In The Legend of Vox Machina, viewers were able to meet the main characters from the first campaign of the web series Critical Role. These characters have now taken fans by storm, and it is great to see them come to life and to see the words that the players initially spoke now come out of the animated characters’ mouths.

Each character has their big personality and their own quirks, and this has led to a lot of iconic quotes. Sometimes these quotes can represent who the character is as a whole, and these lines are definitely worth discussing.


Percy – When He Faced An Old Enemy

“I Am Vengeance For The De Rolos.”

While Percy has more to his personality, this season has him consumed by his quest for revenge. Viewers learn of his tragic backstory, that his entire family was murdered by the Briarwoods. Percy managed to escape, and he has spent the rest of his life creating a weapon, the pepperbox, which can kill and consume the souls of those who have wronged him.

When he meets these enemies, he makes sure to reveal who he is, and why he is killing them, which is to avenge his family. Furthermore, the statement is spoken in a grandiose manner, which makes sense as Percy is a previous member of high society.

Keyleth – When They Defeated Brimscythe

“We Did That! We Did That, Right?”

Keyleth is arguably the most powerful person on the team, but she greatly struggles with her powers and often doubts her own abilities. Because of this, she can often freeze up during fights and expects the worst to happen during them. So when Vox Machina defeats Brimscythe, she is both extremely excited and extremely surprised.

The way she exclaims her words also shows how bubbly she can be before she switches back to being unsure again. She can often let both her excitability and self-doubt get the best of her, showing that her Vox Machina character is a Cancer sign on the zodiac.

Vex – When She Was Leading The Party Into Battle

“Maybe We Don’t Fight As One. Maybe We Do What We Do Best.”

While the group argues about who the leader of Vox Machina is, viewers can generally agree that Vex is the unofficial leader. She is usually the one who comes up with the plans, and can often be seen bossing everyone else around. But she is a good leader because she knows how the group works.

They are all a ragtag team rather than an organized unit, so during a battle with Brimscythe, Vex suggests that they all fight in their own style: as a messy, argumentative team. This shows how well Vex understands the group, and how she can channel the group into winning a battle, proving her to be great leader material.

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Vax – When He Flirted With Gilmore

“If We Survive This, I Owe You Dinner.”

Despite his troubled backstory, Vax is able to act through life with a somewhat positive attitude. This results in him acting rather nonchalantly about his life being threatened, which happens a lot throughout the show. When asking Gilmore for advice on how to defeat a dragon, which is an incredibly dangerous task, Vax jokes about how he will treat Gilmore to dinner if he manages to survive.

Of course, he is also flirting with Gilmore in this phrase, showing how Vax has had a long-lasting relationship with him, and he isn’t afraid to flirt to get his way. He isn’t scared when it comes to matters of the heart, as later shown by his feelings for Keyleth.

Grog –  When Vax Was In Danger

“No One Kills Vax But Me!”

Voiced by the iconic Travis Willingham, Grog is a slightly dumb, violent, but kind-hearted goliath barbarian. He loves to engage in fights with people, including other members of Vox Machina, but he obviously loves the fellow members of his team and will protect them fiercely.

These characteristics are shown when Vax is almost killed by Sylas Briarwood, and Vox Machina comes to save him. Grog charges forward, claiming that no one else is allowed to kill Vax but him. This shows how he loves to fight with Vax, but ultimately he cares about the safety of his friend, as he immediately jumps to his aid.

Pike – When She Saved The Day Against The Undead

“May Your Weapons Strike With The Divine Virtue Of The Everlight. Now Go Crush Some F***ing Heads!”

Throughout the series, Pike struggles with her own sense of morality. She is a holy woman, and wants to do good, but spends most of her time around selfish mercenaries, who happen to be her friends. When she loses contact with the Everlight, she goes through a personal crisis, as she struggles to figure out who she really is.

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She eventually realizes that she can be holy and good, while also being violent and hedonistic. This culminates when she appears to help the citizens of Whitestone fight against the undead, and proves herself as an incredibly strong member of the party. She remains holy, but also swears and encourages them all to go crazy.

Scanlan – When He Defeated Duke Vedmire

“Everyone Thinks I’m A Joke. But The Brothels Have Taught Me One Thing. Size Doesn’t Matter, It’s How You Use It.”

Scanlan is one of the best characters in The Legend of Vox Machina, and this is partly due to his dirty euphemisms, that show up even in emotional moments. Scanlan, as a gnome bard, feels like he is constantly underestimated. This culminates where he battles Duke Vedmire to prove himself.

During the fight’s climax, Duke Vedmire comments on how tiny and insignificant Scanlan is, but Scanlan retorts that being small doesn’t matter, it’s simply how you act in battle. Though of course, being Scanlan, he states this in the dirtiest way possible. On top of that, he immediately resolves the fight by shooting lightning through his nether region, cementing the double meaning of his words.

Cassandra – When She Killed Delilah

“I’m Glad You Forgave Her, Brother. But I Could Not.”

Cassandra goes through an incredibly tough time during the show. Her family is murdered, she is tortured, and while her brother can escape, she is left to be brainwashed and used by the Briarwoods. Her brother Percy learns to overcome his need for vengeance in the season finale, and Cassandra even helps him through this, but she feels no need for such a lesson.

In the end, Cassandra is the one to kill Delilah by stabbing her through the throat and claims that she was unable to forgive everything that Delilah put her through. It shows how Cassandra can hold grudges, as she similarly does with Percy, and how cutthroat she can be, literally.

Sylas and Delilah Briarwood – When They Revealed Why They Act So Awfully

“Sylas, I Broke The World For Us.”

The Briarwoods are the season’s main villains, and they are incredibly evil. However, viewers do get some insight into why they act the way they do. They both love each other, and when Sylas almost dies of an illness, Delilah makes a deal with the Whispered One to bring him back to life, and she is willing to do anything to keep them together.

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While this doesn’t excuse their actions, it’s compelling to see how far they both will go for the other person. They are willing to destroy the world for one another, as they take over Whitestone, kill loads of people, including children, and plan to bring a demonic entity into the world.

Gilmore – When He Explained To Vax About Dragons

“To Start, They’re Egomaniacs. They Hate Being Insulted And Have Tremendous Vanity…Not That I Can Relate.”

Gilmore is an incredibly fun character, who doesn’t hesitate to big himself up or act vainly, as he should. He is also a source of knowledge and weapons for Vox Machina, and he provides them with support throughout the series.

This includes a time when he is explaining to Vax how to defeat a dragon, and he explains how dragons can be very egotistical, and sarcastically jokes that he could never possibly relate to one. This quote shows his traits, but also that he is very self-aware, and he manages to give Vax some great advice for defeating the dragon.

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