Warehouse 13 blended comedy, drama and history to become one of the most unique sci-fi/fantasy series we’ve seen in a while. It followed secret government agents as they secured historical artifacts imbued with amazing and sometimes dangerous powers.

Despite the fact that many of these artifacts looked like regular everyday objects, they were also extremely powerful and valuable. A mug, button or pair of glasses can maim, kill or even destroy the world. Bingeing it now, we can see how ahead of its time it was, so these are the 10 most powerful artifacts on Warehouse 13.


The idea of being in a big Hollywood musical sounds like fun, but in Warehouse 13, it turns out it can be fatal. Once again, Pete’s curiosity gets everyone in trouble when he activates this marquee from the theater 42nd Street premiered at.

An army of showgirls floods the Warehouse, forcing everyone to tap along until they die, or the team can blow out all the bulbs. Thanks to Claudia’s dancing, the team uses other artifacts to destroy the marquee with a big musical finish. As dangerous as it is, this is one of those moments where the team enjoys how great their job really is.


Anyone who’s played with sticky string at a party knows that the clean up isn’t always worth the fun. Multiply that by a million and you have the original sticky string from the Warehouse. Not only does it get everywhere, but it also expands, traps and clogs.

It almost destroyed the Warehouse when it was accidentally released in the neutralizing processing center, causing artifacts to come to life, and attack Pete and Myka. Thankfully, the team is able to freeze the string and get the neutralizer back online. We’ll remember that trick at the next birthday party we go to.  



Artie has a rotating list of artifacts that he carries in his ever-present bag. One of the regular ones he likes to use is the Analog Password Decoder. We’ve seen him and the agents use it several times during the show’s five seasons. It breaks the password or code of any digital device.

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When the show premiered in 2009, this was a super cool, cutting edge tool to have. Nowadays, where basically the whole world runs on computers, this would make someone unstoppable, and possibly all-powerful.


Kept in the Dark Vault with the deadliest, most dangerous artifacts, Sylvia Plath’s typewriter drains the life from the affected person. It causes a depression that can’t be broken. When the sticky string shuts down the neutralizer pumping through the Warehouse, Pete gets trapped in its spell. 

Ultimately, Myka resorts to just pushing Pete out of the typewriter’s containment field to free him, which tells us if someone gets stuck in its path, there’s really no way to convince them to come back from their despair.


Over the course of the show, some artifacts pop up more than others. Harriet Tubman’s thimble plays a role in a few critical Warehouse moments. Since it has the power to give the wearer the appearance of someone else, it’s often used to trick the agents. However, they occasionally use it to catch bad guys.

For example, H.G. Wells uses it to fool and capture Jack the Ripper, while Myka uses it to impersonate H.G. and finally stop MacPherson. Considering how dangerous this can be in the wrong hands, the thimble is one of the most important artifacts in the Warehouse.


This ancient Samurai sword is more than just a beautiful masterpiece. In fact, it’s so perfect, it splits light and makes the user invisible. It first appeared in season one when Pete and Myka were sent to switch it with a replica.

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The tsuba, another piece of the sword, is what will complete it and make someone invisible. Turns out an invisible criminal mastermind with a sword is an extremely formidable foe. Artie ends up getting stabbed, and the sword is recovered, with a note to keep the two pieces apart.


There are a lot of artifacts connected to fire, but none are more deadly than the doorknob from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Imbued with the pain of the women who fell victim to the infamous disaster, it causes serious burns when touched, and spontaneous combustion with long exposure.

It’s so powerful that neutralizing gloves can’t contain it. The few times we see it, it’s being used by evil agents to torture someone. Once the team bags it in the current timeline, it stays in the Warehouse, hopefully in the Dark Vault.


In “Burnout,” the Spine of the Saracen highlights just how dangerous it is to be a Warehouse agent. The Spine attaches to a person, then uses their electrical impulses to enhance speed and strength, essentially making them a superhero. Unfortunately, it also fills them with anger and they go on violent rage sprees.

Pete and Myka come across it when they find the body of a former Warehouse agent. While chasing the artifact, it attached itself to him and he sealed himself off, so no one else would be infected. Pete and Myka finally destroy the Spine, giving his former partner some closure, but it’s a sad victory.


There are some artifacts so awful they can’t be kept in the regular Warehouse. These are stored in the Dark Vault, where each has its own containment field. Since the artifacts affect a person’s mental state, it’s the most secure section of the Warehouse.

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Though we never found out what many of the objects do, some of the more fascinating inclusions are William Shakespeare’s chair, Miles Davis’ first trumpet, and ruby slippers, that click three times and have a witch’s laugh.



The metronome became the most important artifact in the Warehouse when Claudia used it to bring Steve back to life. As long as the metronome ticked, Steve lived. An unfortunate side effect meant Claudia would suffer Steve’s pain until they could break the spell.

In the end, he had to start fresh with a pure heart, meaning he had to let go of an old hurt between him and his mom. Once Steve destroyed the metronome to save his mother, he was free from the connection. Though Steve was a late addition to the team, we really liked him and was glad they found a way to keep him in the Warehouse.

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