In the mysteries WandaVision has yet to reveal, the biggest one of all could be that it’s Magneto who has been manipulating Scarlet Witch the entire time, using her to create mutants. The first Marvel Studios series to come to Disney+, the post-Avengers: Endgame set story finds Wanda Maximoff and Vision living an idyllic life in the suburban town of Westview. However, there’s one problem: As audiences know, Vision died at the end of Avengers: Infinity War and how he’s alive again is one of the many large question marks still in the air.

All evidence has pointed to WandaVision setting up a number of storylines and introducing a number of new concepts, along with characters, to the MCU. It seemingly officially confirmed the existence of the multiverse, with the Fox X-Men franchise version of Quicksilver played by Evan Peters showing up at the end of episode 5. The existence of S.W.O.R.D., the space-focused counterpart to S.H.I.E.L.D., has been confirmed and the agency plays a big role in the show. New characters, particularly Wanda’s neighbor, Agnes, and Monica Rambeau, have been introduced.


Yet even with it doing all that, there are still a number of character identities yet to be confirmed. The major character tease that has been hinted at since the first episode, is just who, exactly, Agnes’ husband, Ralph, is. Ralph is mentioned at least once every WandaVision episode by Agnes, but hasn’t yet been seen in the show. It’s possible it could just be a running gag, but Marvel’s history has proven it doesn’t purposely avoid drawing attention to something or someone without a reason. It’s likelier that Ralph’s identity will be revealed and he will be a significant character fans recognize, whether from the comics or from previous movies. With the introduction of Quicksilver, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility if that character were to be Magneto. Here’s why it makes sense.

Wanda Isn’t The One Who Started Westview – Someone Else Did

Though not confirmed, through episode 5 it was becoming increasingly clear that Scarlet Witch is the one who controls Westview. While it seemed she had been aware their reality wasn’t real on some subconscious level that she struggled to repress, the fifth episode of the Marvel show found Wanda storming out of the protective barrier of her bubble to confront SWORD and especially its acting director Tyler Hayward. From that point on, it was impossible to deny that Wanda knew exactly what was happening and that she was the one who controlled it.

However, in yet another new wrinkle, when Vision finally confronted Wanda after having it confirmed by a townsperson that they were in an alternate reality bubble, she admitted something most audiences hadn’t considered: She was controlling the bubble, but she didn’t remember how it had started and believed she wasn’t controlling every last detail. “I don’t know how any of this started in the first place,” she said. The implications were clear: Someone else had put Scarlet Witch in the Westview bubble and was even possibly still helping to control either her or the bubble itself. Who that person is, however, is still entirely unclear, but it’s starting to seem as though the mystery character of “Ralph” might be behind it all – and if he is, then it means he has to know about Wanda’s powers or be familiar enough with her to manipulate her. She’s formidably powerful and doesn’t seem to realize the full extent of her powers, making her a prime candidate to be misused by someone with dangerous intentions.

Wanda’s Magical Energy Barrier Can Seemingly Give Others Powers

The events of WandaVision are building to something much bigger, something that will fundamentally alter the fabric of the MCU even further. One idea that’s been strongly speculated and theorized about online is that it will introduce mutants to the MCU, or at least pave the way for them to appear. It isn’t entirely out of the question. In episode 5, a subtle moment indicated that passing back and forth through Wanda’s barrier, as well as being hit with a barrage of her magical energy, had awakened something in Monica Rambeau. The SWORD agent underwent X-rays after being forcefully thrown out of Westview by Wanda but, oddly, the X-rays were completely blank. Savvy comic book fans noted this as an indication that Monica’s energy-based powers in the comics had either been unlocked or she’d been granted new powers.

It begs the question: If Wanda can do this to Monica, how many more people could she do it to? Wanda’s powers have clearly leveled up in a huge way since the events of Endgame, certainly since Infinity War. At this moment, it’s unclear just how powerful she is, and how far her powers could extend. If a larger swath of the population were to be bathed in Wanda’s magical energies and the cosmic microwave background radiation her bubble is emitting, it stands to reason more people could experience the same thing Monica did, either being granted powers or, more likely, with something dormant in them being awakened – perhaps even the X-gene of mutants.

