Bored Call of Duty: Warzone players have begun forming in-game caravans and idly driving around the map. This bizarre new practice is likely a result of how prevalent the use of trucks has become, particularly in the game’s solo mode. Despite Activision adding several new weapons to Warzone over the past few months, virtually every Solo match in Warzone has ultimately boiled down to the final few players driving around in “Big Berthas,” or armored trucks that can be found throughout the map. Big Berthas are particularly difficult to destroy and have therefore become one of the game’s most valuable resources if players want to survive.


Although the Big Bertha strategy has proven to be frustrating to go up against, there are ways to combat it. Unfortunately, most of these methods are generally both time-consuming and heavy on resources. For example, while it’s possible to simply shoot one of these vehicles until they explode, the process requires several magazines and will most likely result in the driver simply exiting the truck. Big Berthas can also survive multiple rockets, grenades, and proximity mines, which makes surprise attacks even less practical. If players are confident in their aim, however, one of the most effective strategies is to simply snipe the driver through the trucks’ windshield or window. This both neutralizes the threat the truck poses and makes it available for the other player to commandeer.

In stonks_xD’s Reddit post, he can be seen driving around the map before witnessing four Big Berthas driving in a straight line behind one another. After wondering aloud about the situation, he then joins the line and continues driving around the map while the other players honk their horns. Aside from a small bit of damage taken from a sniper about halfway through the video, stonks_xD and his fellow truck drivers did not seem to take any issue with other players, instead opting to explore Verdansk and enjoy their newfound camaraderie.

Although this strange activity was undoubtedly amusing to witness, a few comments on the post could not help but express dismay at how formulaic Warzone has become under the current Big Bertha meta. The top comment outlines the general solos experience, essentially stating that each game starts with the only exciting shootout of the match and is followed by 10 minutes of looting and then hiding in a bush while other players drive around. Other commenters recommended removing Big Berthas from the game entirely, while a few defended the meta by listing all of the ways these vehicles can be destroyed.

Of course, even if Big Berthas were removed from the game, Warzone players would inevitably gravitate to other strategies to secure wins. Additionally, while being on the receiving end of an armored truck is not an ideal situation, the strategy itself isn’t inherently unfair. There are dozens of trucks available throughout the map and any player is welcome to try entering one. Balance is key in a game as massive as Warzone, and although it’s constantly seeing new glitches and bugs, the game is generally well balanced. The hard part is identifying which strategies or weapons give you the most trouble and either avoiding those situations or learning how to combat them effectively.

Source: stonks_xD/Reddit

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