Thermia Fractures in Warframe is a recurring event that takes place in the icy tundra region of Orb Vallis, Venus. Players who participate in this event can earn various rewards such as the Amalgam Organ Shatter mod or the Opticor Vandal, the highly sought-after Vandal variant of the Opticor. The Opticor Vandal is a unique weapon in Warframe that sacrifices damage for a significant increase in critical chance, critical multiplier, status chance, magazine size, reload speed, and a faster charge rate.

To obtain the Opticor Vandal and other worthwhile rewards, players will need to travel to Orb Vallis and start sealing Thermia Fractures, hazardous fissures constantly erupting with orange Thermia. Warframe fans can earn event points for every sealed rupture, which unlocks the Thermia Fractures rewards. Acquiring 5× Points will grant the Operation Buried Debts Emblem. 10× Points unlocks Amalgam Shotgun Spazz and Amalgam Serration. Amalgam Barrel Diffusion and Amalgam Organ Shatter are obtained at 50× Points, and the Operation Buried Debts Sigil will be provided at 75× Points. Finally, players will receive the Opticor Vandal at 100× Points. Keep in mind that these Warframe rewards can only be obtained once.


To get started in the Thermia Fractures event, enter Orb Vallis and travel towards the Temple of Profit, a major landmark located to the northwest of the map. Patrolling about the temple, players can find a giant Exploiter Orb along with a small group of Coolant Raknoid. To seal the Thermia Fractures found across Orb Vallis, players will need to slay these Coolant Raknoids and acquire their Coolant Canisters. Loot the canister and fly around the map in search of bright, flaring ruptures. After spotting one, land nearby and place the coolant onto the fissure to begin the sealing process.

Thermia Fractures Event Guide in Warframe

Once the Thermia sealing has begun, several Warframe enemies will spawn and attack the player. If the Tenno “de-aggros” the mobs by leaving the area, the enemies will focus on the Coolant Canister, halting the operation and potentially destroying the coolant. To prevent this, players will need to stay nearby the canister and tank the incoming damage. Doing this procedure in a group will make the process much easier, especially with defensive Warframes like Gara, Frost, or Vauban. Alternatively, players who prefer to complete Thermia Fractures solo can use stalwart Warframes like Hildryn, who has powerful shielding abilities that can essentially negate enemy damage while waiting for the sealing to complete. It is recommended to kill the enemies after the rupture is sealed, as destroying them during the process will simply spawn more.

By using the same canister to seal 4× Thermia Fractures, Warframe players can receive bonus points for their efforts. However, it would be wise not to close ruptures that are too close to the Exploiter Orb’s path because its Coolant Raknoids may become a nuisance for the Tenno. Additionally, once four fractures have been sealed with a single Coolant Canister, those with weaker network connections should consider returning to the hub to have their progress saved in case of any mishaps.

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Warframe is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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