episode!

1 All His Angels – 9.6/10

And so we arrive at the best episode of Vikings. It will probably come as no surprise to anyone that Ragnar’s death gets the number one spot on this list, nor just because the Viking king died, but because of how beautifully the entire episode was scripted, directed, and acted by everyone involved.

It was emotional and touching, playing our heartstrings harder than ever before. The addition of the flashbacks added both to the sadness and the celebration of the epic life of Ragnar Lothbrok, the fiercest warrior and strongest leader the Vikings ever had.

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