An alien that looks like it could be an unmasked Jawa appears in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 2, “Chapter 10 – The Passenger,” but it’s actually a species from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The Mandalorian season 2, episode 2 sees Din Djarin and Baby Yoda leave Tatooine, accompanied by the titular passenger, known as Frog Lady, and ending up on an ice planet. But before they can depart the desert world behind, they’re set upon by a gang of criminals, who upend Mando’s speeder and attempt to steal his treasures from him.

The group features at least a couple of different Star Wars aliens, alongside at least one human character (another is masked, so it’s harder to tell). Seemingly the leader of these mercenaries is a Kajain’sa’Nikto, aka a Red Nikto, a sub-species of the Nikto aliens who had a long history of serving the Hutt clan, including working for Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi. Mando makes fairly short work of him and the others, but it’s the small, hooded creature who grabs a hold of Baby Yoda who piques interest the most, because of his resemblance to a Jawa.


Jawas aren’t typically seen under their hoods in Star Wars, so the alien with the metallic face, who wears robes somewhat similar to that of a Jawa, could easily be mistaken for being one. Instead, the creature in The Mandalorian is the same as one who appeared in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, known as Scrapjaw Motito. In the J.J. Abrams film, Scrapjaw encounters Rey on Jakku, which he’s seemingly a native of. A scavenger, he briefly speaks to Rey about her findings, though it’s left unclear just what he says (but it’s implied to be funny). Scrapjaw’s species hasn’t been confirmed yet in Star Wars canon, and he wasn’t even given a name until 2019, but the one in The Mandalorian wears the same mask, though the robe appears to be lighter in color and different in material.

it remains unclear, then, if the bandit who appears in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 2 is merely one of the same species, or if it actually is Scrapjaw Motito himself. While he’s on Jakku by the time of The Force Awakens, there’s a 25-year period between this episode and that movie, which is plenty of time for him to traverse the galaxy and go from Tatooine to Jakku, moving from one desert backworld to another (perhaps he’s the opposite of Anakin Skywalker, and just really loves that sand). Of course, it’s also possible that the mask and design was something that was readily available to the production team of The Mandalorian, and so they decided to re-use it, but it’s more fun to imagine the galaxy-trotting adventures of one metallic-masked scavenger.

As well as resembling a Jawa, Scrapjaw Motito also looks similar to another creature from The Force Awakens, the Teedo. These are again masked scavengers who encounter Rey, though the design of their masks is different. Both Teedos and Scrapjaw function fairly similarly to the Jawas in Star Wars, so while they may not be the same species, it’s quite clear they’re heavily influenced by them. And, since Scrapjaw Motito’s species is still unknown, perhaps one day the story of the former Jawa with the metal mask, who appeared in both The Mandalorianand Star Wars: The Force Awakens, will be told – and that “Scrapjaw” is really just a shortened form of “Scrap Jawa”.

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