A Tatooine homestead is shown in the pilot episode of The Book of Boba Fett, and it might have been the famous Lars Homestead from the first Star Wars movie. Though a humble moisture farm, the Lars Homestead is one of the most important locations in the Star Wars franchise. With pivotal moments in the original, prequel, and sequel Star Wars trilogies, the homestead should be reserved for important moments in the Skywalker Saga, and its potential appearance in The Book of Boba Fett was rather minor.

The Lars Homestead first appears in A New Hope as the home of Luke Skywalker and his adoptive parents, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Although Luke spent much of the film’s first act wishing to explore the galaxy, he was nevertheless devasted to come back to the ruins of his childhood home and find his beloved uncle and aunt murdered by the Empire. The prequel trilogy shows Anakin Skywalker meeting Owen and Beru at the homestead during his search for Shmi Skywalker, and it, tragically, becomes the site of her funeral. The Lars Homestead shows up once more at the end of the sequel trilogy, where Rey declares herself a Skywalker and honors previous generations by burying Leia and Anakin’s lightsabers.


Toward the end of the pilot episode of The Book of Boba Fett, the titular bounty hunter, now a prisoner of Tusken Raiders, spends a few moments observing a swoop gang ransacking a homestead and brutalizing a moisture farmer. The homestead looks remarkably similar to Luke’s old home, but could it have been the famous homestead from the films? If the rest of the Star Wars canon timeline is any indication, this was not the iconic Lars Homestead, but rather a visually similar one in a scene meant to demonstrate the brutality of Tatooine’s criminal element.

Tatooine moisture farms tend to have fairly uniform visual designs and layouts, as shown throughout canon and Legends material in the Star Wars franchise. Considering that Luke Skywalker’s home was the first homestead shown in the saga, it’s no surprise that further material would harken back to the Lars Homestead (with some occasional minor differences). Within the context of The Book of Boba Fett, the ransacked homestead was used to demonstrate a brutal swoop gang’s terrorization of an innocent farmer.

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The Lars Homestead has three notable appearances in the canon timeline, following its destruction in A New Hope. In both of Marvel’s Darth Vader comics, the Sith Lord revisits Luke’s old home, finding it in ruins each time. In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the farm is similarly abandoned with an elderly Tatooine local remarking that the farm had been abandoned for a long time. Although the Star Wars canon timeline is far more prone to continuity snarls than Star Wars Legends, it’s safe to assume that nobody resettled the Lars Homestead between A New Hope and The Rise of Skywalker.

Although the homestead scene in The Book of Boba Fett is a dramatic and notable demonstration of Tatooine’s horrid criminal element, it would not have been an appropriate use of the Lars Homestead, considering its importance to the Skywalker Saga. The homestead should be reserved for important sequences involving the saga’s main heroes, and the canon continuity furthermore established that nobody lived there since the Empire immolated it. So the homestead shown in The Book of Boba Fett was not the famous Lars Homestead, though it was certainly meant to be evocative and tie the show into the larger Star Wars mythology.

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