Magneto Could Be Using Scarlet Witch For This Reason

At least one person in WandaVision‘s universe knows what’s really going on and how it began and that’s the person who started this in the first place. They had a reason for it, as well as having a reason for manipulating Wanda specifically. Something about her powers, in particular, is was why she was targeted, and it could very well be that it was that ability to unlock something dormant in people or give them powers that is the reason why. If that’s the case, it would make perfect sense if it were Magneto behind it all.

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In the comics, Magneto cares for nothing more than protecting mutants and creating more of them in order to dominate mankind. It’s his obsession, his life’s work. At one point in the comics, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were considered Magneto’s children (that’s since been retconned) and mutants themselves, and he had no qualms using them or throwing them under the bus if it suited his larger purposes. At the end of the “House of M” storyline in the comics, he even beat his own son to death because he thought Pietro had made mutants look bad to the world. It wouldn’t be out of character for the MCU version of Magneto to be equally as ruthless if it meant he could have more mutants in the world.

With MCU Phase 4 now diving into the multiverse, it could happen in a number of ways, too. Perhaps Magneto is from a parallel universe, one in which mutants exist, and he’s trying to recreate the mutant race in the MCU’s main universe. Perhaps he’s from an alternate timeline, one in which mutants did exist in the universe, but, for whatever reason, they disappeared from both the world and from memory. At some point, Marvel is going to have to explain why mutants didn’t exist and then suddenly do. Magneto being the cause of it and working through Scarlet Witch lines up both with their comic book history and what’s unfolding on the screen.

It Would Explain Two Major WandaVision Mysteries

The biggest question mark of the entire show so far is how the version of Quicksilver from the Fox X-Men universe showed up in MCU’s WandaVision rather than Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s version from Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s also notable that his appearance happened immediately after Wanda confessed to Vision she had no idea how everything had started, derailing their conversation. Wanda swore she hadn’t done it, hadn’t been the one to conjure him, meaning someone else had. If the person controlling things is, in fact, Magneto, he’d have some kind of relationship with Quicksilver, perhaps even one strong enough to send Pietro in as a distraction to keep Wanda and Vision from unraveling the truth. If they’re both from a parallel universe, it would explain why it was the Fox version of Quicksilver showing up and not the MCU’s.

Magneto’s involvement would also help explain another big mystery: how Vision is whole again. Episode 5 showed Wanda breaking into the SWORD facility and stealing Vision’s corpse. However, his corpse had been taken apart in the surveillance footage, disassembled and experimented on. His body was in bits and pieces scattered across multiple tables. Someone else, likely the villain behind it all, helped Scarlet Witch. No matter how good Wanda is at rewriting reality, there’s simply no way she could have reassembled him to the point of bringing him back to life. As the Master of Magnetism and a person with the ability to manipulate metal down to the smallest fragments, however, Magneto has the exact powers needed to reassemble the incredibly complex synthezoid exactly as Tony Stark and Bruce Banner had created him. In fact, there’s virtually no one else in the Marvel universe who could have reassembled Vision’s body with such skill.

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Whether or not it’s truly Magneto pulling the strings in WandaVision remains to be seen. Still, his involvement in the show would answer a number of questions and provide a setup for introducing mutants into the MCU, a major narrative hurdle Marvel has to overcome in the near future. At some point, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants will appear in the MCU proper. WandaVision is the perfect place to start.

Key Release Dates
  • Black Widow (2021)Release date: Jul 09, 2021
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)Release date: Sep 03, 2021
  • Eternals (2021)Release date: Nov 05, 2021
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Release date: May 06, 2022
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Release date: Jul 08, 2022
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever/Black Panther 2 (2022)Release date: Nov 11, 2022
  • The Marvels/Captain Marvel 2 (2023)Release date: Feb 17, 2023
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